blob: 0cfb7ebc5ae77bc3684b47d1a3305d259ecbf851 [file] [log] [blame]
Javascript doctest runner
Copyright 2006-2010 Ian Bicking
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the MIT License.
function doctest(verbosity/*default=0*/, elements/*optional*/,
outputId/*optional*/) {
var output = document.getElementById(outputId || 'doctestOutput');
var reporter = new doctest.Reporter(output, verbosity || 0);
if (elements) {
if (typeof elements == 'string') {
// Treat it as an id
elements = [document.getElementById(elementId)];
if (! elements.length) {
throw('No elements');
var suite = new doctest.TestSuite(elements, reporter);
} else {
var els = doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName('pre', 'doctest');
var suite = new doctest.TestSuite(els, reporter);
doctest.runDoctest = function (el, reporter) {
logDebug('Testing element', el);
if (el === null) {
throw('runDoctest() with a null element');
var parsed = new doctest.Parser(el);
var runner = new doctest.JSRunner(reporter);
doctest.TestSuite = function (els, reporter) {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
this.els = els;
this.parsers = [];
for (var i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
this.parsers.push(new doctest.Parser(els[i]));
this.reporter = reporter;
}; = function (ctx) {
if (! ctx) {
ctx = new doctest.Context(this);
if (! ctx.runner ) {
ctx.runner = new doctest.JSRunner(this.reporter);
// FIXME: should this just be part of TestSuite?
doctest.Context = function (testSuite) {
if (this === window) {
throw('You forgot new!');
this.testSuite = testSuite;
this.runner = null;
}; = function (parserIndex) {
var self = this;
parserIndex = parserIndex || 0;
if (parserIndex >= this.testSuite.parsers.length) {
logInfo('All examples from all sections tested');
logInfo('Testing example ' + (parserIndex+1) + ' of '
+ this.testSuite.parsers.length);
var runNext = function () {;
this.runner.runParsed(this.testSuite.parsers[parserIndex], 0, runNext);
doctest.Parser = function (el) {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
if (! el) {
throw('Bad call to doctest.Parser');
if (el.getAttribute('parsed-id')) {
var examplesID = el.getAttribute('parsed-id');
if (doctest._allExamples[examplesID]) {
this.examples = doctest._allExamples[examplesID];
var newHTML = document.createElement('span');
newHTML.className = 'doctest-example-set';
var examplesID = doctest.genID('example-set');
newHTML.setAttribute('id', examplesID);
el.setAttribute('parsed-id', examplesID);
var text = doctest.getText(el);
var lines = text.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/);
this.examples = [];
var example_lines = [];
var output_lines = [];
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (/^[$]/.test(line)) {
if (example_lines.length) {
var ex = new doctest.Example(example_lines, output_lines);
example_lines = [];
output_lines = [];
line = line.substr(1).replace(/ *$/, '').replace(/^ /, '');
} else if (/^>/.test(line)) {
if (! example_lines.length) {
throw('Bad example: '+doctest.repr(line)+'\n'
+'> line not preceded by $');
line = line.substr(1).replace(/ *$/, '').replace(/^ /, '');
} else {
if (example_lines.length) {
var ex = new doctest.Example(example_lines, output_lines);
el.innerHTML = '';
doctest._allExamples[examplesID] = this.examples;
doctest._allExamples = {};
doctest.Example = function (example, output) {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
this.example = example.join('\n');
this.output = output.join('\n');
this.htmlID = null;
this.detailID = null;
doctest.Example.prototype.createSpan = function () {
var id = doctest.genID('example');
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = 'doctest-example';
span.setAttribute('id', id);
this.htmlID = id;
var exampleSpan = document.createElement('span');
exampleSpan.className = 'doctest-example-code';
var exampleLines = this.example.split(/\n/);
for (var i=0; i<exampleLines.length; i++) {
var promptSpan = document.createElement('span');
promptSpan.className = 'doctest-example-prompt';
promptSpan.innerHTML = i == 0 ? '$ ' : '&gt; ';
var lineSpan = document.createElement('span');
