blob: f7e42d0a705677ba085d96750c235ac5d3e92a19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF
* or more contributor license agreements. See th
* distributed with this work for additional infor
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF license
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (t
* "License"); you may not use this file except in
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to
* software distributed under the License is distr
* KIND, either express or implied. See the Licen
* specific language governing permissions and lim
* under the License.
var fs = require('fs')
var util = require('util')
var path = require('path')
var packager = module.exports
packager.generate = function(platform, commitId) {
var outFile;
var time = new Date().valueOf();
var libraryRelease = packager.bundle(platform, false, commitId);
var libraryDebug = packager.bundle(platform, true, commitId);
time = new Date().valueOf() - time;
outFile = path.join('pkg', 'cordova.' + platform + '.js');
fs.writeFileSync(outFile, libraryRelease, 'utf8');
outFile = path.join('pkg', 'debug', 'cordova.' + platform + '-debug.js');
fs.writeFileSync(outFile, libraryDebug, 'utf8');
console.log('generated platform: ' + platform + ' in ' + time + 'ms');
packager.bundle = function(platform, debug, commitId ) {
var modules = collectFiles('lib/common')
var scripts = collectFiles('lib/scripts')
modules[''] = 'lib/cordova.js'
if (platform === 'test') {
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', platform)));
//Test platform needs to bring in platform specific plugin's for testing
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'blackberry', 'plugin'), 'plugin'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'tizen', 'plugin', 'tizen'), 'plubin/tizen'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'windowsphone', 'plugin', 'windowsphone'), 'plugin/windowsphone'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'windows8', 'plugin', 'windows8'), 'plugin/windows8'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'ios', 'plugin', 'ios'), 'plugin/ios/'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'bada', 'plugin', 'bada'), 'plugin/bada/'));
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', 'android', 'plugin', 'android'), 'plugin/android/'));
else {
copyProps(modules, collectFiles(path.join('lib', platform)))
var output = [];
output.push("// " + commitId + "\n");
output.push("// File generated at :: " + new Date() + "\n");
// write header
output.push('/*\n' + getContents('LICENSE-for-js-file.txt') + '\n*/')
output.push('\n;(function() {\n')
// write initial scripts
if (!scripts['require']) {
throw new Error("didn't find a script for 'require'")
writeScript(output, scripts['require'], debug)
// write modules
var moduleIds = Object.keys(modules)
for (var i=0; i<moduleIds.length; i++) {
var moduleId = moduleIds[i]
writeModule(output, modules[moduleId], moduleId, debug)
output.push("\nwindow.cordova = require('cordova');\n")
// write final scripts
if (!scripts['bootstrap']) {
throw new Error("didn't find a script for 'bootstrap'")
writeScript(output, scripts['bootstrap'], debug)
var bootstrapPlatform = 'bootstrap-' + platform
if (scripts[bootstrapPlatform]) {
writeScript(output, scripts[bootstrapPlatform], debug)
// write trailer
return output.join('\n')
function collectFile(dir, id, entry) {
if (!id) id = ''
var moduleId = path.join(id, entry)
var fileName = path.join(dir, entry)
var stat = fs.statSync(fileName)
var result = {};
moduleId = getModuleId(moduleId)
result[moduleId] = fileName
return copyProps({}, result)
function collectFiles(dir, id) {
if (!id) id = ''
var result = {}
var entries = fs.readdirSync(dir)
entries = entries.filter(function(entry) {
if (entry.match(/\.js$/)) return true
var stat = fs.statSync(path.join(dir, entry))
if (stat.isDirectory()) return true
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
var moduleId = path.join(id, entry)
var fileName = path.join(dir, entry)
var stat = fs.statSync(fileName)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
copyProps(result, collectFiles(fileName, moduleId))
else {
moduleId = getModuleId(moduleId)
result[moduleId] = fileName
return copyProps({}, result)
function writeScript(oFile, fileName, debug) {
var contents = getContents(fileName, 'utf8')
contents = stripHeader(contents, fileName);
writeContents(oFile, fileName, contents, debug);
function writeModule(oFile, fileName, moduleId, debug) {
var contents = getContents(fileName, 'utf8')
contents = '\n' + stripHeader(contents, fileName) + '\n'
// Windows fix, '\' is an escape, but defining requires '/' -jm
moduleId = path.join('cordova', moduleId).split("\\").join("/");
var signature = 'function(require, exports, module)';
contents = 'define("' + moduleId + '", ' + signature + ' {' + contents + '});\n'
writeContents(oFile, fileName, contents, debug)
function getContents(file) {
return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
function writeContents(oFile, fileName, contents, debug) {
if (debug) {
contents += '\n//@ sourceURL=' + fileName
contents = 'eval(' + JSON.stringify(contents) + ')'
// this bit makes it easier to identify modules
// with syntax errors in them
var handler = 'console.log("exception: in ' + fileName + ': " + e);'
handler += 'console.log(e.stack);'
contents = 'try {' + contents + '} catch(e) {' + handler + '}'
else {
contents = '// file: ' + fileName + '\n' + contents
function getModuleId(fileName) {
return fileName.match(/(.*)\.js$/)[1]
function copyProps(target, source) {
for (var key in source) {
if (!source.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue
target[key] = source[key]
return target
// Strips the license header. Basically only the first multi-line comment up to to the closing */
function stripHeader(contents, fileName) {
var ls = contents.split(/\r?\n/);
while (ls[0]) {
if (ls[0].match(/^\s*\/\*/) || ls[0].match(/^\s*\*/)) {
else if (ls[0].match(/^\s*\*\//)) {
else {
console.log("WARNING: file name " + fileName + " is missing the license header");
return ls.join('\n');