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under the License.
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const rewire = require('rewire');
const { tmpDir: getTmpDir } = require('./helpers.js');
describe('fetch', () => {
let fetch, installPackage;
beforeEach(() => {
fetch = rewire('..');
installPackage = jasmine.createSpy()
fetch.__set__({ fs: { ensureDirSync: _ => _ }, installPackage });
it('should return path to installed package', () => {
fetch.__set__({ pathToInstalledPackage: _ => Promise.resolve('/foo') });
return fetch('foo', 'bar').then(result => {
it('should install package if not found', () => {
fetch.__set__({ pathToInstalledPackage: _ => Promise.reject(new Error()) });
return fetch('foo', 'bar').then(result => {
describe('npmArgs', () => {
const fetch = rewire('..');
const npmArgs = fetch.__get__('npmArgs');
it('should handle missing options', () => {
it('when save_exact is true, save-exact flag should be passed through to npm', () => {
const opts = { cwd: 'some/path', save_exact: true };
expect(npmArgs('platform', opts)).toContain('--save-exact');
it('when save is true, save-dev flag should be passed through to npm', () => {
const opts = { cwd: 'some/path', save: true };
expect(npmArgs('platform', opts)).toContain('--save-dev');
it('when save is false, no-save flag should be passed through to npm', () => {
const opts = { cwd: 'some/path', save: false };
expect(npmArgs('platform', opts)).toContain('--no-save');
describe('getTargetPackageSpecFromNpmInstallOutput', () => {
const fetch = rewire('..');
const getTargetPackageSpecFromNpmInstallOutput = fetch.__get__('getTargetPackageSpecFromNpmInstallOutput');
const outputSampleNpm5 = '+ cordova-electron@1.0.0-dev';
const outputSampleNpm5WithPostinstall = '> electron@3.1.1 postinstall /cordova-project/node_modules/electron\n' +
'> node install.js\n\n' +
'+ cordova-electron@1.0.0-dev\n';
const wrongOutputSample = 'Wrong output';
it('should parse the package name using npm >= 5', () => {
it('should parse the package name using npm >= 5 with postinstall ', () => {
it('should gracefully handle if could not determine the package name from output', () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrow(new Error(`Could not determine package name from output:\n${wrongOutputSample}`));
describe('resolvePathToPackage', () => {
let tmpDir, resolvePathToPackage, expectedPath, NODE_PATH;
beforeEach(() => {
tmpDir = getTmpDir();
resolvePathToPackage = rewire('..').__get__('resolvePathToPackage');
expectedPath = path.join(tmpDir, 'app/node_modules/dummy-local-plugin');
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'support/dummy-local-plugin'), expectedPath);
NODE_PATH = process.env.NODE_PATH;
delete process.env.NODE_PATH;
afterEach(() => {
if (NODE_PATH !== undefined) {
process.env.NODE_PATH = NODE_PATH;
function resolveToExpectedPathFrom (basedir) {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(_ => fs.mkdirp(basedir))
.then(_ => resolvePathToPackage('dummy-local-plugin', basedir))
.then(([p]) => expect(p).toEqual(expectedPath));
it('should return path and package.json of an installed package', () => {
return Promise.resolve(path.join(tmpDir, 'app'))
.then(basedir => resolvePathToPackage('dummy-local-plugin', basedir))
.then(([pkgPath, pkgJson]) => {
name: 'test-plugin', version: '1.0.0'
it('should find a package installed in the parent of the given directory', () => {
return resolveToExpectedPathFrom(path.join(tmpDir, 'app/nested-directory'));
it('should find a package installed in an ancestor of the given directory', () => {
return resolveToExpectedPathFrom(path.join(tmpDir, 'app/nested-directory/nested-subdirectory'));
it('should not find a package installed elsewhere', () => {
return resolvePathToPackage('dummy-local-plugin', tmpDir).then(
_ => fail('expect promise to be rejected'),
err => expect(err).toBeDefined()
it('should find a package installed at $NODE_PATH', () => {
process.env.NODE_PATH = path.join(tmpDir, 'app/node_modules');
return resolveToExpectedPathFrom(path.join(tmpDir, 'another-app'));
it('should gracefully handle broken $NODE_PATH', () => {
process.env.NODE_PATH = path.delimiter;
return resolvePathToPackage('dummy-local-plugin', tmpDir).then(
_ => fail('expect promise to be rejected'),
err => expect(err).toBeDefined()