lineSpan.className = 'doctest-example-code-line';
var outputSpan = document.createElement('span');
outputSpan.className = 'doctest-example-output';
return span;
doctest.Example.prototype.markExample = function (name, detail) {
if (! this.htmlID) {
if (this.detailID) {
var el = document.getElementById(this.detailID);
this.detailID = null;
var span = document.getElementById(this.htmlID);
span.className = span.className.replace(/ doctest-failure/, '')
.replace(/ doctest-success/, '')
+ ' ' + name;
if (detail) {
this.detailID = doctest.genID('doctest-example-detail');
var detailSpan = document.createElement('span');
detailSpan.className = 'doctest-example-detail';
detailSpan.setAttribute('id', this.detailID);
doctest.Reporter = function (container, verbosity) {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
if (! container) {
throw('No container passed to doctest.Reporter');
this.container = container;
this.verbosity = verbosity;
this.success = 0;
this.failure = 0;
this.elements = 0;
doctest.Reporter.prototype.startElement = function (el) {
this.elements += 1;
logDebug('Adding element', el);
doctest.Reporter.prototype.reportSuccess = function (example, output) {
if (this.verbosity > 0) {
if (this.verbosity > 1) {
} else {
this.writeln(example.example + ' ... passed!');
this.success += 1;
if ((example.output.indexOf('...') >= 0
|| example.output.indexOf('?') >= 0)
&& output) {
example.markExample('doctest-success', 'Output:\n' + output);
} else {
doctest.Reporter.prototype.reportFailure = function (example, output) {
this.write('Failed example:\n');
this.write('<span style="color: #00f"><a href="#'
+ example.htmlID
+ '" class="doctest-failure-link" title="Go to example">'
+ this.formatOutput(example.example)
this.failure += 1;
example.markExample('doctest-failure', 'Actual output:\n' + output);
doctest.Reporter.prototype.finish = function () {
+ ' tests in ' + this.elements + ' items.');
if (this.failure) {
var color = '#f00';
} else {
var color = '#0f0';
this.writeln('<span class="passed">' + this.success + '</span> tests of '
+ '<span class="total">' + (this.success+this.failure) + '</span> passed, '
+ '<span class="failed" style="color: '+color+'">'
+ this.failure + '</span> failed.');
doctest.Reporter.prototype.writeln = function (text) {
this.write(text + '\n');
doctest.Reporter.prototype.write = function (text) {
var leading = /^[ ]*/.exec(text)[0];
text = text.substr(leading.length);
for (var i=0; i<leading.length; i++) {
text = String.fromCharCode(160)+text;
text = text.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
this.container.innerHTML += text;
doctest.Reporter.prototype.formatOutput = function (text) {
if (! text) {
return ' <span style="color: #999">(nothing)</span>\n';
var lines = text.split(/\n/);
var output = '';
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
output += ' '+doctest.escapeSpaces(doctest.escapeHTML(lines[i]))+'\n';
return output;
doctest.JSRunner = function (reporter) {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
this.reporter = reporter;
doctest.JSRunner.prototype.runParsed = function (parsed, index, finishedCallback) {
var self = this;
index = index || 0;
if (index >= parsed.examples.length) {
if (finishedCallback) {
var example = parsed.examples[index];
if (typeof example == 'undefined') {
throw('Undefined example (' + (index+1) + ' of ' + parsed.examples.length + ')');
doctest._waitCond = null;;
var finishThisRun = function () {
if (doctest._AbortCalled) {
// FIXME: I need to find a way to make this more visible:
logWarn('Abort() called');
self.runParsed(parsed, index+1, finishedCallback);
if (doctest._waitCond !== null) {
if (typeof doctest._waitCond == 'number') {
var condition = null;
var time = doctest._waitCond;
var maxTime = null;
} else {
var condition = doctest._waitCond;
// FIXME: shouldn't be hard-coded
var time = 100;
var maxTime = doctest._waitTimeout || doctest.defaultTimeout;
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
var timeoutFunc = function () {
if (condition === null
|| condition()) {
} else {
// Condition not met, try again soon...
