blob: 3df267a4b9506a9299ca50e5dd89d39ae7265d93 [file] [log] [blame]
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
fileset = require('../'),
assert = require('assert'),
test = require('./helper');
// Given a **.coffee pattern
test('Given a **.md pattern', function() {
return {
'should return the list of matching file in this repo': function(em) {
fileset('*.md', function(err, results) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.ok(results.length, 'should return at least one element');
assert.equal(results.length, 1, 'actually, should return only one');
test('Say we want the **.js files, but not those in node_modules', function() {
return {
'Should recursively walk the dir and return the matching list': function(em) {
fileset('**/*.js', 'node_modules/**', function(err, results) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 4);
'Should support multiple paths at once': function(em) {
fileset('**/*.js *.md', 'node_modules/**', function(err, results) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 5);
assert.deepEqual(results, [
'tests/fixtures/an (odd) filename.js',
'Should support multiple paths for excludes as well': function(em) {
fileset('**/*.js *.md', 'node_modules/** **.md tests/*.js', function(err, results) {
if(err) return em.emit('error', err);
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(results, [
'tests/fixtures/an (odd) filename.js',
test('Testing out emmited events', function() {
// todos: the tests for match, include, exclude events, but seems like it's ok
return {
'Should recursively walk the dir and return the matching list': function(em) {
fileset('**/*.js', 'node_modules/**')
.on('error', em.emit.bind(em, 'error'))
.on('end', function(results) {
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 4);
'Should support multiple paths at once': function(em) {
fileset('**/*.js *.md', 'node_modules/**')
.on('error', em.emit.bind(em, 'error'))
.on('end', function(results) {
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 5);
assert.deepEqual(results, [
'tests/fixtures/an (odd) filename.js',
test('Testing patterns passed as arrays', function() {
return {
'Should match files passed as an array with odd filenames': function(em) {
fileset(['lib/*.js', 'tests/fixtures/an (odd) filename.js'], ['node_modules/**'])
.on('error', em.emit.bind(em, 'error'))
.on('end', function(results) {
assert.ok(Array.isArray(results), 'should be an array');
assert.equal(results.length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(results, [
'tests/fixtures/an (odd) filename.js',