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BlackBerry 10 Command-line Tools

The cordova command-line utility is a high-level tool that allows you to build applications across several platforms at once. An older version of the Cordova framework provides sets of command-line tools specific to each platform. To use them as an alternative to the CLI, you need to download this version of Cordova from The download contains separate archives for each platform. Expand the platform you wish to target. The tools described here are typically available in the top-level bin directory, otherwise consult the README file for more detailed directions.

If you need help with any command listed below, type the command along with the -h or -help arguments, which are supported by all commands and which provide descriptions for each of the available arguments.


The ‘create’ command creates a new project:

bin/create <path-to-project>


The target command allows you to manage the BlackBerry device(s) or emulator that you will use to test your app. You can add or remove a target, or set a target as the default target.

Add a target

<path-to-project>/cordova/target add <name> <ip-address> [-t | --type <device | simulator>] [-p | --password <password>] [--pin <device-pin>]


  • <name> specifies a unique name for the target.

  • <ip-address> specifies the ip address of the BlackBerry device or simulator.

  • -p | --password <password> specifies the password for the device or emulator. This is required only if the device or emulator is password protected.

  • --pin <device-pin> specifies the PIN of the BlackBerry device, which identifies that device as a valid host for the debug token. This argument is required only if you are creating a debug token.

Remove a target

<path-to-project>/cordova/target remove <name>

Set a target as the default

<path-to-project>/cordova/target default <name>


The build command builds the project as a .bar file. You can build your app in either release mode (which produces a signed .bar file) or in debug mode (which produces an unsigned .bar file).

Build your project in release mode

<path-to-project>/cordova/build release [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-b | --buildId <number>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]


  • -k | --keystorepass <password> specifies the password you defined when you configured your computer to sign applications.
  • -b | --buildId <number> specifies the build version number of your application. Typically, this number should be incremented from the previous signed version. This argument is optional.
  • -p | --params <params-JSON-file> specifies a JSON file containing additional parameters to pass to downstream tools. This argument is optional.

Build your project in debug mode

<path-to-project>/cordova/build debug [<target>] [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]  [-ll | --loglevel <error|warn|verbose>]


  • <target> specifies the name of a previously added target. If <target> is not specified, the default target is used, if one has been created. This argument is only required if you want the script to deploy your app to a BlackBerry device or emulator and you have not created a default target. Additionally, if <target> is a device, then that device must be connected to your computer by USB connection or be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.

  • -k | --keystorepass <password> specifies the password you defined when you configured your computer to sign applications. This password is also used to create your debug token. This argument is only required if you want the script to create and install the debug token for you.

  • -p | --params <params-JSON-file> specifies a JSON file containing additional parameters to pass to downstream tools.

  • -ll | --loglevel <level> specifies the log level. The log level may be one of error, warn, or verbose.

If you have previously defined a default target (and previously installed a debug token, if that target is a BlackBerry device), you can run the script with no arguments, and the script will package your app and deploy it to the default target. For example:

<path-to-project>/cordova/build debug


The run command deploys the app on the specified BlackBerry device or an emulator. Before deploying your app, you must first create a target for the device or emulator you want to deploy your app to using the target script. The deploy script will deploy the most recent build of your app.

<path-to-project>/cordova/run <target>


  • <target> specifies the name of a previously added target. If <target> is a device, then that device must be connected to your computer by USB connection or be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.


The target command allows you to add and remove plugins

Fetch a locally hosted plugin

<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin fetch <path-to-plugin>

View a list of installed plugins

<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin ls

Add a plugin

<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin add <name>

Remove a plugin

<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin rm <name>