if ((new Date()).getTime() - start > maxTime) {
// Time has run out
var msg = 'Error: wait(' + repr(condition) + ') has timed out';
logDebug('Timeout after ' + ((new Date()).getTime() - start)
+ ' milliseconds');
setTimeout(timeoutFunc, time);
setTimeout(timeoutFunc, time);
} else {
doctest.formatTraceback = function (e, skipFrames) {
skipFrames = skipFrames || 0;
var lines = [];
if (typeof e == 'undefined' || !e) {
var caughtErr = null;
try {
} catch (caughtErr) {
e = caughtErr;
if (e.stack) {
var stack = e.stack.split('\n');
for (var i=skipFrames; i<stack.length; i++) {
if (stack[i] == '@:0' || ! stack[i]) {
if (stack[i].indexOf('@') == -1) {
var parts = stack[i].split('@');
var context = parts[0];
parts = parts[1].split(':');
var filename = parts[parts.length-2].split('/');
filename = filename[filename.length-1];
var lineno = parts[parts.length-1];
context = context.replace('\\n', '\n');
if (context != '' && filename != 'doctest.js') {
lines.push(' ' + context + ' -> ' + filename + ':' + lineno);
if (lines.length) {
return lines;
} else {
return null;
doctest.logTraceback = function (e, skipFrames) {
var tracebackLines = doctest.formatTraceback(e, skipFrames);
if (! tracebackLines) {
for (var i=0; i<tracebackLines.length; i++) {
}; = function (example) {
this.capturer = new doctest.OutputCapturer();
try {
var result = doctest.eval(example.example);
} catch (e) {
var tracebackLines = doctest.formatTraceback(e);
writeln('Error: ' + (e.message || e));
var result = null;
logWarn('Error in expression: ' + example.example);
logDebug('Traceback for error', e);
if (tracebackLines) {
for (var i=0; i<tracebackLines.length; i++) {
if (e instanceof Abort) {
throw e;
if (typeof result != 'undefined'
&& result !== null
&& example.output) {
doctest._AbortCalled = false;
doctest.Abort = function (message) {
if (this === window) {
return new Abort(message);
this.message = message;
// We register this so Abort can be raised in an async call:
doctest._AbortCalled = true;
doctest.Abort.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.message;
if (typeof Abort == 'undefined') {
Abort = doctest.Abort;
doctest.JSRunner.prototype.finishRun = function(example) {
var success = this.checkResult(this.capturer.output, example.output);
if (success) {
this.reporter.reportSuccess(example, this.capturer.output);
} else {
this.reporter.reportFailure(example, this.capturer.output);
logDebug('Failure: '+doctest.repr(example.output)
+' != '+doctest.repr(this.capturer.output));
if ( != -1) {
doctest.Abort('abort on first failure');
doctest.JSRunner.prototype.checkResult = function (got, expected) {
// Make sure trailing whitespace doesn't matter:
got = got.replace(/ +\n/, '\n');
expected = expected.replace(/ +\n/, '\n');
got = got.replace(/[ \n\r]*$/, '') + '\n';
expected = expected.replace(/[ \n\r]*$/, '') + '\n';
if (expected == '...\n') {
return true;
expected = RegExp.escape(expected);
// Note: .* doesn't match newlines, [^] doesn't work on IE
expected = '^' + expected.replace(/\\\.\\\.\\\./g, "[\\S\\s\\r\\n]*") + '$';
expected = expected.replace(/\\\?/g, "[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+");
expected = expected.replace(/[ \t]+/g, " +");
expected = expected.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
var re = new RegExp(expected);
var result = != -1;
if (! result) {
if (doctest.strip(got).split('\n').length > 1) {
// If it's only one line it's not worth showing this
var check = this.showCheckDifference(got, expected);
logWarn('Mismatch of output (line-by-line comparison follows)');
for (var i=0; i<check.length; i++) {
return result;
doctest.JSRunner.prototype.showCheckDifference = function (got, expectedRegex) {
if (expectedRegex.charAt(0) != '^') {
throw 'Unexpected regex, no leading ^';
if (expectedRegex.charAt(expectedRegex.length-1) != '$') {
throw 'Unexpected regex, no trailing $';
expectedRegex = expectedRegex.substr(1, expectedRegex.length-2);
// Technically this might not be right, but this is all a heuristic:
var expectedRegex = expectedRegex.replace(/\(\?:\.\|\[\\r\\n\]\)\*/g, '...');
var expectedLines = expectedRegex.split('\\n');
for (var i=0; i<expectedLines.length; i++) {
expectedLines[i] = expectedLines[i].replace(/\.\.\./g, '(?:.|[\r\n])*');
var gotLines = got.split('\n');
var result = [];
var totalLines = expectedLines.length > gotLines.length ?
