blob: 8bb63267d1a6d214b6daf9ec9e5a84d575364a8c [file] [log] [blame]
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var Q = require('q');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var superspawn = require('cordova-common').superspawn;
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
var depls = require('dependency-ls');
var url = require('url');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError;
var isUrl = require('is-url');
var isGitUrl = require('is-git-url');
var hostedGitInfo = require('hosted-git-info');
* A function that npm installs a module from npm or a git url
* @param {String} target the packageID or git url
* @param {String} dest destination of where to install the module
* @param {Object} opts [opts={save:true}] options to pass to fetch module
* @return {String|Promise} Returns string of the absolute path to the installed module.
module.exports = function (target, dest, opts) {
var fetchArgs = ? ['link'] : ['install'];
opts = opts || {};
var tree1;
var nodeModulesDir = dest;
// check if npm is installed
return module.exports.isNpmInstalled()
.then(function () {
if (dest && target) {
// add target to fetchArgs Array
// append node_modules to nodeModulesDir if it doesn't come included
if (path.basename(dest) !== 'node_modules') {
nodeModulesDir = path.resolve(path.join(dest, 'node_modules'));
// create node_modules if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(nodeModulesDir)) {
shell.mkdir('-p', nodeModulesDir);
} else return Q.reject(new CordovaError('Need to supply a target and destination'));
// set the directory where npm install will be run
opts.cwd = dest;
// npm should use production by default when install is npm run
if ((opts.production) || (opts.production === undefined)) {
opts.production = true;
// if user added --save flag, pass it to npm install command
if (opts.save_exact) {
events.emit('verbose', 'saving exact');
} else if ( {
events.emit('verbose', 'saving');
} else {
// Grab json object of installed modules before npm install
return depls(nodeModulesDir);
.then(function (depTree) {
tree1 = depTree;
// install new module
return superspawn.spawn('npm', fetchArgs, opts);
.then(function (output) {
// Grab object of installed modules after npm install
return depls(nodeModulesDir);
.then(function (depTree2) {
var tree2 = depTree2;
// getJsonDiff will fail if the module already exists in node_modules.
// Need to use trimID in that case.
// This could happen on a platform update.
var id = getJsonDiff(tree1, tree2) || trimID(target);
return module.exports.getPath(id, nodeModulesDir, target);
.fail(function (err) {
return Q.reject(new CordovaError(err));
* Takes two JSON objects and returns the key of the new property as a string.
* If a module already exists in node_modules, the diff will be blank.
* cordova-fetch will use trimID in that case.
* @param {Object} obj1 json object representing installed modules before latest npm install
* @param {Object} obj2 json object representing installed modules after latest npm install
* @return {String} String containing the key value of the difference between the two objects
function getJsonDiff (obj1, obj2) {
var result = [];
// regex to filter out peer dependency warnings from result
for (var key in obj2) {
// if it isn't a unmet peer dependency, continue
if ( === -1) {
if (obj2[key] !== obj1[key]) {
if (result.length > 1) {
// something went wrong if we have more than one module installed at a time
return false;
// only return the first element
return result[0];
* Takes the specified target and returns the moduleID
* If the git repoName is different than moduleID, then the
* output from this function will be incorrect. This is the
* backup way to get ID. getJsonDiff is the preferred way to
* get the moduleID of the installed module.
* @param {String} target target that was passed into cordova-fetch.
* can be moduleID, moduleID@version, gitURL or relative path (file:relative/path)
* @return {String} ID moduleID without version.
function trimID (target) {
var parts;
// If GITURL, set target to repo name
var gitInfo = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(target);
if (gitInfo) {
target = gitInfo.project;
} else if (isUrl(target) || isGitUrl(target)) {
// strip away .git and everything that follows
var strippedTarget = target.split('.git');
var re = /.*\/(.*)/;
// Grabs everything in url after last `/`
parts = strippedTarget[0].match(re);
target = parts[1];
// If local path exists, try to get plugin id from package.json or set target to final directory
if (target.startsWith('file:')) {
// If target starts with file: prefix, strip it
target = target.substring(5);
if (fs.existsSync(target)) {
var pluginId;
var pkgJsonPath = path.join(target, 'package.json');
if (fs.existsSync(pkgJsonPath)) {
pluginId = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgJsonPath)).name;
target = pluginId || path.basename(target);
// strip away everything after '@'
// also support scoped packages
if (target.indexOf('@') !== -1) {
parts = target.split('@');
if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0] === '') {
// scoped package
target = '@' + parts[1];
} else {
target = parts[0];
return target;
* Takes the moduleID and destination and returns an absolute path to the module
* @param {String} id the packageID
* @param {String} dest destination of where to fetch the modules
* @return {String|Error} Returns the absolute url for the module or throws a error
function getPath (id, dest, target) {
var destination = path.resolve(path.join(dest, id));
var finalDest = fs.existsSync(destination) ? destination : searchDirForTarget(dest, target);
if (!finalDest) {
throw new CordovaError('Failed to get absolute path to installed module');
return finalDest;
module.exports.getPath = getPath;
* Make an additional search in destination folder using repository.url property from package.json
* @param {String} dest destination of where to fetch the modules
* @param {String} target target that was passed into cordova-fetch. can be moduleID, moduleID@version or gitURL
* @return {String} Returns the absolute url for the module or null
function searchDirForTarget (dest, target) {
if (!isUrl(target)) {
var targetPathname = url.parse(target).pathname;
var pkgJsonPath = fs.readdirSync(dest).map(function (dir) {
return path.join(dest, dir, 'package.json');
.find(function (pkgJsonPath) {
var repo = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgJsonPath)).repository;
return repo && url.parse(repo.url).pathname === targetPathname;
return pkgJsonPath && path.dirname(pkgJsonPath);
* Checks to see if npm is installed on the users system
* @return {Promise|Error} Returns true or a cordova error.
function isNpmInstalled () {
if (!shell.which('npm')) {
return Q.reject(new CordovaError('"npm" command line tool is not installed: make sure it is accessible on your PATH.'));
return Q();
module.exports.isNpmInstalled = isNpmInstalled;
* A function that deletes the target from node_modules and runs npm uninstall
* @param {String} target the packageID
* @param {String} dest destination of where to uninstall the module from
* @param {Object} opts [opts={save:true}] options to pass to npm uninstall
* @return {Promise|Error} Returns a promise with the npm uninstall output or an error.
module.exports.uninstall = function (target, dest, opts) {
var fetchArgs = ['uninstall'];
opts = opts || {};
// check if npm is installed on the system
return isNpmInstalled()
.then(function () {
if (dest && target) {
// add target to fetchArgs Array
} else return Q.reject(new CordovaError('Need to supply a target and destination'));
// set the directory where npm uninstall will be run
opts.cwd = dest;
// if user added --save flag, pass it to npm uninstall command
if ( {
} else {
// run npm uninstall, this will remove dependency
// from package.json if --save was used.
return superspawn.spawn('npm', fetchArgs, opts);
.then(function (res) {
var pluginDest = path.join(dest, 'node_modules', target);
if (fs.existsSync(pluginDest)) {
shell.rm('-rf', pluginDest);
return res;
.fail(function (err) {
return Q.reject(new CordovaError(err));