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title: Flags


This object is used to supply arguments to the [DirectoryEntry](../directoryentry/directoryentry.html) getFile and getDirectory methods, which look up or create files and directories, respectively.


  • create: Used to indicate that the file or directory should be created, if it does not exist. (boolean)
  • exclusive: By itself, exclusive has no effect. Used with create, it causes the file or directory creation to fail if the target path already exists. (boolean)

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher)
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone 7 and 8
  • Windows 8

Quick Example

// Get the data directory, creating it if it doesn't exist.
dataDir = fileSystem.root.getDirectory("data", {create: true});

// Create the lock file, if and only if it doesn't exist.
lockFile = dataDir.getFile("lockfile.txt", {create: true, exclusive: true});