expectedLines.length : gotLines.length;
function displayExpectedLine(line) {
return line;
line = line.replace(/\[a-zA-Z0-9_.\]\+/g, '?');
line = line.replace(/ \+/g, ' ');
line = line.replace(/\(\?:\.\|\[\\r\\n\]\)\*/g, '...');
// FIXME: also unescape values? e.g., * became \*
return line;
for (var i=0; i<totalLines; i++) {
if (i >= expectedLines.length) {
result.push('got extra line: ' + repr(gotLines[i]));
} else if (i >= gotLines.length) {
result.push('expected extra line: ' + displayExpectedLine(expectedLines[i]));
var gotLine = gotLines[i];
try {
var expectRE = new RegExp('^' + expectedLines[i] + '$');
} catch (e) {
result.push('regex match failed: ' + repr(gotLine) + ' ('
+ expectedLines[i] + ')');
if ( != -1) {
result.push('match: ' + repr(gotLine));
} else {
result.push('no match: ' + repr(gotLine) + ' ('
+ displayExpectedLine(expectedLines[i]) + ')');
return result;
// Should I really be setting this on RegExp?
RegExp.escape = function (text) {
if (!arguments.callee.sRE) {
var specials = [
'/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|',
'(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'
arguments.callee.sRE = new RegExp(
'(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'
return text.replace(arguments.callee.sRE, '\\$1');
doctest.OutputCapturer = function () {
if (this === window) {
throw('you forgot new!');
this.output = '';
doctest._output = null;
doctest.OutputCapturer.prototype.capture = function () {
doctest._output = this;
doctest.OutputCapturer.prototype.stopCapture = function () {
doctest._output = null;
doctest.OutputCapturer.prototype.write = function (text) {
if (typeof text == 'string') {
this.output += text;
} else {
this.output += repr(text);
// Used to create unique IDs:
doctest._idGen = 0;
doctest.genID = function (prefix) {
prefix = prefix || 'generic-doctest';
var id = doctest._idGen++;
return prefix + '-' + doctest._idGen;
doctest.writeln = function () {
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
if (i) {
write(' ');
if (typeof writeln == 'undefined') {
writeln = doctest.writeln;
doctest.write = function (text) {
if (doctest._output !== null) {
} else {
if (typeof write == 'undefined') {
write = doctest.write;
doctest._waitCond = null;
function wait(conditionOrTime, hardTimeout) {
// FIXME: should support a timeout even with a condition
if (typeof conditionOrTime == 'undefined'
|| conditionOrTime === null) {
// same as wait-some-small-amount-of-time
conditionOrTime = 0;
doctest._waitCond = conditionOrTime;
doctest._waitTimeout = hardTimeout;
doctest.wait = wait;
doctest.assert = function (expr, statement) {
if (typeof expr == 'string') {
if (! statement) {
statement = expr;
expr = doctest.eval(expr);
if (! expr) {
throw('AssertionError: '+statement);
if (typeof assert == 'undefined') {
assert = doctest.assert;
doctest.getText = function (el) {
if (! el) {
throw('You must pass in an element');
var text = '';
for (var i=0; i<el.childNodes.length; i++) {
var sub = el.childNodes[i];
if (sub.nodeType == 3) {
text += sub.nodeValue;
} else if (sub.childNodes) {
text += doctest.getText(sub);
return text;
doctest.reload = function (button/*optional*/) {
if (button) {
button.innerHTML = 'reloading...';
button.disabled = true;
/* Taken from MochiKit, with an addition to print objects */
doctest.repr = function (o, indentString, maxLen) {
indentString = indentString || '';
if (doctest._reprTracker === null) {
var iAmTheTop = true;
doctest._reprTracker = [];
} else {
var iAmTheTop = false;
try {
if (doctest._reprTrackObj(o)) {
return '..recursive..';
if (maxLen === undefined) {
maxLen = 120;
if (typeof o == 'undefined') {
return 'undefined';
} else if (o === null) {
return "null";
try {
if (typeof(o.__repr__) == 'function') {
