blob: 6ff9eafa5bb9ff2c01bec94f5a616f1bd7e98c63 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
const et = require('elementtree');
const { parseElementtreeSync } = require('../util/xml-helpers');
const CordovaError = require('../CordovaError');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const events = require('../events');
const CDV_XMLNS_URI = '';
/** Wraps a config.xml file */
class ConfigParser {
constructor (path) {
this.path = path;
try {
this.doc = parseElementtreeSync(path);
this.cdvNamespacePrefix = getCordovaNamespacePrefix(this.doc);
et.register_namespace(this.cdvNamespacePrefix, CDV_XMLNS_URI);
} catch (e) {
events.emit('error', `Parsing ${path} failed`);
throw e;
const root = this.doc.getroot();
if (root.tag !== 'widget') {
throw new CordovaError(`${path} has incorrect root node name (expected "widget", was "${root.tag}")`);
getAttribute (attr) {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib[attr];
packageName () {
return this.getAttribute('id');
setPackageName (id) {
this.doc.getroot() = id;
android_packageName () {
return this.getAttribute('android-packageName');
android_activityName () {
return this.getAttribute('android-activityName');
ios_CFBundleIdentifier () {
return this.getAttribute('ios-CFBundleIdentifier');
name () {
return getNodeTextSafe(this.doc.find('name'));
setName (name) {
findOrCreate(this.doc, 'name').text = name;
shortName () {
return this.doc.find('name').attrib.short ||;
setShortName (shortname) {
const el = findOrCreate(this.doc, 'name');
if (!el.text) el.text = shortname;
el.attrib.short = shortname;
description () {
return getNodeTextSafe(this.doc.find('description'));
setDescription (text) {
findOrCreate(this.doc, 'description').text = text;
version () {
return this.getAttribute('version');
windows_packageVersion () {
return this.getAttribute('windows-packageVersion');
android_versionCode () {
return this.getAttribute('android-versionCode');
ios_CFBundleVersion () {
return this.getAttribute('ios-CFBundleVersion');
setVersion (value) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib.version = value;
author () {
return getNodeTextSafe(this.doc.find('author'));
getGlobalPreference (name) {
return this._getPrefElem(name).attrib.value;
setGlobalPreference (name, value) {
this._getPrefElem(name, { create: true }).attrib.value = value;
getPlatformPreference (name, platform) {
return this._getPrefElem(name, { platform }).attrib.value;
setPlatformPreference (name, platform, value) {
this._getPrefElem(name, { platform, create: true }).attrib.value = value;
getPreference (name, platform) {
return (platform && this.getPlatformPreference(name, platform)) ||
setPreference (name, platform, value) {
if (!value) {
value = platform;
platform = undefined;
this._getPrefElem(name, { platform, create: true }).attrib.value = value;
* Finds the element that determines the value of preference `name` within `parent`.
* @param {String} name preference name to search for (case insensitive)
* @param {{create?: boolean, platform?: string}} [opts]
* @return {et.Element} the last matching preference in `parent` (possibly created)
_getPrefElem (name, { create = false, platform } = {}) {
const parent = platform
? this.doc.findall(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]`).pop()
: this.doc.getroot();
const makeElem = create ? et.SubElement.bind(null, parent) : et.Element;
const getFallBackElem = () => makeElem('preference', { name, value: '' });
if (!parent) {
if (create) {
throw new CordovaError(`platform does not exist (received platform: ${platform})`);
return getFallBackElem();
return parent.findall('preference')
.filter(elem => === name.toLowerCase())
.pop() || getFallBackElem();
* Returns all resources for the platform specified.
* @param {string} platform The platform.
* @param {string} resourceName Type of static resources to return.
* "icon" and "splash" currently supported.
* @return {ImageResources} Resources for the platform specified.
getStaticResources (platform, resourceName) {
const normalizedAttrs = ({ attrib }) => ({
density: attrib[`${this.cdvNamespacePrefix}:density`] ||
// platform specific icons
const platformResources = platform
? this.doc.findall(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]/${resourceName}`)
.map(elt => new ImageResource(normalizedAttrs(elt), { platform }))
: [];
// root level resources
const commonResources = this.doc.findall(resourceName)
.map(elt => new ImageResource(normalizedAttrs(elt)));
return ImageResources.create(...platformResources, ...commonResources);
* Returns all icons for specific platform.
* @param {string} platform Platform name
* @return {ImageResources} Array of icon objects.
getIcons (platform) {
return this.getStaticResources(platform, 'icon');
* Returns all splash images for specific platform.
* @param {string} platform Platform name
* @return {ImageResources} Array of Splash objects.
getSplashScreens (platform) {
return this.getStaticResources(platform, 'splash');
* Returns all resource-files for a specific platform.
* @param {string} platform Platform name
* @param {boolean} includeGlobal Whether to return resource-files at the
* root level.
