
Checks if a connection can be established with a specific domain.

network.isReachable(reachableHostname, reachableCallback, [reachableOptions])


This is a fast way to determine the device's network connection state, type of connection, and whether a specific domain is online.

Since network.isReachable is an asynchronous function, the network state is returned using a callback function.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • BlackBerry
  • BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher)
  • iPhone

Quick Example

function reachableCallback(reachability) {
    // There is no consistency on the format of reachability
    var networkState = reachability.code || reachability;
    var states = {};
    states[NetworkStatus.NOT_REACHABLE]                      = 'No network connection';
    states[NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_CARRIER_DATA_NETWORK] = 'Carrier data connection';
    states[NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_WIFI_NETWORK]         = 'WiFi connection';

    alert('Connection type: ' + states[networkState]);
}'', reachableCallback);

Full Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>isReachable Example</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    // Wait for PhoneGap to load
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
    // PhoneGap is loaded and it is now safe to make calls PhoneGap methods
    function onDeviceReady() {"", reachableCallback, {});
    // Check network status
    function reachableCallback(reachability) {
        // There is no consistency on the format of reachability
        var networkState = reachability.code || reachability;
        var states = {};
        states[NetworkStatus.NOT_REACHABLE]                      = 'No network connection';
        states[NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_CARRIER_DATA_NETWORK] = 'Carrier data connection';
        states[NetworkStatus.REACHABLE_VIA_WIFI_NETWORK]         = 'WiFi connection';
        alert('Connection type: ' + states[networkState]);
    <p>A dialog box will report the network state.</p>