return o.__repr__(indentString, maxLen);
} else if (typeof(o.repr) == 'function' && o.repr != arguments.callee) {
return o.repr(indentString, maxLen);
for (var i=0; i<doctest.repr.registry.length; i++) {
var item = doctest.repr.registry[i];
if (item[0](o)) {
return item[1](o, indentString, maxLen);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof(o.NAME) == 'string' && (
o.toString == Function.prototype.toString ||
o.toString == Object.prototype.toString)) {
return o.NAME;
try {
var ostring = (o + "");
if (ostring == '[object Object]' || ostring == '[object]') {
ostring = doctest.objRepr(o, indentString, maxLen);
} catch (e) {
return "[" + typeof(o) + "]";
if (typeof(o) == "function") {
var ostring = ostring.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
var idx = ostring.indexOf("{");
if (idx != -1) {
ostring = ostring.substr(o, idx) + "{...}";
return ostring;
} finally {
if (iAmTheTop) {
doctest._reprTracker = null;
doctest._reprTracker = null;
doctest._reprTrackObj = function (obj) {
if (typeof obj != 'object') {
return false;
for (var i=0; i<doctest._reprTracker.length; i++) {
if (doctest._reprTracker[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
doctest._reprTrackSave = function () {
return doctest._reprTracker.length-1;
doctest._reprTrackRestore = function (point) {
doctest._reprTracker.splice(point, doctest._reprTracker.length - point);
doctest._sortedKeys = function (obj) {
var keys = [];
for (var i in obj) {
// FIXME: should I use hasOwnProperty?
if (typeof obj.prototype == 'undefined'
|| obj[i] !== obj.prototype[i]) {
return keys;
doctest.objRepr = function (obj, indentString, maxLen) {
var restorer = doctest._reprTrackSave();
var ostring = '{';
var keys = doctest._sortedKeys(obj);
for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
if (ostring != '{') {
ostring += ', ';
ostring += keys[i] + ': ' + doctest.repr(obj[keys[i]], indentString, maxLen);
ostring += '}';
if (ostring.length > (maxLen - indentString.length)) {
return doctest.multilineObjRepr(obj, indentString, maxLen);
return ostring;
doctest.multilineObjRepr = function (obj, indentString, maxLen) {
var keys = doctest._sortedKeys(obj);
var ostring = '{\n';
for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
ostring += indentString + ' ' + keys[i] + ': ';
ostring += doctest.repr(obj[keys[i]], indentString+' ', maxLen);
if (i != keys.length - 1) {
ostring += ',';
ostring += '\n';
ostring += indentString + '}';
return ostring;
doctest.arrayRepr = function (obj, indentString, maxLen) {
var restorer = doctest._reprTrackSave();
var s = "[";
for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
s += doctest.repr(obj[i], indentString, maxLen);
if (i != obj.length-1) {
s += ", ";
s += "]";
if (s.length > (maxLen + indentString.length)) {
return doctest.multilineArrayRepr(obj, indentString, maxLen);
return s;
doctest.multilineArrayRepr = function (obj, indentString, maxLen) {
var s = "[\n";
for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
s += indentString + ' ' + doctest.repr(obj[i], indentString+' ', maxLen);
if (i != obj.length - 1) {
s += ',';
s += '\n';
s += indentString + ']';
return s;
doctest.xmlRepr = function (doc, indentString) {
var i;
if (doc.nodeType == doc.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return doctest.xmlRepr(doc.childNodes[0], indentString);
indentString = indentString || '';
var s = indentString + '<' + doc.tagName;
var attrs = [];
if (doc.attributes && doc.attributes.length) {
for (i=0; i<doc.attributes.length; i++) {
for (i=0; i<attrs.length; i++) {
s += ' ' + attrs[i] + '="';
var value = doc.getAttribute(attrs[i]);
value = value.replace('&', '&amp;');
value = value.replace('"', '&quot;');
s += value;
s += '"';
if (! doc.childNodes.length) {
s += ' />';
return s;
