blob: 3f3dcff018a5830081e39809e8dc82c19ba84a7d [file] [log] [blame]
var select = require("js-select"),
extend = require("./extend"),
ClientMethods = require("./client-methods"),
JSObject = require("./jsobject");
module.exports = Console;
function Console(client, actor) {
this.initialize(client, actor);
this.on("consoleAPICall", this.onConsoleAPI.bind(this));
this.on("pageError", this.onPageError.bind(this));
Console.prototype = extend(ClientMethods, {
types: ["PageError", "ConsoleAPI"],
* Response object:
* -empty-
startListening: function(cb) {
this.request('startListeners', { listeners: this.types }, cb);
* Response object:
* -empty-
stopListening: function(cb) {
this.request('stopListeners', { listeners: this.types }, cb);
* Event object:
* level - "log", etc.
* filename - file with call
* lineNumber - line number of call
* functionName - function log called from
* timeStamp - ms timestamp of call
* arguments - array of the arguments to log call
* private -
onConsoleAPI: function(event) {
var message = this.transformConsoleCall(event.message);
this.emit("console-api-call", message);
* Event object:
* errorMessage - string error message
* sourceName - file error
* lineText
* lineNumber - line number of error
* columnNumber - column number of error
* category - usually "content javascript",
* timeStamp - time in ms of error occurance
* warning - whether it's a warning
* error - whether it's an error
* exception - whether it's an exception
* strict -
* private -
onPageError: function(event) {
this.emit("page-error", event.pageError);
* Response object: array of page error or console call objects.
getCachedLogs: function(cb) {
var message = {
messageTypes: this.types
this.request('getCachedMessages', message, function(resp) {
select(resp, ".messages > *").update(this.transformConsoleCall.bind(this));
return resp.messages;
}.bind(this), cb);
* Response object:
* -empty-
clearCachedLogs: function(cb) {
this.request('clearMessagesCache', cb);
* Response object:
* input - original input
* result - result of the evaluation, a value or JSObject
* timestamp - timestamp in ms of the evaluation
* exception - any exception as a result of the evaluation
evaluateJS: function(text, cb) {
this.request('evaluateJS', { text: text }, function(resp) {
return select(resp, ".result, .exception")
}.bind(this), cb)
transformConsoleCall: function(message) {
return select(message, ".arguments > *").update(this.createJSObject.bind(this));