Speed up tests by about 250%

- Add local git fixture repo to speed up test ~50s to ~5s
- Reduce run time of longest test from ~60s to ~25s
- Reduce amount of git tests for double fetch tests
9 files changed
tree: a21b20cf30b79dbd1516a39ed88a1668359df385
  1. spec/
  2. .eslintrc.yml
  3. .gitignore
  4. .ratignore
  5. .travis.yml
  6. appveyor.yml
  7. index.js
  8. package.json
  9. README.md

Build status Build Status NPM


This module is used for fetching modules from npm and gitURLs. It fetches the modules via npm install. It can also npm uninstall modules from a project.



var fetch = require('cordova-fetch');

fetch(spec, dest, opts);

spec can be a string containg a npm packageID or a git URL. dest is string of the directory location you wish to npm install these modules. opts is an Object of options cordova fetch handles. Currently, fetch only support the save option. eg. {'save':true}


var npmUninstall = require('cordova-fetch').uninstall;

npmUninstall(spec, dest, opts);

spec can be a string containg a npm packageID. dest is string of the directory location you wish to npm uninstall these modules. opts is an Object of options cordova fetch handles. Currently, fetch only support the save option. eg. {'save':true}