} else {
s += '>';
var hasNewline = false;
for (i=0; i<doc.childNodes.length; i++) {
var el = doc.childNodes[i];
if (el.nodeType == doc.TEXT_NODE) {
s += doctest.strip(el.textContent);
} else {
if (! hasNewline) {
s += '\n';
hasNewline = true;
s += doctest.xmlRepr(el, indentString + ' ');
s += '\n';
if (hasNewline) {
s += indentString;
s += '</' + doc.tagName + '>';
return s;
doctest.repr.registry = [
[function (o) {
return typeof o == 'string';},
function (o) {
o = '"' + o.replace(/([\"\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"';
o = o.replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f")
.replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b")
.replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n")
.replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t")
.replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r");
return o;
[function (o) {
return typeof o == 'number';},
function (o) {
return o + "";
[function (o) {
return (typeof o == 'object' && o.xmlVersion);
[function (o) {
var typ = typeof o;
if ((typ != 'object' && ! (type == 'function' && typeof o.item == 'function')) ||
o === null ||
typeof o.length != 'number' ||
o.nodeType === 3) {
return false;
return true;
doctest.objDiff = function (orig, current) {
var result = {
added: {},
removed: {},
changed: {},
same: {}
for (var i in orig) {
if (! (i in current)) {
result.removed[i] = orig[i];
} else if (orig[i] !== current[i]) {
result.changed[i] = [orig[i], current[i]];
} else {
result.same[i] = orig[i];
for (i in current) {
if (! (i in orig)) {
result.added[i] = current[i];
return result;
doctest.writeDiff = function (orig, current, indentString) {
if (typeof orig != 'object' || typeof current != 'object') {
writeln(indentString + repr(orig, indentString) + ' -> ' + repr(current, indentString));
indentString = indentString || '';
var diff = doctest.objDiff(orig, current);
var i, keys;
var any = false;
keys = doctest._sortedKeys(diff.added);
for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
any = true;
writeln(indentString + '+' + keys[i] + ': '
+ repr(diff.added[keys[i]], indentString));
keys = doctest._sortedKeys(diff.removed);
for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
any = true;
writeln(indentString + '-' + keys[i] + ': '
+ repr(diff.removed[keys[i]], indentString));
keys = doctest._sortedKeys(diff.changed);
for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
any = true;
writeln(indentString + keys[i] + ': '
+ repr(diff.changed[keys[i]][0], indentString)
+ ' -> '
+ repr(diff.changed[keys[i]][1], indentString));
if (! any) {
writeln(indentString + '(no changes)');
doctest.objectsEqual = function (ob1, ob2) {
var i;
if (typeof ob1 != 'object' || typeof ob2 != 'object') {
return ob1 === ob2;
for (i in ob1) {
if (ob1[i] !== ob2[i]) {
return false;
for (i in ob2) {
if (! (i in ob1)) {
return false;
return true;
doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName = function (tagName, className, parent/*optional*/) {
parent = parent || document;
var els = parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
var result = [];
var regexes = [];
if (typeof className == 'string') {
className = [className];
for (var i=0; i<className.length; i++) {
regexes.push(new RegExp("\\b" + className[i] + "\\b"));
for (i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
var el = els[i];
if (el.className) {
var passed = true;
for (var j=0; j<regexes.length; j++) {
if ([j]) == -1) {
passed = false;
if (passed) {
return result;
doctest.strip = function (str) {
str = str + "";
return str.replace(/\s+$/, "").replace(/^\s+/, "");
doctest.rstrip = function (str) {
str = str + "";
return str.replace(/\s+$/, "");
doctest.escapeHTML = function (s) {
