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under the License.
const fs = require('node:fs');
const path = require('node:path');
const ActionStack = require('./ActionStack');
const PlatformJson = require('./PlatformJson');
const CordovaError = require('./CordovaError');
const PlatformMunger = require('./ConfigChanges/ConfigChanges').PlatformMunger;
const PluginInfoProvider = require('./PluginInfo/PluginInfoProvider');
* Represents an entity for adding/removing plugins for platforms
class PluginManager {
* @param {String} platform Platform name
* @param {Object} locations - Platform files and directories
* @param {IDEProject} ideProject The IDE project to add/remove plugin changes to/from
constructor (platform, locations, ideProject) {
this.platform = platform;
this.locations = locations;
this.project = ideProject;
const platformJson = PlatformJson.load(locations.root, platform);
this.munger = new PlatformMunger(platform, locations.root, platformJson, new PluginInfoProvider());
* @constructs PluginManager
* A convenience shortcut to new PluginManager(...)
* @param {String} platform Platform name
* @param {Object} locations - Platform files and directories
* @param {IDEProject} ideProject The IDE project to add/remove plugin changes to/from
* @returns new PluginManager instance
static get (platform, locations, ideProject) {
return new PluginManager(platform, locations, ideProject);
static get INSTALL () { return 'install'; }
static get UNINSTALL () { return 'uninstall'; }
* Describes and implements common plugin installation/uninstallation routine. The flow is the following:
* * Validate and set defaults for options. Note that options are empty by default. Everything
* needed for platform IDE project must be passed from outside. Plugin variables (which
* are the part of the options) also must be already populated with 'PACKAGE_NAME' variable.
* * Collect all plugin's native and web files, get installers/uninstallers and process
* all these via ActionStack.
* * Save the IDE project, so the changes made by installers are persisted.
* * Generate config changes munge for plugin and apply it to all required files
* * Generate metadata for plugin and plugin modules and save it to 'cordova_plugins.js'
* @param {PluginInfo} plugin A PluginInfo structure representing plugin to install
* @param {Object} [options={}] An installation options. It is expected but is not necessary
* that options would contain 'variables' inner object with 'PACKAGE_NAME' field set by caller.
* @returns {Promise}
doOperation (operation, plugin, options) {
if (operation !== PluginManager.INSTALL && operation !== PluginManager.UNINSTALL) { return Promise.reject(new CordovaError('The parameter is incorrect. The opeation must be either "add" or "remove"')); }
if (!plugin || !== 'PluginInfo') { return Promise.reject(new CordovaError('The parameter is incorrect. The first parameter should be a PluginInfo instance')); }
// Set default to empty object to play safe when accesing properties
options = options || {};
const actions = new ActionStack();
// gather all files need to be handled during operation ...
plugin.getFilesAndFrameworks(this.platform, options)
// ... put them into stack ...
.forEach(item => {
const installer = this.project.getInstaller(item.itemType);
const uninstaller = this.project.getUninstaller(item.itemType);
const actionArgs = [item, plugin, this.project, options];
let action;
if (operation === PluginManager.INSTALL) {
action = actions.createAction(installer, actionArgs, uninstaller, actionArgs);
} else /* op === PluginManager.UNINSTALL */{
action = actions.createAction(uninstaller, actionArgs, installer, actionArgs);
// ... and run through the action stack
return actions.process(this.platform)
.then(() => {
if (this.project.write) {
if (operation === PluginManager.INSTALL) {
// Ignore passed `is_top_level` option since platform itself doesn't know
// anything about managing dependencies - it's responsibility of caller.
this.munger.add_plugin_changes(plugin, options.variables, /* is_top_level= */true, /* should_increment= */true, options.force);
} else {
this.munger.remove_plugin_changes(plugin, /* is_top_level= */true);
// Save everything (munge and plugin/modules metadata)
const metadata = this.munger.platformJson.generateMetadata();
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this.locations.www, 'cordova_plugins.js'), metadata, 'utf8');
// CB-11022 save plugin metadata to both www and platform_www if options.usePlatformWww is specified
if (options.usePlatformWww) {
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this.locations.platformWww, 'cordova_plugins.js'), metadata, 'utf8');
addPlugin (plugin, installOptions) {
return this.doOperation(PluginManager.INSTALL, plugin, installOptions);
removePlugin (plugin, uninstallOptions) {
return this.doOperation(PluginManager.UNINSTALL, plugin, uninstallOptions);
module.exports = PluginManager;