blob: 32a3f8b541a9dbef62a50bf39cb4156194eda5d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Creates a gap bridge iframe used to notify the native code about queued
* commands.
var cordova = require('cordova'),
channel = require('cordova/channel'),
utils = require('cordova/utils'),
base64 = require('cordova/base64'),
// XHR mode does not work on iOS 4.2.
// XHR mode's main advantage is working around a bug in -webkit-scroll, which
// doesn't exist only on iOS 5.x devices.
// IFRAME_NAV is the fastest.
// IFRAME_HASH could be made to enable synchronous bridge calls if we wanted this feature.
jsToNativeModes = {
IFRAME_NAV: 0, // Default. Uses a new iframe for each poke.
// XHR bridge appears to be flaky sometimes: CB-3900, CB-3359, CB-5457, CB-4970, CB-4998, CB-5134
XHR_NO_PAYLOAD: 1, // About the same speed as IFRAME_NAV. Performance not about the same as IFRAME_NAV, but more variable.
XHR_WITH_PAYLOAD: 2, // Flakey, and not as performant
XHR_OPTIONAL_PAYLOAD: 3, // Flakey, and not as performant
IFRAME_HASH_NO_PAYLOAD: 4, // Not fully baked. A bit faster than IFRAME_NAV, but risks jank since poke happens synchronously.
IFRAME_HASH_WITH_PAYLOAD: 5, // Slower than no payload. Maybe since it has to be URI encoded / decoded.
WK_WEBVIEW_BINDING: 6 // Only way that works for WKWebView :)
hashToggle = 1,
requestCount = 0,
vcHeaderValue = null,
commandQueue = [], // Contains pending JS->Native messages.
isInContextOfEvalJs = 0,
failSafeTimerId = 0;
function shouldBundleCommandJson() {
if (bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.XHR_WITH_PAYLOAD) {
return true;
if (bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.XHR_OPTIONAL_PAYLOAD) {
var payloadLength = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < commandQueue.length; ++i) {
payloadLength += commandQueue[i].length;
// The value here was determined using the benchmark within CordovaLibApp on an iPad 3.
return payloadLength < 4500;
return false;
function massageArgsJsToNative(args) {
if (!args || utils.typeName(args) != 'Array') {
return args;
var ret = [];
args.forEach(function(arg, i) {
if (utils.typeName(arg) == 'ArrayBuffer') {
'CDVType': 'ArrayBuffer',
'data': base64.fromArrayBuffer(arg)
} else {
return ret;
function massageMessageNativeToJs(message) {
if (message.CDVType == 'ArrayBuffer') {
var stringToArrayBuffer = function(str) {
var ret = new Uint8Array(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
ret[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return ret.buffer;
var base64ToArrayBuffer = function(b64) {
return stringToArrayBuffer(atob(b64));
message = base64ToArrayBuffer(;
return message;
function convertMessageToArgsNativeToJs(message) {
var args = [];
if (!message || !message.hasOwnProperty('CDVType')) {
} else if (message.CDVType == 'MultiPart') {
message.messages.forEach(function(e) {
} else {
return args;
function iOSExec() {
if (bridgeMode === undefined) {
bridgeMode = jsToNativeModes.IFRAME_NAV;
if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova && window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova.postMessage) {
bridgeMode = jsToNativeModes.WK_WEBVIEW_BINDING;
var successCallback, failCallback, service, action, actionArgs, splitCommand;
var callbackId = null;
if (typeof arguments[0] !== "string") {
successCallback = arguments[0];
failCallback = arguments[1];
service = arguments[2];
action = arguments[3];
actionArgs = arguments[4];
// Since we need to maintain backwards compatibility, we have to pass
// an invalid callbackId even if no callback was provided since plugins
// will be expecting it. The Cordova.exec() implementation allocates
// an invalid callbackId and passes it even if no callbacks were given.
callbackId = 'INVALID';
} else {
try {
splitCommand = arguments[0].split(".");
action = splitCommand.pop();
service = splitCommand.join(".");
actionArgs =, 1);
console.log('The old format of this exec call has been removed (deprecated since 2.1). Change to: ' +
"cordova.exec(null, null, \"" + service + "\", \"" + action + "\"," + JSON.stringify(actionArgs) + ");"
} catch (e) {}
// If actionArgs is not provided, default to an empty array
actionArgs = actionArgs || [];
// Register the callbacks and add the callbackId to the positional
// arguments if given.
if (successCallback || failCallback) {
callbackId = service + cordova.callbackId++;
cordova.callbacks[callbackId] =
{success:successCallback, fail:failCallback};
actionArgs = massageArgsJsToNative(actionArgs);
var command = [callbackId, service, action, actionArgs];
// Stringify and queue the command. We stringify to command now to
// effectively clone the command arguments in case they are mutated before
// the command is executed.
if (bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.WK_WEBVIEW_BINDING) {
} else {
// If we're in the context of a stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString call,
// then the queue will be flushed when it returns; no need for a poke.