* @return {FileResource[]} Array of resource file objects.
getFileResources (platform, includeGlobal) {
const platformResources = platform
? this.doc.findall(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]/resource-file`)
: [];
const globalResources = includeGlobal
? this.doc.findall('resource-file')
: [];
return [].concat(platformResources, globalResources)
.map(({ attrib }) => new FileResource(attrib, { platform }));
* Returns all hook scripts for the hook type specified.
* @param {String} hook The hook type.
* @param {Array} platforms Platforms to look for scripts into (root scripts will be included as well).
* @return {Array} Script elements.
getHookScripts (hook, platforms = []) {
return this.doc.findall('./hook')
.concat( =>
.filter(({ attrib: { src, type } }) =>
src && type && type.toLowerCase() === hook
* Returns a list of plugin (IDs).
* This function also returns any plugin's that
* were defined using the legacy <feature> tags.
* @return {string[]} Array of plugin IDs
getPluginIdList () {
const plugins = this.doc.findall('plugin');
const result = =>;
const features = this.doc.findall('feature');
features.forEach(element => {
const idTag = element.find('./param[@name="id"]');
if (idTag) result.push(idTag.attrib.value);
return result;
getPlugins () {
return this.getPluginIdList().map(pluginId => this.getPlugin(pluginId));
* Adds a plugin element. Does not check for duplicates.
* @param {object} attributes name and spec are supported
* @param {Array|object} variables name, value or arbitary object
addPlugin (attributes, variables) {
if (!attributes && ! return;
// support arbitrary object as variables source
variables = variables || [];
if (typeof variables === 'object' && !Array.isArray(variables)) {
variables = Object.entries(variables)
.map(([name, value]) => ({ name, value }));
const el = et.SubElement(this.doc.getroot(), 'plugin', attributes);
variables.forEach(({ name, value }) => {
et.SubElement(el, 'variable', { name, value });
* Retrives the plugin with the given id or null if not found.
* This function also returns any plugin's that
* were defined using the legacy <feature> tags.
* @param {String} id
* @returns {object} plugin including any variables
getPlugin (id) {
if (!id) return undefined;
const pluginElement = this.doc.find(`./plugin/[@name="${id}"]`);
if (pluginElement === null) {
const legacyFeature = this.doc.find(`./feature/param[@name="id"][@value="${id}"]/..`);
if (legacyFeature) {
events.emit('log', `Found deprecated feature entry for ${id} in config.xml.`);
return featureToPlugin(legacyFeature);
return undefined;
const { name, spec, src, version } = pluginElement.attrib;
const varFragments = pluginElement.findall('variable')
.map(({ attrib: { name, value } }) =>
name ? { [name]: value } : null
const variables = Object.assign({}, ...varFragments);
return { name, spec: spec || src || version, variables };
* Remove the plugin entry with give name (id).
* This function also operates on any plugin's that
* were defined using the legacy <feature> tags.
* @param {string} id name of the plugin
removePlugin (id) {
if (!id) return;
const root = this.doc.getroot();
removeChildren(root, `./plugin/[@name="${id}"]`);
removeChildren(root, `./feature/param[@name="id"][@value="${id}"]/..`);
// Add any element to the root
addElement (name, attributes) {
et.SubElement(this.doc.getroot(), name, attributes);
* Adds an engine. Does not check for duplicates.
* @param {String} name the engine name
* @param {String} [spec] engine source location or version
addEngine (name, spec) {
if (!name) return;
const attrs = Object.assign({ name }, spec ? { spec } : null);
et.SubElement(this.doc.getroot(), 'engine', attrs);
* Removes all the engines with given name
* @param {String} name the engine name.
