layout: post author: name: Bryan Ellis title: “Cordova Electron 1.1.1 Released!” categories: announcements tags: news releases

We are happy to announce that we have just released Cordova Electron 1.1.1! This is one of Cordova's supported platforms for building Electron applications.

Release Highlights

To upgrade:

cordova platform remove electron
cordova platform add electron@1.1.1

To install:

cordova platform add electron@1.1.1

Some of the notable fixes in this patch releae are:

  • Builds no longer fails when icons with incorrect requirements are defined as long as one of the icons meet the requirements.
  • Prepare no longer fails when package.json is missing the dependencies property.

For a quick start guide and in-depth configuration setup, please check out our Cordova Electron Documentation!

Please report any issues you find at!

Changes include:

  • GH-94 chore: rebuilt package-lock.json for audit fix
  • GH-79 fix: filter icons only matching requirements
  • GH-89 fix: prepare missing dependencies failure
  • GH-86 refactor: improve create test spec speed
  • GH-85 fix: use spyOn for process global var