// Also, if there is already a command in the queue, then we've already
// poked the native side, so there is no reason to do so again.
if (!isInContextOfEvalJs && commandQueue.length == 1) {
function pokeNative() {
switch (bridgeMode) {
case jsToNativeModes.XHR_NO_PAYLOAD:
case jsToNativeModes.XHR_WITH_PAYLOAD:
case jsToNativeModes.XHR_OPTIONAL_PAYLOAD:
default: // iframe-based.
function pokeNativeViaXhr() {
// This prevents sending an XHR when there is already one being sent.
// This should happen only in rare circumstances (refer to unit tests).
if (execXhr && execXhr.readyState != 4) {
execXhr = null;
// Re-using the XHR improves exec() performance by about 10%.
execXhr = execXhr || new XMLHttpRequest();
// Changing this to a GET will make the XHR reach the URIProtocol on 4.2.
// For some reason it still doesn't work though...
// Add a timestamp to the query param to prevent caching.'HEAD', "/!gap_exec?" + (+new Date()), true);
if (!vcHeaderValue) {
vcHeaderValue = /.*\((.*)\)$/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1];
execXhr.setRequestHeader('vc', vcHeaderValue);
execXhr.setRequestHeader('rc', ++requestCount);
if (shouldBundleCommandJson()) {
execXhr.setRequestHeader('cmds', iOSExec.nativeFetchMessages());
function pokeNativeViaIframe() {
// CB-5488 - Don't attempt to create iframe before document.body is available.
if (!document.body) {
if (bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.IFRAME_HASH_NO_PAYLOAD || bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.IFRAME_HASH_WITH_PAYLOAD) {
// TODO: This bridge mode doesn't properly support being removed from the DOM (CB-7735)
if (!execHashIframe) {
execHashIframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none';
// Hash changes don't work on about:blank, so switch it to file:///.
execHashIframe.contentWindow.history.replaceState(null, null, 'file:///#');
// The delegate method is called only when the hash changes, so toggle it back and forth.
hashToggle = hashToggle ^ 3;
var hashValue = '%0' + hashToggle;
if (bridgeMode === jsToNativeModes.IFRAME_HASH_WITH_PAYLOAD) {
hashValue += iOSExec.nativeFetchMessages();
execHashIframe.contentWindow.location.hash = hashValue;
} else {
// Check if they've removed it from the DOM, and put it back if so.
if (execIframe && execIframe.contentWindow) {
execIframe.contentWindow.location = 'gap://ready';
} else {
execIframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none';
execIframe.src = 'gap://ready';
// Use a timer to protect against iframe being unloaded during the poke (CB-7735).
// This makes the bridge ~ 7% slower, but works around the poke getting lost
// when the iframe is removed from the DOM.
// An onunload listener could be used in the case where the iframe has just been
// created, but since unload events fire only once, it doesn't work in the normal
// case of iframe reuse (where unload will have already fired due to the attempted
// navigation of the page).
failSafeTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
if (commandQueue.length) {
}, 50); // Making this > 0 improves performance (marginally) in the normal case (where it doesn't fire).
iOSExec.jsToNativeModes = jsToNativeModes;
iOSExec.setJsToNativeBridgeMode = function(mode) {
// Remove the iFrame since it may be no longer required, and its existence
// can trigger browser bugs.
if (execIframe) {
if (execIframe.parentNode) {
execIframe = null;
bridgeMode = mode;
iOSExec.nativeFetchMessages = function() {
// Stop listing for window detatch once native side confirms poke.
if (failSafeTimerId) {
failSafeTimerId = 0;
// Each entry in commandQueue is a JSON string already.
if (!commandQueue.length) {
return '';
var json = '[' + commandQueue.join(',') + ']';
commandQueue.length = 0;
return json;
iOSExec.nativeCallback = function(callbackId, status, message, keepCallback) {
return iOSExec.nativeEvalAndFetch(function() {
var success = status === 0 || status === 1;
var args = convertMessageToArgsNativeToJs(message);
cordova.callbackFromNative(callbackId, success, status, args, keepCallback);
iOSExec.nativeEvalAndFetch = function(func) {
// This shouldn't be nested, but better to be safe.
try {
return iOSExec.nativeFetchMessages();
} finally {
module.exports = iOSExec;