return s.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/\"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
doctest.escapeSpaces = function (s) {
return s.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp; ');
doctest.extend = function (obj, extendWith) {
for (i in extendWith) {
obj[i] = extendWith[i];
return obj;
doctest.extendDefault = function (obj, extendWith) {
for (i in extendWith) {
if (typeof obj[i] == 'undefined') {
obj[i] = extendWith[i];
return obj;
if (typeof repr == 'undefined') {
repr = doctest.repr;
doctest._consoleFunc = function (attr) {
if (typeof window.console != 'undefined'
&& typeof window.console[attr] != 'undefined') {
if (typeof console[attr].apply === 'function') {
result = function() {
console[attr].apply(console, arguments);
} else {
result = console[attr];
} else {
result = function () {
// FIXME: do something
return result;
if (typeof log == 'undefined') {
log = doctest._consoleFunc('log');
if (typeof logDebug == 'undefined') {
logDebug = doctest._consoleFunc('log');
if (typeof logInfo == 'undefined') {
logInfo = doctest._consoleFunc('info');
if (typeof logWarn == 'undefined') {
logWarn = doctest._consoleFunc('warn');
doctest.eval = function () {
return window.eval.apply(window, arguments);
doctest.useCoffeeScript = function (options) {
options = options || {};
options.bare = true;
options.globals = true;
if (! options.fileName) {
options.fileName = 'repl';
if (typeof CoffeeScript == 'undefined') {
doctest.logWarn('coffee-script.js is not included');
throw 'coffee-script.js is not included';
doctest.eval = function (code) {
var src = CoffeeScript.compile(code, options);
logDebug('Compiled code to:', src);
return window.eval(src);
doctest.autoSetup = function (parent) {
var tags = doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName('div', 'test', parent);
// First we'll make sure everything has an ID
var tagsById = {};
for (var i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
var tagId = tags[i].getAttribute('id');
if (! tagId) {
tagId = 'test-' + (++doctest.autoSetup._idCount);
tags[i].setAttribute('id', tagId);
// FIXME: test uniqueness here, warn
tagsById[tagId] = tags[i];
// Then fill in the labels
for (i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
var el = document.createElement('span');
el.className = 'test-id';
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.setAttribute('href', '#' + tags[i].getAttribute('id'));
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'test';
button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
button.setAttribute('test-id', tags[i].getAttribute('id'));
button.onclick = function () {
location.hash = '#' + this.getAttribute('test-id');
tags[i].insertBefore(el, tags[i].childNodes[0]);
// Lastly, create output areas in each section
for (i=0; i<tags.length; i++) {
var outEl = doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName('pre', 'output', tags[i]);
if (! outEl.length) {
outEl = document.createElement('pre');
outEl.className = 'output';
outEl.setAttribute('id', tags[i].getAttribute('id') + '-output');
if (location.hash.length > 1) {
// This makes the :target CSS work, since if the hash points to an
// element whose id has just been added, it won't be noticed
location.hash = location.hash;
var output = document.getElementById('doctestOutput');
if (! tags.length) {
tags = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
if (! output) {
output = document.createElement('pre');
output.setAttribute('id', 'doctestOutput');
output.className = 'output';
tags[0].parentNode.insertBefore(output, tags[0]);
var reloader = document.getElementById('doctestReload');
if (! reloader) {
reloader = document.createElement('button');
reloader.setAttribute('type', 'button');
reloader.setAttribute('id', 'doctest-testall');
