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# tape
tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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# example
``` js
var test = require('tape');
test('timing test', function (t) {
t.equal(typeof, 'function');
var start =;
setTimeout(function () {
t.equal( - start, 100);
}, 100);
$ node example/timing.js
TAP version 13
# timing test
ok 1 should be equal
not ok 2 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: 100
actual: 107
# tests 2
# pass 1
# fail 1
# pretty reporters
The default TAP output is good for machines and humans that are robots.
If you want a more colorful / pretty output there are lots of modules on npm
that will output something pretty if you pipe TAP into them:
To use them, try `node test/index.js | tap-spec` or pipe it into one
of the modules of your choice!
# uncaught exceptions
By default, uncaught exceptions in your tests will not be intercepted, and will cause tape to crash. If you find this behavior undesirable, use [tape-catch]( to report any exceptions as TAP errors.
# methods
The assertion methods in tape are heavily influenced or copied from the methods
in [node-tap](
var test = require('tape')
## test([name], [opts], cb)
Create a new test with an optional `name` string and optional `opts` object.
`cb(t)` fires with the new test object `t` once all preceeding tests have
finished. Tests execute serially.
Available `opts` options are:
- opts.skip = true/false. See test.skip.
- opts.timeout = 500. Set a timeout for the test, after which it will fail.
See test.timeoutAfter.
If you forget to `t.plan()` out how many assertions you are going to run and you
don't call `t.end()` explicitly, your test will hang.
## test.skip(name, cb)
Generate a new test that will be skipped over.
## t.plan(n)
Declare that `n` assertions should be run. `t.end()` will be called
automatically after the `n`th assertion. If there are any more assertions after
the `n`th, or after `t.end()` is called, they will generate errors.
## t.end(err)
Declare the end of a test explicitly. If `err` is passed in `t.end` will assert
that it is falsey.
Generate a failing assertion with a message `msg`.
## t.pass(msg)
Generate a passing assertion with a message `msg`.
## t.timeoutAfter(ms)
Automatically timeout the test after X ms.
## t.skip(msg)
Generate an assertion that will be skipped over.
## t.ok(value, msg)
Assert that `value` is truthy with an optional description message `msg`.
Aliases: `t.true()`, `t.assert()`
## t.notOk(value, msg)
Assert that `value` is falsy with an optional description message `msg`.
Aliases: `t.false()`, `t.notok()`
## t.error(err, msg)
Assert that `err` is falsy. If `err` is non-falsy, use its `err.message` as the
description message.
Aliases: `t.ifError()`, `t.ifErr()`, `t.iferror()`
## t.equal(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual === expected` with an optional description `msg`.
Aliases: `t.equals()`, `t.isEqual()`, ``, `t.strictEqual()`,
## t.notEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual !== expected` with an optional description `msg`.
Aliases: `t.notEquals()`, `t.notStrictEqual()`, `t.notStrictEquals()`,
`t.isNotEqual()`, `t.isNot()`, `t.not()`, `t.doesNotEqual()`, `t.isInequal()`
## t.deepEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual` and `bexpected` have the same structure and nested values using
[node's deepEqual() algorithm](
with strict comparisons (`===`) on leaf nodes and an optional description
Aliases: `t.deepEquals()`, `t.isEquivalent()`, `t.same()`
## t.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual` and `expected` do not have the same structure and nested values using
[node's deepEqual() algorithm](
with strict comparisons (`===`) on leaf nodes and an optional description
Aliases: `t.notEquivalent()`, `t.notDeeply()`, `t.notSame()`,
`t.isNotDeepEqual()`, `t.isNotDeeply()`, `t.isNotEquivalent()`,
## t.deepLooseEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual` and `expected` have the same structure and nested values using
[node's deepEqual() algorithm](
with loose comparisons (`==`) on leaf nodes and an optional description `msg`.
Aliases: `t.looseEqual()`, `t.looseEquals()`
## t.notDeepLooseEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Assert that `actual` and `expected` do not have the same structure and nested values using
[node's deepEqual() algorithm](
with loose comparisons (`==`) on leaf nodes and an optional description `msg`.
Aliases: `t.notLooseEqual()`, `t.notLooseEquals()`
## t.throws(fn, expected, msg)
Assert that the function call `fn()` throws an exception. `expected`, if present, must be a `RegExp` or `Function`.
## t.doesNotThrow(fn, expected, msg)
Assert that the function call `fn()` does not throw an exception.
## t.test(name, cb)
Create a subtest with a new test handle `st` from `cb(st)` inside the current
test `t`. `cb(st)` will only fire when `t` finishes. Additional tests queued up
after `t` will not be run until all subtests finish.
## var htest = test.createHarness()
Create a new test harness instance, which is a function like `test()`, but with
a new pending stack and test state.
By default the TAP output goes to `console.log()`. You can pipe the output to
someplace else if you `htest.createStream().pipe()` to a destination stream on
the first tick.
## test.only(name, cb)
Like `test(name, cb)` except if you use `.only` this is the only test case
that will run for the entire process, all other test cases using tape will
be ignored
## var stream = test.createStream(opts)
Create a stream of output, bypassing the default output stream that writes
messages to `console.log()`. By default `stream` will be a text stream of TAP
output, but you can get an object stream instead by setting `opts.objectMode` to
### tap stream reporter
You can create your own custom test reporter using this `createStream()` api:
``` js
var test = require('tape');
var path = require('path');
process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (file) {
You could substitute `process.stdout` for whatever other output stream you want,
like a network connection or a file.
Pass in test files to run as arguments:
$ node tap.js test/x.js test/y.js
TAP version 13
# (anonymous)
not ok 1 should be equal
operator: equal
expected: "boop"
actual: "beep"
# (anonymous)
ok 2 should be equal
ok 3 (unnamed assert)
# wheee
ok 4 (unnamed assert)
# tests 4
# pass 3
# fail 1
### object stream reporter
Here's how you can render an object stream instead of TAP:
``` js
var test = require('tape');
var path = require('path');
test.createStream({ objectMode: true }).on('data', function (row) {
process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (file) {
The output for this runner is:
$ node object.js test/x.js test/y.js
{"id":0,"ok":false,"name":"should be equal","operator":"equal","actual":"beep","expected":"boop","error":{},"test":0,"type":"assert"}
{"id":0,"ok":true,"name":"should be equal","operator":"equal","actual":2,"expected":2,"test":1,"type":"assert"}
{"id":1,"ok":true,"name":"(unnamed assert)","operator":"ok","actual":true,"expected":true,"test":1,"type":"assert"}
{"id":0,"ok":true,"name":"(unnamed assert)","operator":"ok","actual":true,"expected":true,"test":2,"type":"assert"}
# install
With [npm]( do:
npm install tape
# license