Cordova Face To Face Meeting



Day 1: October 14, 2015

08:00 - 10:00Optional Breakfast and Networking
10:30 - 11:00Introductions, State of the Union (@Shaz)
11:00 - 12:00Cordova Round Table (discuss broadly applicable topics like roadmap, processes, etc)
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 4:00Smaller workgroups - to discuss specific topcs
4:00 - 5:00Getting back together, discuss results from breakouts
5:00End time (and head to bar for beer)

Day2: October 15, 2015

9:00 - 10:00Breakfast
10:00 - 12:00Cordova Ecosystem Show and tell - presentations on how Cordova is used in tools or projects.
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 4:00Smaller workgroups - to discuss specific topcs
4:00 - 5:00Getting back together, discuss results from breakouts
5:00End of sessions, recap

Topics for Breakout Sessions and people interested in it

Cordova Community Processes & Engineering System

Cordova Security Process and Procedures - (Discussion on timelines, mostly for PMC/Committers)Joe, Carlos
JIRA triage - Who's responsible & accountable - Stategies for dealing with Bug/Quality debtNikhil
Keep documentation up-to-dateNikhil
Cordova Workflow for Contributors (How do I debug a platform issue?)Joe, Carlos
Communication of breaking changes - major platform updatesNikhil
How do we maintain high quality?Nikhil
How to encourage external contribution?

Plugin Ecosystem

How to influence quality improvements for Cordova plugins?
Documenting platforms APIs for plugins
Cocoapods as dependencies in plugin.xml same way as gradleCarlos
TACO Kits - validated plugins, How to have a slower and safer adoption on upgradesCarlos
Versioning Hell - Which plugin works with which platform? How should I upgrade my Cordova project?Nikhil
What can we learn from the React Native plugin API? NativeScript API?
Tips and Documentation for Debugging Cordova Plugins
CPR end of life discussionSteve

Downstream Tooling ideas

Tension between innovation vs. being part of an ecosystem
What belongs in Cordova and what should be left to downstream tools?
What do integrators need from Cordova?
PlatformApi refactoring
Standardized logging and error/progress reporting

Hybrid Apps & Native Development

What is needed to allow customizing native (Xcode/Gradle/...) projects when using the CLI?
Is the distinction between the CLI vs. platform-centered workflow still valid?
Supporting multiple web views (e.g. for native navigation + web content scenarios)
Can we share tools or plugins with React Native?
Allow per-platform ids?

CI & Testing

Current state of CI and testingEveryone, right?
Why aren't we looking at the CI?Everyone, yes.
Future steps for our CI SoftwareEveryone.
Future steps for our CI HardwareEveryone.
Future steps for testingEveryone, definitely.


2 Modes, Production vs. Dev to support ES6, Typescript, www-distCarlos
A new inAppBrowser for iOS based on SafariViewControllerCarlos
Cordova Desktop Browser - Electron JS + Emulation/RippleCarlos
3rd Party npm dependencies & checked into Cordova git (legal, screaning, maintaining)Carlos


  • How can we improve the development experience?
    • What can we learn from the React Native developer experience?
      • Replacing ‘white screen of death’ with an error reporting screen
      • Adding a development/debugger menu
    • How can we make platform installation easier?
      • Improve requirements checking and error messages
      • Install SDKs with one command (TACO)
  • Platform-specific topics -(windows) why is windows icon list so limited? should it be possible to specify more? -(windows) Any options for HTML5 debugging for Windows 10 devices? -(windows) security related to windows preview apps - how to allow dyanmic content to access plugin APIs? -(web-os) web-os setup broken, document and discuss) -(iOS) wkwebview - recap of current approach, is it iOS 9 only? -(android) annoyance/issue - appending of architecture digit problem?