
To work on the website and see changes live as you save, run:

node_modules/.bin/gulp serve

That command will build the site and start a local server. To work on only the website without the docs, add the --nodocs flag, as follows:

node_modules/.bin/gulp serve --nodocs

Alternatively, to dynamically rebuild the site and refresh the browser when changes happen (again, optionally with the --nodocs flag), run:

node_modules/.bin/gulp watch

Next steps

When you are done with developing, you can build and deploy using the automated steps.

You can also build and deploy manually. In case Travis build breaks, you may want to build and deploy manually.

Not covered by automated build and deploy

  • Travis doesn't auto pull in translation changes. Read more here.
  • Travis doesn't update latest (7.x) from dev version of docs. You will need to do this manually using gulp snapshot. Read more here.
  • Travis doesn't create a new version of the docs (future 8.x). Read more here.

Of course, you could do all three of the above as commits. After you commit them, then Travis will do the deploy.