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or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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under the License.
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const rewire = require('rewire');
const path = require('path');
const requireFresh = require('import-fresh');
const create = require('..');
const { CordovaError, ConfigParser } = require('cordova-common');
const { tmpDir, createWith, createWithMockFetch, expectRejection } = require('./helpers');
const appName = 'TestBase';
const appId = 'org.testing';
const appVersion = '1.0.0';
const project = path.join(tmpDir, appName);
let opts;
beforeEach(() => {
opts = { name: appName, id: appId };
afterAll(() => {
process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..')); // Needed to rm the dir on Windows.
describe('cordova create checks for valid-identifier', () => {
const error = new CordovaError('is not a valid identifier');
it('should reject reserved words from start of id', () => { = 'int.bob';
return expectRejection(create(project, opts), error);
it('should reject reserved words from end of id', () => { = 'bob.class';
return expectRejection(create(project, opts), error);
describe('create end-to-end', () => {
function checkCommonArtifacts () {
// Check that www dir exist
expect(path.join(project, 'www')).toExist();
// Check that index.html exists inside of www
expect(path.join(project, 'www', 'index.html')).toExist();
// Check that www files don't get copied to the top level
expect(path.join(project, 'index.html')).not.toExist();
// index.js and template subdir folder should not exist in top level
// (inner files should be copied to the project top level folder)
expect(path.join(project, 'index.js')).not.toExist();
expect(path.join(project, 'template')).not.toExist();
// Check that config.xml does not exist inside of www
expect(path.join(project, 'www', 'config.xml')).not.toExist();
// Check that config.xml was updated correctly
const configXml = new ConfigParser(path.join(project, 'config.xml'));
// Check that we got package.json and it was updated correctly
function checkPackageJson () {
const pkg = requireFresh(path.join(project, 'package.json'));
// Check that we got no package.json
function checkNoPackageJson () {
expect(path.join(project, 'package.json')).not.toExist();
// Check that we did use the default template
function checkDefaultTemplate () {
const pkg = requireFresh(path.join(project, 'package.json'));
expect('Apache Cordova Team');
const configXml = new ConfigParser(path.join(project, 'config.xml'));
expect('Apache Cordova Team');
// Check that we did not use the default template
function checkNotDefaultTemplate () {
const configXml = new ConfigParser(path.join(project, 'config.xml'));
expect('Apache Cordova Team');
function checkProjectCreatedWithDefaultTemplate () {
it('should successfully run without template and use default hello-world app', () => {
// Create a real project with no template
// use default cordova-app-hello-world app
return create(project, opts)
it('should successfully run with Git URL', () => {
// Create a real project with git URL as template
opts.template = '';
return createWithMockFetch(project, opts)
.then(fetchSpy => {
it('should successfully run with NPM package (specific version)', () => {
// Create a real project with npm module as template
opts.template = 'phonegap-template-vue-f7-tabs@1';
return createWithMockFetch(project, opts)
.then(fetchSpy => {
it('should successfully run with NPM package (no specific version)', () => {
// Create a real project with npm module as template
opts.template = 'phonegap-template-vue-f7-tabs';
return createWithMockFetch(project, opts)
.then(fetchSpy => {
it('should successfully run with local template having no package.json in template dir', () => {
opts.template = path.join(__dirname, 'templates/withsubdirectory');
return create(project, opts)
it('should successfully run with local template having package.json in template dir', () => {
opts.template = path.join(__dirname, 'templates/withsubdirectory_package_json');
return create(project, opts)
it('should successfully run with existing, empty destination', () => {
return create(project, opts)
it('should rename all gitignore files in template to .gitignore', () => {
const baseTemplatePkg = path.join(__dirname, 'templates/withsubdirectory');
const templatePkg = path.join(tmpDir, 'gitignore-template');
fs.copySync(baseTemplatePkg, templatePkg);
// Setup a few gitignore files that should be renamed (or not)
const templateDir = path.join(templatePkg, 'template');
fs.ensureFileSync(path.join(templateDir, 'gitignore'));
fs.ensureFileSync(path.join(templateDir, 'www/gitignore'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(templateDir, 'foo/gitignore'));
opts.template = templatePkg;
return create(project, opts).then(() => {
// Renames gitignore at template root
expect(path.join(project, 'gitignore')).not.toExist();
expect(path.join(project, '.gitignore')).toExist();
// Renames gitignores in sub-directories
expect(path.join(project, 'www/gitignore')).not.toExist();
expect(path.join(project, 'www/.gitignore')).toExist();
// Does not rename directories with name gitignore
expect(path.join(project, 'foo/gitignore')).toExist();
expect(path.join(project, 'foo/.gitignore')).not.toExist();
describe('when shit happens', () => {
it('should fail when dir is missing', () => {
return expectRejection(
create(null, opts),
new CordovaError('Directory not specified')
it('should fail when dir already exists', () => {
return expectRejection(
create(__dirname, opts),
new CordovaError('Path already exists and is not empty')
it('should fail when destination is inside template', () => {
opts.template = path.join(tmpDir, 'template');
return expectRejection(
create(path.join(opts.template, 'destination'), opts),
new CordovaError('inside the template')
it('should fail when fetch fails', () => {
const fetchError = new Error('Fetch fail');
const failingFetch = jasmine.createSpy('failingFetch')
.and.callFake(() => Promise.reject(fetchError));
opts.template = 'http://localhost:123456789/cordova-create';
return expectRejection(
createWith({ fetch: failingFetch })(project, opts),
// FIXME: we need to improve isRemote to make this different from the test above
xit('should fail when template does not exist', () => {
opts.template = path.join(__dirname, 'doesnotexist');
return expectRejection(
create(project, opts),
new CordovaError('not a valid template')
describe('cordova create needsToBeFetched', () => {
let needsToBeFetched;
beforeEach(() => {
needsToBeFetched = rewire('..').__get__('needsToBeFetched');
it('should recognize URLs as remote', () => {
it('should recognize package@version as remote', () => {
it('should not detect paths as remote only because they include an @', () => {