removeEngine (name) {
removeChildren(this.doc.getroot(), `./engine/[@name="${name}"]`);
getEngines () {
return this.doc.findall('./engine').map(engine => ({
spec: engine.attrib.spec || engine.attrib.version || null
* @typedef {Object} CommonRuleOptions
* @prop {string} [minimum_tls_version]
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [requires_forward_secrecy]
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [requires_certificate_transparency]
* @typedef {string} StringifiedBool has either the value 'true' or 'false'
* Get all the access tags
* @returns {AccessRule[]}
* @typedef {CommonRuleOptions} AccessRule
* @prop {string} origin
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [allows_arbitrary_loads_in_web_content]
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [allows_arbitrary_loads_in_media] (DEPRECATED)
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [allows_arbitrary_loads_for_media]
* @prop {StringifiedBool} [allows_local_networking]
getAccesses () {
return this.doc.findall('./access').map(element => ({
origin: element.attrib.origin,
minimum_tls_version: element.get('minimum-tls-version'),
requires_forward_secrecy: element.get('requires-forward-secrecy'),
requires_certificate_transparency: element.get('requires-certificate-transparency'),
allows_arbitrary_loads_in_web_content: element.get('allows-arbitrary-loads-in-web-content'),
allows_arbitrary_loads_in_media: element.get('allows-arbitrary-loads-in-media'),
allows_arbitrary_loads_for_media: element.get('allows-arbitrary-loads-for-media'),
allows_local_networking: element.get('allows-local-networking')
* Get all the allow-navigation tags
* @returns {AllowNavigationRule[]}
* @typedef {{href: string} & CommonRuleOptions} AllowNavigationRule
getAllowNavigations () {
return this.doc.findall('./allow-navigation').map(element => ({
href: element.attrib.href,
minimum_tls_version: element.get('minimum-tls-version'),
requires_forward_secrecy: element.get('requires-forward-secrecy'),
requires_certificate_transparency: element.get('requires-certificate-transparency')
* Get all the allow-intent tags
* @returns {{href: string}[]}
getAllowIntents () {
return this.doc.findall('./allow-intent').map(element => ({
href: element.attrib.href
/** Get all edit-config tags */
getEditConfigs (platform) {
const platform_edit_configs = this.doc.findall(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]/edit-config`);
const edit_configs = this.doc.findall('edit-config').concat(platform_edit_configs);
return => ({
file: tag.attrib.file,
mode: tag.attrib.mode,
id: 'config.xml',
xmls: tag.getchildren()
/** Get all config-file tags */
getConfigFiles (platform) {
const platform_config_files = this.doc.findall(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]/config-file`);
const config_files = this.doc.findall('config-file').concat(platform_config_files);
return => ({
parent: tag.attrib.parent,
after: tag.attrib.after,
xmls: tag.getchildren(),
// To support demuxing via versions
versions: tag.attrib.versions,
deviceTarget: tag.attrib['device-target']
write () {
fs.writeFileSync(this.path, this.doc.write({ indent: 4 }), 'utf-8');
function getNodeTextSafe (el) {
return el && el.text && el.text.trim();
function findOrCreate (doc, name) {
const parent = doc.getroot();
return parent.find(name) || new et.SubElement(parent, name);
function getCordovaNamespacePrefix (doc) {
const attrs = doc.getroot().attrib;
const nsAttr = Object.keys(attrs).find(key =>
key.startsWith('xmlns:') && attrs[key] === CDV_XMLNS_URI
return nsAttr ? nsAttr.split(':')[1] : 'cdv';
// remove child from element for each match
function removeChildren (el, selector) {
el.findall(selector).forEach(child => el.remove(child));
function featureToPlugin (featureElement) {
const plugin = {};
plugin.variables = [];
let pluginVersion, pluginSrc;
const nodes = featureElement.findall('param');
nodes.forEach(element => {
const n =;
const v = element.attrib.value;
if (n === 'id') { = v;
} else if (n === 'version') {
pluginVersion = v;
} else if (n === 'url' || n === 'installPath') {
pluginSrc = v;
} else {
plugin.variables[n] = v;
const spec = pluginSrc || pluginVersion;
if (spec) {
plugin.spec = spec;
return plugin;
* The attribute target is only used for the Windows & Electron platforms
class BaseResource {
constructor (attrs, { platform = null } = {}) {
// null means resource is shared between platforms
this.platform = platform || null;
this.src = attrs.src; = || undefined;
* The attributes density, background, and foreground are only used for the
* Android platform
class ImageResource extends BaseResource {
constructor (attrs, opts) {
super(attrs, opts);
this.density = attrs.density;
this.width = Number(attrs.width) || undefined;
this.height = Number(attrs.height) || undefined;
this.background = attrs.background || undefined;
this.foreground = attrs.foreground || undefined;
class FileResource extends BaseResource {
constructor (attrs, opts) {
super(attrs, opts);
this.versions = attrs.versions;
this.deviceTarget = attrs['device-target'];
this.arch = attrs.arch;
class ImageResources extends Array {
* Creates an ImageResources instance with defaultResource property.
* It is easy to break native Array methods like `map` when carelessly
* overriding the array constructor, so it's safer to use this factory
* function for our needs instead.
* @param {...ImageResource} args - The entries of this array
* @return {ImageResources} An ImageResources instance with args as entries
static create (...args) {
const defaultResource = args.filter(res =>
!res.width && !res.height && !res.density
return Object.assign(new ImageResources(...args), { defaultResource });
* Returns resource with specified width and/or height.
* @param {number} width Width of resource.
* @param {number} height Height of resource.
* @return {ImageResource} Resource object or null if not found.
getBySize (width, height) {
return this.find(res =>
(res.width || res.height) &&
(!res.width || (width === res.width)) &&
(!res.height || (height === res.height))
) || null;
* Returns resource with specified density.
* Only used by Android platform.
* @param {string} density Density of resource.
* @return {ImageResource} Resource object or null if not found.
getByDensity (density) {
return this.find(res => res.density === density) || null;
* Returns the default icon
* @return {ImageResource} Resource object or null if not found.
getDefault () {
return this.defaultResource;
module.exports = ConfigParser;