blob: 22b317946b44a21a24929ecc05801709f212fa0e [file] [log] [blame]
var net = require("net"),
events = require("events"),
extend = require("./extend");
var colors = require("colors");
module.exports = Client;
// this is very unfortunate! and temporary. we can't
// rely on 'type' property to signify an event, and we
// need to write clients for each actor to handle differences
// in actor protocols
var unsolicitedEvents = {
"tabNavigated": "tabNavigated",
"styleApplied": "styleApplied",
"propertyChange": "propertyChange",
"networkEventUpdate": "networkEventUpdate",
"networkEvent": "networkEvent",
"propertyChange": "propertyChange",
"newMutations": "newMutations",
"appOpen": "appOpen",
"appClose": "appClose",
"appInstall": "appInstall",
"appUninstall": "appUninstall",
"frameUpdate": "frameUpdate"
* a Client object handles connecting with a Firefox remote debugging
* server instance (e.g. a Firefox instance), plus sending and receiving
* packets on that conection using the Firefox remote debugging protocol.
* Important methods:
* connect - Create the connection to the server.
* makeRequest - Make a request to the server with a JSON message,
* and a callback to call with the response.
* Important events:
* 'message' - An unsolicited (e.g. not a response to a prior request)
* packet has been received. These packets usually describe events.
function Client(options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.incoming = new Buffer("");
this._pendingRequests = [];
this._activeRequests = {};
Client.prototype = extend(events.EventEmitter.prototype, {
connect: function(port, host, cb) {
this.client = net.createConnection({
port: port,
host: host
this.client.on("connect", cb);
this.client.on("data", this.onData.bind(this));
this.client.on("error", this.onError.bind(this));
this.client.on("end", this.onEnd.bind(this));
this.client.on("timeout", this.onTimeout.bind(this));
disconnect: function() {
if (this.client) {
* Set a request to be sent to an actor on the server. If the actor
* is already handling a request, queue this request until the actor
* has responded to the previous request.
* @param {object} request
* Message to be JSON-ified and sent to server.
* @param {function} callback
* Function that's called with the response from the server.
makeRequest: function(request, callback) {
this.log("request: " + JSON.stringify(request).green);
if (! {
var type = request.type || "";
throw new Error(type + " request packet has no destination.");
this._pendingRequests.push({ to:,
message: request,
callback: callback });
* Activate (send) any pending requests to actors that don't have an
* active request.
_flushRequests: function() {
this._pendingRequests = this._pendingRequests.filter(function(request) {
// only one active request per actor at a time
if (this._activeRequests[]) {
return true;
// no active requests for this actor, so activate this one
this.expectReply(, request.callback);
// remove from pending requests
return false;
* Send a JSON message over the connection to the server.
sendMessage: function(message) {
if (! {
throw new Error("No actor specified in request");
if (!this.client) {
throw new Error("Not connected, connect() before sending requests");
var str = JSON.stringify(message);
// message is preceded by byteLength(message):
str = (new Buffer(str).length) + ":" + str;
* Arrange to hand the next reply from |actor| to |handler|.
expectReply: function(actor, handler) {
if (this._activeRequests[actor]) {
throw Error("clashing handlers for next reply from " + uneval(actor));
this._activeRequests[actor] = handler;
* Handler for a new message coming in. It's either an unsolicited event
* from the server, or a response to a previous request from the client.
handleMessage: function(message) {
if (!message.from) {
if (message.error) {
throw new Error(message.message);
throw new Error("Server didn't specify an actor: " + JSON.stringify(message));
if (!(message.type in unsolicitedEvents)
&& this._activeRequests[message.from]) {
this.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(message).yellow);
var callback = this._activeRequests[message.from];
delete this._activeRequests[message.from];
else if (message.type) {
// this is an unsolicited event from the server
this.log("unsolicited event: ".grey + JSON.stringify(message).grey);
this.emit('message', message);
else {
throw new Error("Unexpected packet from actor " + message.from
+ JSON.stringify(message));
* Called when a new data chunk is received on the connection.
* Parse data into message(s) and call message handler for any full
* messages that are read in.
onData: function(data) {
this.incoming = Buffer.concat([this.incoming, data]);
while(this.readMessage()) {};
* Parse out and process the next message from the data read from
* the connection. Returns true if a full meassage was parsed, false
* otherwise.
readMessage: function() {
var sep = this.incoming.toString().indexOf(':');
if (sep < 0) {
return false;
// beginning of a message is preceded by byteLength(message) + ":"
var count = parseInt(this.incoming.slice(0, sep));
if (this.incoming.length - (sep + 1) < count) {
this.log("no complete response yet".grey);
return false;
this.incoming = this.incoming.slice(sep + 1);
var packet = this.incoming.slice(0, count);
this.incoming = this.incoming.slice(count);
var message;
try {
message = JSON.parse(packet.toString());
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Couldn't parse packet from server as JSON " + e
+ ", message:\n" + packet);
return true;
onError: function(error) {
var code = error.code ? error.code : error;
this.log("connection error: ".red +;
this.emit("error", error);
onEnd: function() {
this.log("connection closed by server".red);
onTimeout: function() {
this.log("connection timeout".red);
log: function(str) {
if (this.options.log) {