blob: f04720e406003ea38a0d05b46356820aedecf766 [file] [log] [blame]
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var logger = require('./logger')();
function fetchGitData(git, cb) {
if (!cb){
throw new Error("fetchGitData requires a callback");
//-- Malformed/undefined git object
if ('undefined' === typeof git) {
return cb(new Error('No options passed'));
if (!git.hasOwnProperty('head')) {
return cb(new Error('You must provide the head'));
if (!git.head.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
return cb(new Error('You must provide the'));
//-- Set required properties of git if they weren"t provided
if (!git.hasOwnProperty("branch")) {
git.branch = "";
if (!git.hasOwnProperty("remotes")) {
git.remotes = [];
//-- Assert the property types
if ("string" !== typeof git.branch) {
git.branch = "";
if (!(git.remotes instanceof Array)) {
git.remotes = [];
//-- Use git?
exec("git rev-parse --verify " +, function(err, response){
if (err){
// git is not available...
git.head.author_name = git.head.author_name || "Unknown Author";
git.head.author_email = git.head.author_email || "";
git.head.committer_name = git.head.committer_name || "Unknown Committer";
git.head.committer_email = git.head.committer_email || "";
git.head.message = git.head.message || "Unknown Commit Message";
return cb(null, git);
fetchHeadDetails(git, cb);
function fetchBranch(git, cb) {
exec("git branch", function(err, branches){
if (err)
return cb(err);
git.branch = (branches.match(/^\* (\w+)/) || [])[1];
fetchRemotes(git, cb);
var REGEX_COMMIT_DETAILS = /\nauthor (.+?) <([^>]*)>.+\ncommitter (.+?) <([^>]*)>.+[\S\s]*?\n\n(.*)/m;
function fetchHeadDetails(git, cb) {
exec('git cat-file -p ' +, function(err, response) {
if (err)
return cb(err);
var items = response.match(REGEX_COMMIT_DETAILS).slice(1);
var fields = ['author_name', 'author_email', 'committer_name', 'committer_email', 'message'];
fields.forEach(function(field, index) {
git.head[field] = items[index];
if (git.branch) {
fetchRemotes(git, cb);
} else {
fetchBranch(git, cb);
function fetchRemotes(git, cb) {
exec("git remote -v", function(err, remotes){
if (err)
return cb(err);
var processed = {};
remotes.split("\n").forEach(function(remote) {
if (!/\s\(push\)$/.test(remote))
remote = remote.split(/\s+/);
saveRemote(processed, git, remote[0], remote[1]);
cb(null, git);
function saveRemote(processed, git, name, url) {
var key = name + "-" + url;
if (processed.hasOwnProperty(key))
processed[key] = true;
git.remotes.push({ name: name, url: url });
module.exports = fetchGitData;