blob: 15ceb019fdef1181b4c8afb3f9533c1d5696a3c7 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
const getDocsUrl = require('./lib/get-docs-url')
function isFunctionWithBlockStatement(node) {
if (node.type === 'FunctionExpression') {
return true
if (node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {
return node.body.type === 'BlockStatement'
return false
function isThenCallExpression(node) {
return (
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && === 'then'
function isFirstArgument(node) {
return (
node.parent && node.parent.arguments && node.parent.arguments[0] === node
function isInlineThenFunctionExpression(node) {
return (
isFunctionWithBlockStatement(node) &&
isThenCallExpression(node.parent) &&
function hasParentReturnStatement(node) {
if (node && node.parent && node.parent.type) {
// if the parent is a then, and we haven't returned anything, fail
if (isThenCallExpression(node.parent)) {
return false
if (node.parent.type === 'ReturnStatement') {
return true
return hasParentReturnStatement(node.parent)
return false
function peek(arr) {
return arr[arr.length - 1]
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
url: getDocsUrl('always-return')
create: function(context) {
// funcInfoStack is a stack representing the stack of currently executing
// functions
// funcInfoStack[i].branchIDStack is a stack representing the currently
// executing branches ("codePathSegment"s) within the given function
// funcInfoStack[i].branchInfoMap is an object representing information
// about all branches within the given function
// funcInfoStack[i].branchInfoMap[j].good is a boolean representing whether
// the given branch explictly `return`s or `throw`s. It starts as `false`
// for every branch and is updated to `true` if a `return` or `throw`
// statement is found
// funcInfoStack[i].branchInfoMap[j].loc is a eslint SourceLocation object
// for the given branch
// example:
// funcInfoStack = [ { branchIDStack: [ 's1_1' ],
// branchInfoMap:
// { s1_1:
// { good: false,
// loc: <loc> } } },
// { branchIDStack: ['s2_1', 's2_4'],
// branchInfoMap:
// { s2_1:
// { good: false,
// loc: <loc> },
// s2_2:
// { good: true,
// loc: <loc> },
// s2_4:
// { good: false,
// loc: <loc> } } } ]
const funcInfoStack = []
function markCurrentBranchAsGood() {
const funcInfo = peek(funcInfoStack)
const currentBranchID = peek(funcInfo.branchIDStack)
if (funcInfo.branchInfoMap[currentBranchID]) {
funcInfo.branchInfoMap[currentBranchID].good = true
// else unreachable code
return {
ReturnStatement: markCurrentBranchAsGood,
ThrowStatement: markCurrentBranchAsGood,
onCodePathSegmentStart: function(segment, node) {
const funcInfo = peek(funcInfoStack)
funcInfo.branchInfoMap[] = { good: false, node: node }
onCodePathSegmentEnd: function(segment, node) {
const funcInfo = peek(funcInfoStack)
onCodePathStart: function(path, node) {
branchIDStack: [],
branchInfoMap: {}
onCodePathEnd: function(path, node) {
const funcInfo = funcInfoStack.pop()
if (!isInlineThenFunctionExpression(node)) {
path.finalSegments.forEach(segment => {
const id =
const branch = funcInfo.branchInfoMap[id]
if (!branch.good) {
if (hasParentReturnStatement(branch.node)) {
// check shortcircuit syntax like `x && x()` and `y || x()``
const prevSegments = segment.prevSegments
for (let ii = prevSegments.length - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
const prevSegment = prevSegments[ii]
if (funcInfo.branchInfoMap[].good) return
message: 'Each then() should return a value or throw',
node: branch.node