CB-11982 proposal for creating a new cordova config command
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+# Create New Cordova Config Command Proposal
+Status : Proposed
+## Current
+Currently, telemetry and update-notifier use https://github.com/yeoman/configstore under the hood. Stores configs in ~/.config/configstore/
+Sample code
+const Configstore = require('configstore');
+const pkg = require('./package.json');
+// create a Configstore instance with an unique ID e.g.
+// package name and optionally some default values
+const conf = new Configstore(pkg.name, {foo: 'bar'});
+//=> 'bar'
+conf.set('awesome', true);
+//=> true
+// use dot-notation to access nested properties
+conf.set('bar.baz', true);
+//=> {baz: true}
+//=> undefined
+## Proposal
+Create a new cordova config command modeled after npm config command. It will include a global config to turn autosave off for cordova. https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/config
+### Future Goals ?
+Any other suggestions on what else you would like to see in the global config?
+### Links
+### Motivation
+This new command provides the ability to store environment variables (similarly to browserify, fetch, and save).
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