blob: c873c3a7512e6e352f372c5dafe8b42219681d92 [file] [log] [blame]
* a node.js test runner that executes all conformance
* tests and outputs results to console.
* Process returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.
const fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
jsonselect = require('../jsonselect.js'),
sys = require('sys');
var pathToTests = path.join(__dirname, "tests");
// a map: document nametest name -> list of se
var numTests = 0;
var numPassed = 0;
var tests = {};
function runOneSync(name, selname, p) {
var testDocPath = path.join(p, name + ".json");
var selDocPath = path.join(p, name + '_' +
selname + ".selector");
var outputDocPath = selDocPath.replace(/selector$/, "output");
// take `obj`, apply `sel, get `got`, is it what we `want`?
var obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(testDocPath));
var want = String(fs.readFileSync(outputDocPath)).trim();
var got = "";
var sel = String(fs.readFileSync(selDocPath)).trim();
try {
jsonselect.forEach(sel, obj, function(m) {
got += JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 4) + "\n";
} catch(e) {
got = e.toString();
if (want.trim() != got.trim()) throw e;
if (want.trim() != got.trim()) throw "mismatch";
function runTests() {
console.log("Running Tests:");
for (var l in tests) {
for (var d in tests[l]) {
console.log(" level " + l + " tests against \"" + d + ".json\":");
for (var i = 0; i < tests[l][d].length; i++) {
sys.print(" " + tests[l][d][i][0] + ": ");
try {
runOneSync(d, tests[l][d][i][0], tests[l][d][i][1]);
} catch (e) {
console.log("fail (" + e.toString() + ")");
console.log(numPassed + "/" + numTests + " passed");
process.exit(numPassed == numTests ? 0 : 1);
// discover all tests
var pathToTests = path.join(__dirname, "tests");
fs.readdirSync(pathToTests).forEach(function(subdir) {
var p = path.join(pathToTests, subdir);
if (!fs.statSync(p).isDirectory()) return;
var l = /^level_([\d+])$/.exec(subdir);
if (!l) return;
l = l[1];
var files = fs.readdirSync(p);
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var f = files[i];
var m = /^([A-Za-z]+)_(.+)\.selector$/.exec(f);
if (m) {
if (!tests.hasOwnProperty(l)) tests[l] = [];
if (!tests[l].hasOwnProperty(m[1])) tests[l][m[1]] = [];
tests[l][m[1]].push([m[2], p]);