blob: 29c9fd07d6140390c8c69680a47dac38ae26cb09 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
const iterations = +process.env.BENCH_TEST_ITERATION || 100
const testCount = +process.env.BENCH_TEST_COUNT || 20
const tests = [
const manyOpts = [ 'many', 'single' ]
const typeOpts = [ 'buffer', 'string', 'object' ]
const main = () => {
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const node = process.execPath
const results = {}
const testSet = []
tests.forEach(t =>
manyOpts.forEach(many =>
typeOpts.forEach(type =>
new Array(testCount).join(',').split(',').forEach(() =>
t !== 'baseline' || (many === 'single' && type === 'object')
? testSet.push([t, many, type]) : null))))
let didFirst = false
const mainRunTest = t => {
if (!t)
return afterMain(results)
const k = t.join('\t')
if (!results[k]) {
results[k] = []
if (!didFirst)
didFirst = true
process.stderr.write(k + ' #')
} else {
const c = spawn(node, [__filename].concat(t), {
stdio: [ 'ignore', 'pipe', 2 ]
let out = ''
c.stdout.on('data', c => out += c)
c.on('close', (code, signal) => {
if (code || signal)
throw new Error('failed: ' + code + ' ' + signal)
const afterMain = results => {
console.log('test\tmany\ttype\tops/s\tmean\tmedian\tmax\tmin' +
// get the mean, median, stddev, and range of each test
Object.keys(results).forEach(test => {
const k = results[test].sort((a, b) => a - b)
const min = k[0]
const max = k[ k.length - 1 ]
const range = max - min
const sum = k.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0)
const mean = sum / k.length
const ops = iterations / mean * 1000
const devs = => n - mean).map(n => n * n)
const avgdev = devs.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0) / k.length
const stdev = Math.pow(avgdev, 0.5)
const median = k.length % 2 ? k[Math.floor(k.length / 2)] :
(k[k.length/2] + k[k.length/2+1])/2
'%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s', test, round(ops),
round(mean), round(median),
max, min, round(stdev), round(range),
const round = num => Math.round(num * 1000)/1000
const test = (testname, many, type) => {
const timer = require('./lib/timer.js')
const Class = getClass(testname)
const done = timer()
runTest(Class, many, type, iterations, done)
// don't blow up the stack! loop unless deferred
const runTest = (Class, many, type, iterations, done) => {
const Nullsink = require('./lib/nullsink.js')
const Numbers = require('./lib/numbers.js')
const opt = {}
if (type === 'string')
opt.encoding = 'utf8'
else if (type === 'object')
opt.objectMode = true
while (iterations--) {
let finished = false
let inloop = true
const after = iterations === 0 ? done
: () => {
if (iterations === 0)
else if (inloop)
finished = true
runTest(Class, many, type, iterations, done)
const out = new Nullsink().on('finish', after)
let sink = Class ? new Class(opt) : out
if (many && Class)
sink = sink
.pipe(new Class(opt))
.pipe(new Class(opt))
.pipe(new Class(opt))
.pipe(new Class(opt))
if (sink !== out)
new Numbers(opt).pipe(sink)
// keep tight-looping if the stream is done already
if (!finished) {
inloop = false
const getClass = testname =>
testname === 'through2' ? require('through2').obj
: testname === 'extend-through2' ? require('./lib/extend-through2.js')
: testname === 'minipass' ? require('../')
: testname === 'extend-minipass' ? require('./lib/extend-minipass.js')
: testname === 'passthrough' ? require('stream').PassThrough
: testname === 'extend-transform' ? require('./lib/extend-transform.js')
: null
if (!process.argv[2])
test(process.argv[2], process.argv[3] === 'many', process.argv[4])