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var path = require('path');
var superspawn = require('../src/superspawn');
var LS = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'dir' : 'ls';
describe('spawn method', function () {
var progressSpy;
beforeEach(function () {
progressSpy = jasmine.createSpy('progress');
it('should resolve on success', () => {
return expectAsync(superspawn.spawn(LS)).toBeResolved();
it('should reject on failure', () => {
return expectAsync(superspawn.spawn('invalid_command')).toBeRejected();
it('Test 002 : should notify about stdout "data" events', () => {
return superspawn.spawn(LS, [], { stdio: 'pipe' })
.then(function () {
expect(progressSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ 'stdout': jasmine.any(String) });
it('Test 003 : should notify about stderr "data" events', () => {
return superspawn.spawn(LS, ['doesnt-exist'], { stdio: 'pipe' })
.then(() => {
fail('Expected promise to be rejected');
}, () => {
expect(progressSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ 'stderr': jasmine.any(String) });
it('Test 004 : reject handler should pass in Error object with stdout and stderr properties', () => {
var cp = require('child_process');
spyOn(cp, 'spawn').and.callFake(() => {
return {
stdout: {
setEncoding: function () {},
on: function (evt, handler) {
// some sample stdout output
handler('business as usual');
stderr: {
setEncoding: function () {},
on: function (evt, handler) {
// some sample stderr output
handler('mayday mayday');
on: function (evt, handler) {
// What's passed to handler here is the exit code, so we can control
// resolve/reject flow via this argument.
handler(1); // this will trigger error flow
removeListener: function () {}
return superspawn.spawn('this aggression', ['will', 'not', 'stand', 'man'], {})
.then(() => {
fail('Expected promise to be rejected');
}, err => {
it('Test 005 : should not throw but reject', () => {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
pending('Test should not run on Windows');
// Our non-executable (as in no execute permission) script
const TEST_SCRIPT = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/echo-args.cmd');
let promise;
expect(() => { promise = superspawn.spawn(TEST_SCRIPT, []); }).not.toThrow();
return promise.then(() => {
fail('Expected promise to be rejected');
}, err => {
describe('operation on windows', () => {
const TEST_SCRIPT = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/echo-args.cmd');
const TEST_ARGS = [ 'install', 'foo@^1.2.3', 'c o r d o v a' ];
it('should escape arguments if `cmd` is not an *.exe', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
pending('test should only run on windows');
return superspawn.spawn(TEST_SCRIPT, TEST_ARGS).then(output => {