blob: 404da2b2f0782ae436aba2b35a5474cbe27eb8d9 [file] [log] [blame]
var test = require('tap').test
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter
var etoa = require('../etoa.js')
test('basic', function (t) {
var emitter = new EE()
var array = etoa(emitter, ['ignore', 'alsoignore'])
emitter.emit('foo', 1, 2, 3)
emitter.emit('ignore', 'should not see this')
emitter.emit('bar', { x: 1 })
// nested events get tracked as well
var subemit = new EE()
emitter.emit('sub', subemit)
subemit.emit('childEvent', { some: 'data' })
subemit.emit('alsoignore', 'should not see this')
subemit.emit('anotherone', { some: 'data' }, 'many', 'args')
emitter.emit('blaz', 'blorrg')
subemit.emit('order', 'not', 'preserved between child and parent')
// check out the array whenever
[ [ 'foo', 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 'bar', { x: 1 } ],
[ 'sub',
[ [ 'childEvent', { some: 'data' } ],
[ 'anotherone', { some: 'data' }, 'many', 'args' ],
[ 'order', 'not', 'preserved between child and parent' ] ] ],
[ 'blaz', 'blorrg' ] ])
test('ignore nothing', function (t) {
var emitter = new EE()
var array = etoa(emitter)
emitter.emit('foo', 1, 2, 3)
emitter.emit('ignore', 'should see this')
emitter.emit('bar', { x: 1 })
[ [ 'foo', 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 'ignore', 'should see this' ],
[ 'bar', { x: 1 } ] ])
test('the map is not the territory', function (t) {
var emitter = new EE()
// cast all to strings
var array = etoa(emitter, ['ignore'], function (arg) {
return arg + ''
emitter.emit('foo', new Buffer('hello'))
var sub = new EE()
emitter.emit('sub', sub)
sub.emit('obj', { toString: function () { return 'toString fn' } })
[ ['foo', 'hello' ],
[ 'sub', [ [ 'obj', 'toString fn' ] ] ] ])