blob: ca69e31fffb162177b3348f75062030b0096cd99 [file] [log] [blame]
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
help = require('./help'),
config_parser = require('./config_parser');
var DEFAULT_NAME = "HelloCordova",
DEFAULT_ID = "io.cordova.hellocordova";
* Usage:
* create(dir) - creates in the specified directory
* create(dir, name) - as above, but with specified name
* create(dir, id, name) - you get the gist
module.exports = function create (dir, id, name) {
if (dir === undefined) {
return help();
// Massage parameters a bit.
if (id && name === undefined) {
name = id;
id = undefined;
id = id || DEFAULT_ID;
name = name || DEFAULT_NAME;
if (!(dir && (dir[0] == '~' || dir[0] == '/'))) {
dir = dir ? path.join(process.cwd(), dir) : process.cwd();
var dotCordova = path.join(dir, '.cordova');
// Check for existing cordova project
if (fs.existsSync(dotCordova)) {
throw 'Cordova project already exists at ' + dir + ', aborting.';
// Create basic project structure.
shell.mkdir('-p', dotCordova);
shell.mkdir('-p', path.join(dir, 'platforms'));
shell.mkdir('-p', path.join(dir, 'plugins'));
var hooks = path.join(dotCordova, 'hooks');
shell.mkdir('-p', hooks);
// Add directories for hooks
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_build'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_docs'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_emulate'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_add'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_rm'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_ls'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_add'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_ls'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_rm'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_build'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_docs'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_emulate'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_add'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_rm'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_ls'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_add'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_ls'));
shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_rm'));
// Write out .cordova/config.json file with a simple json manifest
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dotCordova, 'config.json'), JSON.stringify({
// Copy in base template
shell.cp('-r', path.join(__dirname, '..', 'templates', 'www'), dir);
// Write out id and name to config.xml
var configPath = path.join(dir, 'www', 'config.xml');
var config = new config_parser(configPath);