Testing Releases

This document describes how to test a release of a Apache Cordova component before and while the “Creating a Release” process.


Get the Code

The code of the component you want to test should be in a folder with the name of the component (e.g. cordova-plugin-vibration, cordova-cli, cordova-ios etc.):

a) Before the release was actually made: The component should be checked out via git. b) While the release is in the “Vote” stage and you now want to make sure the archive is good to be able to vote for it: Download the .tgz source code artifact linked in the [VOTE] email on the dev mailing list. Unpack the archive, and move the content of package into a folder named after the component, then run npm install to install the dependencies.

General Testing

  • npm test: All packages define a test command that should pass locally.


Plugin Tests

Create a new app, add the plugin, its tests subplugin, and cordova-plugin-test-framework that allows running those tests:

cd ..
cordova create pluginTestApp
cd pluginTestApp
cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration
cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration/tests
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-test-framework
sed -i -e 's/index.html/cdvtests\/index.html/g' config.xml # change `config.xml` to contain `<content src="cdvtests/index.html" />`
cordova platform add android
cordova run android

This should start a grey-ish app with “Auto Tests” and “Manual Tests” buttons. You should run both and see if they succeed.

Plugin Tests via Mobilespec

Historically the release process documentation also advised developers to use cordova-mobile-spec to create an app that includes the Plugin Tests. As this is error prone and doesn't give additional insight to the Plugin Tests, it is not recommended any more and only included here for completeness.

node cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --global --plugins="cordova-plugin-vibration"

This should start a black-ish app with a “Plugin tests” button. When clicking it you end up in a screen with “Auto Tests” and “Manual Tests” buttons. You should run both and see if all/most/the expected ones succeed.

Manual Testing

Plugin Tests most probably do not cover all functionality of a plugin, especially Preferences that can be set via config.xml or functionality that was just added to the plugin. Check the RELEASENOTES.md file to find out about such functionality and

cd ..
cordova create pluginTestAppManual
cd pluginTestAppManual
cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-vibration
# Implement the functionality in `www/index.html`
cordova platform add android
cordova run android



The following commands all assume to be run in a folder that includes the platform you are testing, e.g. cordova-android. It should also contain a checkout of cordova-mobile-spec.

Platform + Plugins via Mobilespec

Create and run a cordova-mobile-spec project:

./cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --forceplugins
(cd mobilespec && cordova run android --device)
(cd mobilespec && cordova run android --emulator)

TODO Instructions on how to use the actual mobilespec tests that do not come from the plugins

This should start a black-ish app with a “Plugin tests” button. When clicking it you end up in a screen with “Auto Tests” and “Manual Tests” buttons. You should run both and see if all/most/the expected ones succeed.

Hello World app via CLI

Create a hello world app using cordova:

cordova create ./androidTest org.apache.cordova.test androidTest
(cd androidTest && cordova platform add ../cordova-android)
(cd androidTest && cordova run android --device)
(cd androidTest && cordova run android --emulator)

This should create an app showing the Cordova logo, “Apache Cordova” and a green “Device is ready” box.

/bin scripts

Run your platform's ./bin/create script and run the resulting project:

./cordova-android/bin/create ./androidTest2 org.apache.cordova.test2 androidTest2
(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/build)
(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/run --device)
(cd androidTest2 && ./cordova/run --emulator)

This should create an app showing a white screen.

Ensure the generated project files also build through the appropriate platform IDE.

The output from ./cordova/version should show the correct platform version.

cordova-lib tests

TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/platforms-release-process.md#4-cordova-lib-tests


TODO Some kind of tests (maybe via plugins) that test if the cordova.js functionality works as expected

All Plugin Tests

TODO Simpler way to add all plugins, their test plugins and cordova-plugin-test-framework to a new app created with the platform so that one can run the automated and manual tests (as a replacement for “Platform + Plugins via Mobilespec”)


TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/tools-release-process.md#test


TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/tools-release-process.md#test TODO https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/coho-release-process.md#test