blob: 7618ea6bd3e6493ab531fc067f0c87eec293abc2 [file] [log] [blame]
var exec = require('cordova/exec');
* Provides access to notifications on the device.
module.exports = {
* Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
* @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert
* @param {Function} completeCallback The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.
* @param {String} title Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert)
* @param {String} buttonLabel Label of the close button (default: OK)
alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel) {
var _title = (title || "Alert");
var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || "OK");
exec(completeCallback, null, "Notification", "alert", [message, _title, _buttonLabel]);
* Open a native confirm dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
* The result that the user selects is returned to the result callback.
* @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert
* @param {Function} resultCallback The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.
* @param {String} title Title of the alert dialog (default: Confirm)
* @param {String} buttonLabels Comma separated list of the labels of the buttons (default: 'OK,Cancel')
confirm: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {
var _title = (title || "Confirm");
var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || "OK,Cancel");
exec(resultCallback, null, "Notification", "confirm", [message, _title, _buttonLabels]);
* Causes the device to vibrate.
* @param {Integer} mills The number of milliseconds to vibrate for.
vibrate: function(mills) {
exec(null, null, "Notification", "vibrate", [mills]);
* Causes the device to beep.
* On Android, the default notification ringtone is played "count" times.
* @param {Integer} count The number of beeps.
beep: function(count) {
exec(null, null, "Notification", "beep", [count]);