blob: 6902e5dd75abd8efa3f3155b1a84b443879c6b3f [file] [log] [blame]
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const rewire = require('rewire');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const readChunk = require('read-chunk');
describe('ConfigFile tests', function () {
let ConfigFile;
beforeEach(() => {
ConfigFile = rewire('../../src/ConfigChanges/ConfigFile');
describe('instance methods', () => {
describe('save', () => {
it('calls fs.writeFileSync', function () {
spyOn(fs, 'writeFileSync');;
describe('static methods', () => {
describe('isBinaryPlist', () => {
it('should return false if not binary', function () {
spyOn(readChunk, 'sync').and.returnValue('not bplist');
it('should return true if binary', function () {
spyOn(readChunk, 'sync').and.returnValue('bplist');
describe('getIOSProjectname', () => {
it('should throw error', function () {
expect(function () { ConfigFile.getIOSProjectname('some/project/name'); }).toThrow();
describe('resolveConfigFilePath', () => {
const projectDir = path.join('project_dir', 'app', 'src', 'main');
it('should return file path', function () {
const filePath = path.join('project_dir', 'file');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'platform', 'file')).toBe(filePath);
it('should return AndroidManifest.xml file path', function () {
const androidManifestPath = path.join(projectDir, 'AndroidManifest.xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'android', 'AndroidManifest.xml')).toBe(androidManifestPath);
it('should return android config.xml file path', function () {
const configPath = path.join(projectDir, 'res', 'xml', 'config.xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'android', 'config.xml')).toBe(configPath);
it('should return android strings.xml file path', function () {
const stringsPath = path.join(projectDir, 'res', 'values', 'strings.xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'android', 'strings.xml')).toBe(stringsPath);
it('should return ios config.xml file path', function () {
spyOn(ConfigFile, 'getIOSProjectname').and.returnValue('iospath');
const configPath = path.join('project_dir', 'iospath', 'config.xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'ios', 'config.xml')).toBe(configPath);
it('should return osx config.xml file path', function () {
spyOn(ConfigFile, 'getIOSProjectname').and.returnValue('osxpath');
const configPath = path.join('project_dir', 'osxpath', 'config.xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'osx', 'config.xml')).toBe(configPath);
it('should return android resource file path when path is normalized', function () {
const file = path.join('res', 'xml');
const configPath = path.join('project_dir', 'app', 'src', 'main', file, 'xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'android', file)).toBe(configPath);
it('should return android resource file path when path is not normalized', function () {
const file = 'res/xml';
const configPath = path.join('project_dir', 'app', 'src', 'main', file, 'xml');
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('project_dir', 'android', file)).toBe(configPath);
it('should return *-Info.plist file', function () {
const projName = 'XXX';
const expectedPlistPath = `${projName}${path.sep}${projName}-Info.plist`;
ConfigFile.__set__('getIOSProjectname', () => projName);
spyOn(require('glob'), 'sync').and.returnValue([
`Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-${projName}/Info.plist`,
`Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-${projName}/Pods-${projName}-Info.plist`,
expect(ConfigFile.resolveConfigFilePath('', 'ios', '*-Info.plist')).toBe(expectedPlistPath);