blob: 12575657cb80049f34dab4d6a4ad3f7b5b6c31a0 [file] [log] [blame]
var baseCallback = require('../internal/baseCallback');
/** Used for native method references. */
var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
/** Native method references. */
var splice = arrayProto.splice;
* Removes all elements from `array` that `predicate` returns truthy for
* and returns an array of the removed elements. The predicate is bound to
* `thisArg` and invoked with three arguments; (value, index, array).
* If a property name is provided for `predicate` the created ""
* style callback returns the property value of the given element.
* If value is also provided for `thisArg` the created "_.matchesProperty"
* style callback returns `true` for elements that have a matching property
* value, else `false`.
* If an object is provided for `predicate` the created "_.matches" style
* callback returns `true` for elements that have the properties of the given
* object, else `false`.
* **Note:** Unlike `_.filter`, this method mutates `array`.
* @static
* @memberOf _
* @category Array
* @param {Array} array The array to modify.
* @param {Function|Object|string} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked
* per iteration. If a property name or object is provided it is used to
* create a "" or "_.matches" style callback respectively.
* @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `predicate`.
* @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements.
* @example
* var array = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* var evens = _.remove(array, function(n) { return n % 2 == 0; });
* console.log(array);
* // => [1, 3]
* console.log(evens);
* // => [2, 4]
function remove(array, predicate, thisArg) {
var index = -1,
length = array ? array.length : 0,
result = [];
predicate = baseCallback(predicate, thisArg, 3);
while (++index < length) {
var value = array[index];
if (predicate(value, index, array)) {
result.push(value);, index--, 1);
return result;
module.exports = remove;