reloader.innerHTML = 'test all';
reloader.onclick = function () {
location.hash = '#doctest-testall';
output.parentNode.insertBefore(reloader, output);
doctest.autoSetup._idCount = 0;
doctest.Spy = function (name, options, extraOptions) {
var self;
if (doctest.spies[name]) {
self = doctest.spies[name];
if (! options && ! extraOptions) {
return self;
} else {
self = function () {
return self.func.apply(this, arguments);
name = name || 'spy';
options = options || {};
if (typeof options == 'function') {
options = {applies: options};
if (extraOptions) {
doctest.extendDefault(options, extraOptions);
doctest.extendDefault(options, doctest.defaultSpyOptions);
self._name = name;
self.options = options;
self.called = false;
self.calledWait = false;
self.args = null;
self.self = null;
self.argList = [];
self.selfList = [];
self.writes = options.writes || false;
self.returns = options.returns || null;
self.applies = options.applies || null;
self.binds = options.binds || null;
self.throwError = options.throwError || null;
self.ignoreThis = options.ignoreThis || false;
self.wrapArgs = options.wrapArgs || false;
self.func = function () {
self.called = true;
self.calledWait = true;
self.args = doctest._argsToArray(arguments);
self.self = this;
// It might be possible to get the caller?
if (self.writes) {
if (self.throwError) {
throw self.throwError;
if (self.applies) {
return self.applies.apply(this, arguments);
return self.returns;
self.func.toString = function () {
return "Spy('" + self._name + "').func";
// Method definitions:
self.formatCall = function () {
var s = '';
if ((! self.ignoreThis) && self.self !== window && self.self !== self) {
s += doctest.repr(self.self) + '.';
s += self._name;
if (self.args === null) {
return s + ':never called';
s += '(';
for (var i=0; i<self.args.length; i++) {
if (i) {
s += ', ';
if (self.wrapArgs) {
var maxLen = 10;
} else {
var maxLen = undefined;
s += doctest.repr(self.args[i], '', maxLen);
s += ')';
return s;
self.method = function (name, options, extraOptions) {
var desc = self._name + '.' + name;
var newSpy = Spy(desc, options, extraOptions);
self[name] = self.func[name] = newSpy.func;
return newSpy;
self.methods = function (props) {
for (var i in props) {
if (props[i] === props.prototype[i]) {
self.method(i, props[i]);
return self;
self.wait = function (timeout) {
var func = function () {
var value = self.calledWait;
if (value) {
self.calledWait = false;
return value;
func.repr = function () {
return 'called:'+repr(self);
doctest.wait(func, timeout);
self.repr = function () {
return "Spy('" + self._name + "')";
if (options.methods) {
doctest.spies[name] = self;
if (options.wait) {
return self;
doctest._argsToArray = function (args) {
var array = [];
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
return array;
Spy = doctest.Spy;
doctest.spies = {};
doctest.defaultTimeout = 2000;
doctest.defaultSpyOptions = {writes: true};
var docTestOnLoad = function () {
var auto = false;
if (/\bautodoctest\b/.exec(document.body.className)) {
auto = true;
} else {
logDebug('No autodoctest class on <body>');
var loc =;
if (auto || (/doctestRun/).exec(loc)) {
var elements = null;
// FIXME: we need to put the output near the specific test being tested:
if (location.hash) {
var el = document.getElementById(location.hash.substr(1));
if (el) {
if (/\btest\b/.exec(el.className)) {
var testEls = doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName('pre', 'doctest', el);
elements = doctest.getElementsByTagAndClassName('pre', ['doctest', 'setup']);
for (var i=0; i<testEls.length; i++) {
doctest(0, elements);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', docTestOnLoad, false);
} else if(window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', docTestOnLoad);