blob: 79e26a9b4e3dce86ab71bfd204689fc5731dc1b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) <>
* Build: `lodash modularize exports="node" -o ./compat/`
* Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation <>
* Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 <>
* Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Available under MIT license <>
var forIn = require('../objects/forIn'),
getArray = require('./getArray'),
isArguments = require('../objects/isArguments'),
isFunction = require('../objects/isFunction'),
isNode = require('./isNode'),
objectTypes = require('./objectTypes'),
releaseArray = require('./releaseArray'),
support = require('../support');
/** `Object#toString` result shortcuts */
var argsClass = '[object Arguments]',
arrayClass = '[object Array]',
boolClass = '[object Boolean]',
dateClass = '[object Date]',
numberClass = '[object Number]',
objectClass = '[object Object]',
regexpClass = '[object RegExp]',
stringClass = '[object String]';
/** Used for native method references */
var objectProto = Object.prototype;
/** Used to resolve the internal [[Class]] of values */
var toString = objectProto.toString;
/** Native method shortcuts */
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
* The base implementation of `_.isEqual`, without support for `thisArg` binding,
* that allows partial "_.where" style comparisons.
* @private
* @param {*} a The value to compare.
* @param {*} b The other value to compare.
* @param {Function} [callback] The function to customize comparing values.
* @param {Function} [isWhere=false] A flag to indicate performing partial comparisons.
* @param {Array} [stackA=[]] Tracks traversed `a` objects.
* @param {Array} [stackB=[]] Tracks traversed `b` objects.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.
function baseIsEqual(a, b, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB) {
// used to indicate that when comparing objects, `a` has at least the properties of `b`
if (callback) {
var result = callback(a, b);
if (typeof result != 'undefined') {
return !!result;
// exit early for identical values
if (a === b) {
// treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal
return a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b);
var type = typeof a,
otherType = typeof b;
// exit early for unlike primitive values
if (a === a &&
!(a && objectTypes[type]) &&
!(b && objectTypes[otherType])) {
return false;
// exit early for `null` and `undefined` avoiding ES3's Function#call behavior
if (a == null || b == null) {
return a === b;
// compare [[Class]] names
var className =,
otherClass =;
if (className == argsClass) {
className = objectClass;
if (otherClass == argsClass) {
otherClass = objectClass;
if (className != otherClass) {
return false;
switch (className) {
case boolClass:
case dateClass:
// coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans
// to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal
return +a == +b;
case numberClass:
// treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal
return (a != +a)
? b != +b
// but treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal
: (a == 0 ? (1 / a == 1 / b) : a == +b);
case regexpClass:
case stringClass:
// coerce regexes to strings (
// treat string primitives and their corresponding object instances as equal
return a == String(b);
var isArr = className == arrayClass;
if (!isArr) {
// unwrap any `lodash` wrapped values
var aWrapped =, '__wrapped__'),
bWrapped =, '__wrapped__');
if (aWrapped || bWrapped) {
return baseIsEqual(aWrapped ? a.__wrapped__ : a, bWrapped ? b.__wrapped__ : b, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB);
// exit for functions and DOM nodes
if (className != objectClass || (!support.nodeClass && (isNode(a) || isNode(b)))) {
return false;
// in older versions of Opera, `arguments` objects have `Array` constructors
var ctorA = !support.argsObject && isArguments(a) ? Object : a.constructor,
ctorB = !support.argsObject && isArguments(b) ? Object : b.constructor;
// non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal
if (ctorA != ctorB &&
!(isFunction(ctorA) && ctorA instanceof ctorA && isFunction(ctorB) && ctorB instanceof ctorB) &&
('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b)
) {
return false;
// assume cyclic structures are equal
// the algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1
// section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO` (
var initedStack = !stackA;
stackA || (stackA = getArray());
stackB || (stackB = getArray());
var length = stackA.length;
while (length--) {
if (stackA[length] == a) {
return stackB[length] == b;
var size = 0;
result = true;
// add `a` and `b` to the stack of traversed objects
// recursively compare objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits)
if (isArr) {
// compare lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary
length = a.length;
size = b.length;
result = size == length;
if (result || isWhere) {
// deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties
while (size--) {
var index = length,
value = b[size];
if (isWhere) {
while (index--) {
if ((result = baseIsEqual(a[index], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB))) {
} else if (!(result = baseIsEqual(a[size], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB))) {
else {
// deep compare objects using `forIn`, instead of `forOwn`, to avoid `Object.keys`
// which, in this case, is more costly
forIn(b, function(value, key, b) {
if (, key)) {
// count the number of properties.
// deep compare each property value.
return (result =, key) && baseIsEqual(a[key], value, callback, isWhere, stackA, stackB));
if (result && !isWhere) {
// ensure both objects have the same number of properties
forIn(a, function(value, key, a) {
if (, key)) {
// `size` will be `-1` if `a` has more properties than `b`
return (result = --size > -1);
if (initedStack) {
return result;
module.exports = baseIsEqual;