Building and Deploying (Automated)


After you are finished developing and making your changes, make sure to test them. Run:

npm test

npm test runs both eslint and mocha tests. If your tests pass, commit and push your work to Github.


Travis automatically builds and publishes the website on every change. In travis.yml, Travis installs required dependencies and runs the build script. Travis will build the full website for you by running gulp build --prod under the hood. Travis also uses SVN to update, copy, add, and commit the new changes over to the website. Committing to svn can only occur once the commit has been merged to master. You can read more about is happening under the hood with SVN here. Travis also runs npm test and will notify you if any of your eslint or mocha tests are failing. When Travis is done building and deploying, send a pull request and ask for a review.

NOTE: Committing to Travis might take a while (up to 1 hour), depending on the number of files changed.