blob: f9f6fb2a0070b008b7c8926aaa7dc5a8adcfbe34 [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('telemetry-submit', 'Submit telemetry test results', function(gitCWD) {
var exec = require("child_process").exec,
commandToBeExecuted = 'git log --pretty=format:"%H %ci" | head -n 1',
done = this.async();
var part1 = {
properties: {
path: {
message: 'Path to telemetry output file',
required: true
device: {
message: 'Device on which the test ran',
required: true
var part2 = {
properties: {
test: {
message: 'What is the name of the test?',
required: true,
default: ''
type: {
message: 'Is it a test (nightly) ?',
required: true,
default: 'Yes'
exec(commandToBeExecuted, { cwd: gitCWD }, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
} else {
var path = grunt.option('path')
, device = grunt.option('device')
, test = grunt.option('test')
// use env variables to overwrite the location
// where the test results end up, for CI example
, host = process.env.TOPCOAT_BENCHMARK_SERVER
, port = process.env.TOPCOAT_BENCHMARK_PORT
, type = grunt.option('type')
, date = grunt.option('date')
, snapshot
, submitData = require('../test/perf/telemetry/lib/submitData')
, fileName = require('../test/perf/telemetry/lib/extractFileName')
, prompt = require('prompt')
if (!path || !test || !device) {
// Dummy test to see if it was called without arguments
// in this case we request the user for data
prompt.get(part1, function (err, result) {
var options = result; = fileName(result.path);
prompt.get(part2, function (err, result) {
for (var i in result)
options[i] = result[i];
if (options.type.match(/y/gi)) = 'snapshot ' + new Date().toISOString();
else = stdout;
submitData(, options.path, {
device: options.device,
test: options.test
}, {
host : host,
port : port
} else {
// This is in case for automated tasks that submits the data
submitData(stdout, path, {
device: device,
test: test
}, {
host : host,
port : port