Update ImprovedDocumentation.md
diff --git a/proposals/ImprovedDocumentation.md b/proposals/ImprovedDocumentation.md
index 436dc5c..8ca85e0 100644
--- a/proposals/ImprovedDocumentation.md
+++ b/proposals/ImprovedDocumentation.md
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
 Here are topcis for new articles that we can add. If you already know of an article that points to the topic, please add it next to the topic
-- Upgrading you project from older versions of Cordova CLI
-- Managing plugins using npm and plugman - [current page](http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/plugin_ref_plugman.md.html#Using%20Plugman%20to%20Manage%20Plugins)
-- How to test Cordova applications
-- Documentation around `--save` command for plugins and platforms
-- More info on `<plugin>` tag replacing `<feature>`. Also how `<plugin>` tag autofetches on prepare
-- Whitelisting Guide
-- Non CLI workflows (more npm/grunt/gulp friendly ones)
+[] Upgrading you project from older versions of Cordova CLI
+[] Managing plugins using npm and plugman - [current page](http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/plugin_ref_plugman.md.html#Using%20Plugman%20to%20Manage%20Plugins)
+[] How to test Cordova applications
+[x] Documentation around `--save` command for plugins and platforms
+[x] More info on `<plugin>` tag replacing `<feature>`. Also how `<plugin>` tag autofetches on prepare
+[] Whitelisting Guide
+[] Non CLI workflows (more npm/grunt/gulp friendly ones)
+[] Update & simplify cordova-cli README.md