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* distributed with this work for additional information
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describe('android exec.processMessages', function () {
var cordova = require('cordova');
var exec = require('cordova/android/exec');
var nativeApiProvider = require('cordova/android/nativeapiprovider');
var origNativeApi = nativeApiProvider.get();
var nativeApi = {
exec: jasmine.createSpy('nativeApi.exec'),
retrieveJsMessages: jasmine.createSpy('nativeApi.retrieveJsMessages')
beforeEach(function () {
// Avoid a log message warning about the lack of _nativeApi.
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
var origPrompt = typeof prompt === 'undefined' ? undefined : prompt;
prompt = function () { return 1234; };
prompt = origPrompt;
/* eslint-enable no-undef */
afterEach(function () {
cordova.callbacks = {};
function createCallbackMessage (success, keepCallback, status, callbackId, encodedPayload) {
var ret = '';
ret += success ? 'S' : 'F';
ret += keepCallback ? '1' : '0';
ret += status;
ret += ' ' + callbackId;
ret += ' ' + encodedPayload;
ret = ret.length + ' ' + ret;
return ret;
describe('exec', function () {
it('Test#001 : should process messages in order even when called recursively', function (done) {
var firstCallbackId = null;
var callCount = 0;
nativeApi.exec.and.callFake(function (secret, service, action, callbackId, argsJson) {
if (callCount === 1) {
firstCallbackId = callbackId;
return '';
if (callCount === 2) {
return createCallbackMessage(true, false, 1, firstCallbackId, 't') +
createCallbackMessage(true, false, 1, callbackId, 'stwo');
return createCallbackMessage(true, false, 1, callbackId, 'sthree');
var win2Called = false;
var winSpy3 = jasmine.createSpy('win3').and.callFake(arg => {
function win1 (value) {
exec(winSpy3, null, 'Service', 'action', []);
expect(win2Called).toBe(false, 'win1 should finish before win2 starts');
function win2 (value) {
win2Called = true;
exec(win1, null, 'Service', 'action', []);
exec(win2, null, 'Service', 'action', []);
it('Test#002 : should process messages asynchronously', function (done) {
nativeApi.exec.and.callFake(function (secret, service, action, callbackId, argsJson) {
return createCallbackMessage(true, false, 1, callbackId, 'stwo');
var winSpy = jasmine.createSpy('win').and.callFake(done);
exec(winSpy, null, 'Service', 'action', []);
describe('processMessages', function () {
var origCallbackFromNative = cordova.callbackFromNative;
var callbackSpy = jasmine.createSpy('callbackFromNative');
beforeEach(function () {
cordova.callbackFromNative = callbackSpy;
afterEach(function () {
cordova.callbackFromNative = origCallbackFromNative;
function performExecAndReturn (messages) {
nativeApi.exec.and.callFake(function (secret, service, action, callbackId, argsJson) {
return messages;
exec(null, null, 'Service', 'action', []);
function performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback (messages) {
return new Promise(resolve => callbackSpy.and.callFake(resolve));
it('Test#003 : should handle payloads of false', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'f');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [false], true);
it('Test#004 : should handle payloads of true', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 't');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [true], true);
it('Test#005 : should handle payloads of null', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'N');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [null], true);
it('Test#006 : should handle payloads of numbers', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'n-3.3');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [-3.3], true);
it('Test#007 : should handle payloads of strings', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'sHello world');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, ['Hello world'], true);
it('Test#008 : should handle payloads of JSON objects', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', '{"a":1}');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [{a: 1}], true);
it('Test#009 : should handle payloads of JSON arrays', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', '[1]');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [[1]], true);
it('Test#010 : should handle other callback opts', function () {
var messages = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'sfoo');
return performExecAndAwaitSingleCallback(messages).then(() => {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', false, 3, ['foo'], false);
it('Test#011 : should handle multiple messages', function (done) {
var message1 = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'sfoo');
var message2 = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'f');
var messages = message1 + message2;
callbackSpy.and.callFake(() => {
// need to wait for ALL the callbacks before we check our expects
if (callbackSpy.calls.count() < 2) return;
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', false, 3, ['foo'], false);
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [false], true);
it('Test#012 : should poll for more messages when hitting an *', function (done) {
var message1 = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'sfoo');
var message2 = createCallbackMessage(true, true, 1, 'id', 'f');
nativeApi.retrieveJsMessages.and.callFake(function () {
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', false, 3, ['foo'], false);
return message2;
callbackSpy.and.callFake(() => {
if (callbackSpy.calls.count() < 2) return;
expect(callbackSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id', true, 1, [false], true);
performExecAndReturn(message1 + '*');
it('Test#013 : should call callbacks in order when one callback enqueues another.', function (done) {
var message1 = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'scall1');
var message2 = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'scall2');
var message3 = createCallbackMessage(false, false, 3, 'id', 'scall3');
callbackSpy.and.callFake(() => {
if (callbackSpy.calls.count() === 1) {
} else if (callbackSpy.calls.count() === 3) {
// need to wait for ALL the callbacks before we check our expects
expect(callbackSpy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual(['id', false, 3, ['call1'], false]);
expect(callbackSpy.calls.argsFor(1)).toEqual(['id', false, 3, ['call2'], false]);
expect(callbackSpy.calls.argsFor(2)).toEqual(['id', false, 3, ['call3'], false]);
performExecAndReturn(message1 + message2);