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     under the License.


An overview of storage options for Cordova.

Several storage APIs are available for Cordova applications. See html5rocks. for a more complete overview and examples.


Also known as web storage, simple storage, or by its alternate session storage interface, this API provides synchronous key/value pair storage, and is available in underlying WebView implementations. Refer to the W3C spec for details.

Windows Phone 7 Quirk: Dot notation is not available, so be sure to use setItem or getItem rather than access keys directly from the storage object, as in window.localStorage.someKey.


This API is available in the underlying WebView. The Web SQL Database Specification offers more full-featured database tables accessed via SQL queries.

The following platforms support WebSQL:

  • Android
  • BlackBerry 10
  • iOS
  • Tizen


This API is available in the underlying WebView. Indexed DB offers more features than LocalStorage but fewer than WebSQL.

The following platforms support IndexedDB:

  • Windows Phone 8
  • BlackBerry 10

Plugin-Based Options

In addition to the storage APIs listed above, the File API allows you to cache data on the local file system. Other Cordova plugins provide similar storage options.