Add timeline note to print out deprecation notice.
diff --git a/proposals/ b/proposals/
index 4dc9124..4e38535 100644
--- a/proposals/
+++ b/proposals/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 ## Proposed Timeline
-**Oct 1st 2016** - deprecate use of `node 0.x`. Make sure all AppVeyor/Travis CI builds still test using `node 0.x` as well as `node 6.x`
+**Oct 1st 2016** - deprecate use of `node 0.x`. Make sure all AppVeyor/Travis CI builds still test using `node 0.x` as well as `node 6.x`. Add a requirements check that will print out a deprecation notice if they are using a node < 6, and telling them to upgrade to a minimum of 6.
 **Jan 1st 2017** - Make sure all AppVeyor/Travis CI builds only test for `node 6.x`. Safe to use ES6 and ES7 features in Apache Cordova. Tools and platforms will have to bump a major version.