blob: 65511e37f625c6be458a909adbc94561669229c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) <>
* Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="node" -o ./modern/`
* Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation <>
* Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 <>
* Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Available under MIT license <>
var baseCreateCallback = require('../internals/baseCreateCallback'),
forOwn = require('../objects/forOwn');
* Iterates over elements of a collection, executing the callback for each
* element. The callback is bound to `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments;
* (value, index|key, collection). Callbacks may exit iteration early by
* explicitly returning `false`.
* Note: As with other "Collections" methods, objects with a `length` property
* are iterated like arrays. To avoid this behavior `_.forIn` or `_.forOwn`
* may be used for object iteration.
* @static
* @memberOf _
* @alias each
* @category Collections
* @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to iterate over.
* @param {Function} [callback=identity] The function called per iteration.
* @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `callback`.
* @returns {Array|Object|string} Returns `collection`.
* @example
* _([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function(num) { console.log(num); }).join(',');
* // => logs each number and returns '1,2,3'
* _.forEach({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 }, function(num) { console.log(num); });
* // => logs each number and returns the object (property order is not guaranteed across environments)
function forEach(collection, callback, thisArg) {
var index = -1,
length = collection ? collection.length : 0;
callback = callback && typeof thisArg == 'undefined' ? callback : baseCreateCallback(callback, thisArg, 3);
if (typeof length == 'number') {
while (++index < length) {
if (callback(collection[index], index, collection) === false) {
} else {
forOwn(collection, callback);
return collection;
module.exports = forEach;