
Automatic Deployment

See for a description of the automated build and deploy process via Travis.

Manual Deployment

This section requires basic knowledge of SVN. If you do not know how to use SVN, refer to this tutorial.

To build the full website, run:

node_modules/.bin/gulp build --prod

A folder called build-prod will be created, and will contain the built website. Then, in a directory one level above the cordova-docs repository, check out the SVN repository that contains the currently deployed website by running the following command (committer access required):

cd ..
svn checkout cordova-website

Then, move into the cordova-website repository and synchronise it with the SVN server:

cd cordova-website
svn update

Copy the cordova-docs/build-prod/ directory to the public directory in SVN like so:

cd ..
cp -R cordova-docs/build-prod/. cordova-website/public/

Some files will be new (? in SVN, and need to be svn added) and some files will be changed (M in SVN; no action required). To see just the ? changes, run:

cd cordova-website
svn status | grep "?"

Once you are satisfied that you have added the required changes, commit with a message:

svn commit -m "Updated docs"

NOTE: The commit might take a while (up to 1 hour), depending on the number of files changed.