blob: 58efb24ec25cd77cd463fbe827e8a252376b610d [file] [log] [blame]
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const path = require('node:path');
const fs = require('node:fs');
const { parseElementtreeSync } = require('../util/xml-helpers');
const CordovaError = require('../CordovaError');
* A class for holding the information currently stored in plugin.xml
* It should also be able to answer questions like whether the plugin
* is compatible with a given engine version.
class PluginInfo {
constructor (dirname) {
this.dir = dirname;
this.filepath = path.join(dirname, 'plugin.xml');
if (!fs.existsSync(this.filepath)) {
throw new CordovaError(`Cannot find plugin.xml for plugin "${path.basename(dirname)}". Please try adding it again.`);
this._et = parseElementtreeSync(this.filepath);
const root = this._et.getroot(); =;
this.version = root.attrib.version;
// Optional fields
const optTags = 'name description license repo issue info'.split(' ');
for (const tag of optTags) {
this[tag] = root.findtext(tag);
const keywordText = root.findtext('keywords');
this.keywords = keywordText && keywordText.split(',').map(s => s.trim());
* <preference> tag
* Used to require a variable to be specified via --variable when installing the plugin.
* @example <preference name="API_KEY" />
* @param {string} platform
* @return {Object} { key : default | null}
getPreferences (platform) {
// XML passthrough for preferences is not supported because multiple preferences will override each other.
// return this._getTags('preference', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
// return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
// []: attrib.default || null
// });
// })
return this._getTags('preference', platform).map(({ attrib }) => ({
[]: attrib.default || null
.reduce((acc, pref) => Object.assign(acc, pref), {});
* <asset>
* @param {string} platform
getAssets (platform) {
return this._getTags('asset', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
const src = attrib.src;
const target =;
if (!src || !target) {
throw new Error(`Malformed <asset> tag. Both "src" and "target" attributes must be specified in ${this.filepath}`);
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'asset', src, target
* <dependency>
* @example
* <dependency id=""
* url=""
* commit="428931ada3891801"
* subdir="some/path/here" />
* @param {string} platform
getDependencies (platform) {
return this._getTags('dependency', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
if (! {
throw new CordovaError(`<dependency> tag is missing id attribute in ${this.filepath}`);
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
version: attrib.version || '',
url: attrib.url || '',
subdir: attrib.subdir || '',
commit: attrib.commit,
git_ref: attrib.commit
* <config-file> tag
* @param {string} platform
getConfigFiles (platform) {
return this._getTags('config-file', platform).map(tag => {
return Object.assign({}, tag.attrib, {
parent: tag.attrib.parent,
after: tag.attrib.after,
xmls: tag.getchildren(),
// To support demuxing via versions
versions: tag.attrib.versions,
deviceTarget: tag.attrib['device-target']
* <edit-config> tag
* @param {string} platform
getEditConfigs (platform) {
return this._getTags('edit-config', platform).map(tag => {
return Object.assign({}, tag.attrib, {
file: tag.attrib.file,
mode: tag.attrib.mode,
xmls: tag.getchildren()
* <info> tags, both global and within a <platform>
* @param {string} platform
// TODO (kamrik): Do we ever use <info> under <platform>? Example wanted.
getInfo (platform) {
return this._getTags('info', platform).map(elem => elem.text)
// Filter out any undefined or empty strings.
* <source-file>
* @example
* <source-file src="src/ios/someLib.a" framework="true" />
* <source-file src="src/ios/someLib.a" compiler-flags="-fno-objc-arc" />
* @param {string} platform
getSourceFiles (platform) {
return this._getTagsInPlatform('source-file', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'source-file',
src: attrib.src,
framework: isStrTrue(attrib.framework),
weak: isStrTrue(attrib.weak),
compilerFlags: attrib['compiler-flags'],
targetDir: attrib['target-dir']
* <header-file>
* @example <header-file src="CDVFoo.h" />
* @param {string} platform
getHeaderFiles (platform) {
return this._getTagsInPlatform('header-file', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'header-file',
src: attrib.src,
targetDir: attrib['target-dir'],
type: attrib.type
* <resource-file>
* @example
* <resource-file
* src="FooPluginStrings.xml"
* target="res/values/FooPluginStrings.xml"
* device-target="win"
* arch="x86"
* versions=">=8.1"
* />
* @param {string} platform
getResourceFiles (platform) {
return this._getTagsInPlatform('resource-file', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'resource-file',
src: attrib.src,
