blob: 014031f9d08421d6d0d5d3737743ce6549d3a22e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
module.exports = {
id: "android",
initialize:function() {
var channel = require("cordova/channel"),
cordova = require('cordova'),
exec = require('cordova/exec');
// Inject a listener for the backbutton on the document.
var backButtonChannel = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('backbutton');
backButtonChannel.onHasSubscribersChange = function() {
// If we just attached the first handler or detached the last handler,
// let native know we need to override the back button.
exec(null, null, "App", "overrideBackbutton", [this.numHandlers == 1]);
// Add hardware MENU and SEARCH button handlers
// Figure out if we need to shim-in localStorage and WebSQL
// support from the native side.
var storage = require('cordova/plugin/android/storage');
// First patch WebSQL if necessary
if (typeof window.openDatabase == 'undefined') {
// Not defined, create an openDatabase function for all to use!
window.openDatabase = storage.openDatabase;
} else {
// Defined, but some Android devices will throw a SECURITY_ERR -
// so we wrap the whole thing in a try-catch and shim in our own
// if the device has Android bug 16175.
var originalOpenDatabase = window.openDatabase;
window.openDatabase = function(name, version, desc, size) {
var db = null;
try {
db = originalOpenDatabase(name, version, desc, size);
catch (ex) {
if (ex.code === 18) {
db = null;
} else {
throw ex;
if (db === null) {
return storage.openDatabase(name, version, desc, size);
else {
return db;
// Patch localStorage if necessary
if (typeof window.localStorage == 'undefined' || window.localStorage === null) {
window.localStorage = new storage.CupcakeLocalStorage();
// Let native code know we are all done on the JS side.
// Native code will then un-hide the WebView.
channel.join(function() {
exec(null, null, "App", "show", []);
}, [channel.onCordovaReady]);
clobbers: {
navigator: {
children: {
path: "cordova/plugin/android/app"
File: { // exists natively on Android WebView, override
path: "cordova/plugin/File"
FileReader: { // exists natively on Android WebView, override
path: "cordova/plugin/FileReader"
FileError: { //exists natively on Android WebView on Android 4.x
path: "cordova/plugin/FileError"
MediaError: { // exists natively on Android WebView on Android 4.x
path: "cordova/plugin/MediaError"
open: {
path: "cordova/plugin/InAppBrowser"
merges: {
device: {
path: 'cordova/plugin/android/device'
navigator: {
children: {
notification: {
path: 'cordova/plugin/android/notification'