versions: attrib.versions,
deviceTarget: attrib['device-target'],
arch: attrib.arch,
reference: attrib.reference
* <lib-file>
* @example
* <lib-file src="src/BlackBerry10/native/device/" arch="device" />
* @param {string} platform
getLibFiles (platform) {
return this._getTagsInPlatform('lib-file', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'lib-file',
src: attrib.src,
arch: attrib.arch,
Include: attrib.Include,
versions: attrib.versions,
deviceTarget: attrib['device-target'] ||
* <podspec>
* @example
* <podspec>
* <config>
* <source url="" />
* <source url=""/>
* </config>
* <pods use-frameworks="true" inhibit-all-warnings="true">
* <pod name="PromiseKit" />
* <pod name="Foobar1" spec="~> 2.0.0" />
* <pod name="Foobar2" git="" />
* <pod name="Foobar3" git="" branch="next" />
* <pod name="Foobar4" swift-version="4.1" />
* <pod name="Foobar5" swift-version="3.0" />
* </pods>
* </podspec>
* @param {string} platform
getPodSpecs (platform) {
return this._getTagsInPlatform('podspec', platform).map(tag => {
const config = tag.find('config');
const pods = tag.find('pods');
const sources = config && config.findall('source')
.map(el => ({ source: el.attrib.url }))
.reduce((acc, val) => Object.assign(acc, { [val.source]: val }), {});
const declarations = pods && pods.attrib;
const libraries = pods && pods.findall('pod')
.map(t => t.attrib)
.reduce((acc, val) => Object.assign(acc, { []: val }), {});
return { declarations, sources, libraries };
* <hook>
* @example
* <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/beforeBuild.js" />
* @param {string} hook
* @param {string} platforms
getHookScripts (hook, platforms) {
return this._getTags('hook', platforms)
.filter(({ attrib }) =>
attrib.src && attrib.type &&
attrib.type.toLowerCase() === hook
* <js-module>
* @param {string} platform
getJsModules (platform) {
return this._getTags('js-module', platform).map(tag => {
return Object.assign({}, tag.attrib, {
itemType: 'js-module',
src: tag.attrib.src,
clobbers: tag.findall('clobbers').map(tag => ({ target: })),
merges: tag.findall('merges').map(tag => ({ target: })),
runs: tag.findall('runs').length > 0
getEngines () {
return this._et.findall('engines/engine').map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
version: attrib.version,
platform: attrib.platform,
scriptSrc: attrib.scriptSrc
getPlatforms () {
return this._et.findall('platform').map(n => {
return Object.assign({}, n.attrib, { name: });
getPlatformsArray () {
return this._et.findall('platform').map(n =>;
getFrameworks (platform, options) {
const { cli_variables = {} } = options || {};
const vars = Object.keys(cli_variables).length === 0
? this.getPreferences(platform)
: cli_variables;
const varExpansions = Object.entries(vars)
.filter(([, value]) => value)
.map(([name, value]) =>
s => s.replace(new RegExp(`\\$${name}`, 'g'), value)
// Replaces plugin variables in s if they exist
const expandVars = s => varExpansions.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), s);
return this._getTags('framework', platform).map(({ attrib }) => {
return Object.assign({}, attrib, {
itemType: 'framework',
type: attrib.type,
parent: attrib.parent,
custom: isStrTrue(attrib.custom),
embed: isStrTrue(attrib.embed),
src: expandVars(attrib.src),
spec: attrib.spec,
weak: isStrTrue(attrib.weak),
versions: attrib.versions,
targetDir: attrib['target-dir'],
deviceTarget: attrib['device-target'] ||,
arch: attrib.arch,
implementation: attrib.implementation
getFilesAndFrameworks (platform, options) {
// Please avoid changing the order of the calls below, files will be
// installed in this order.
return [].concat(
this.getFrameworks(platform, options),
getKeywordsAndPlatforms () {
return (this.keywords || [])
.concat(this.getPlatformsArray().map(p => `cordova-${p}`));
* Helper method used by most of the getSomething methods of PluginInfo.
* Get all elements of a given name. Both in root and in platform sections
* for the given platform.
* @private
* @param {string} tag
* @param {string|string[]} platform
_getTags (tag, platform) {
return this._et.findall(tag)
.concat(this._getTagsInPlatform(tag, platform));
* Same as _getTags() but only looks inside a platform section.
* @private
* @param {string} tag
* @param {string|string[]} platform
_getTagsInPlatform (tag, platform) {
const platforms = [].concat(platform);
return [].concat( => {
const platformTag = this._et.find(`./platform[@name="${platform}"]`);
return platformTag ? platformTag.findall(tag) : [];
// Check if x is a string 'true'.
function isStrTrue (x) {
return String(x).toLowerCase() === 'true';
module.exports = PluginInfo;
// Backwards compat:
PluginInfo.PluginInfo = PluginInfo;
PluginInfo.loadPluginsDir = dir => {
const PluginInfoProvider = require('./PluginInfoProvider');
return new PluginInfoProvider().getAllWithinSearchPath(dir);