Release Process for ‘coho’

Before cutting any releases, read the Apache's Releases Policy

If you have not done so already, create a GPG key (see:

Decide on the next version numbers

According patch version bumps (the last of 3 numbers) should only be used for fixes and updates of references to platform versions. For any change in functionality, the second (minor) part of the version should be bumped and new branch created. Instructions for creating a new release branch are further down on this page.

Get Buy-in

Email the dev mailing-list and see if anyone has reason to postpone the release.


Subject: [DISCUSS] Coho Release

Does anyone have any reason to delay a Coho release?
Any outstanding patches to land?

If not, I will start the release tomorrow.

Create JIRA issues

  • Create a JIRA issue to track the status of the release.

  • Comments should be added to this bug after each top-level step below is taken

  • Set a variable for use later on:

    JIRA=“CB-????” # Set this to the release bug.

Update and Pin Dependencies

Ensure you're up-to-date:

coho repo-update -r coho

See if any dependencies are outdated

(cd cordova-coho && npm outdated --depth=0)

Update them in each project's package.json file. Make sure to run through the test section below for compatability issues. The --depth=0 prevents from listing dependencies of dependencies.

Update Release Notes & Version

Increase the version within package.json using SemVer, and remove the -dev suffix

for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v = *-dev ]]; then v2="${v%-dev}"; echo "$l: Setting version to $v2"; sed -i '' -E 's/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi) ; done

If the changes merit it, manually bump the major / minor version instead of the micro. View the changes via: (TODO: need to use coho to get tags for cordova-lib, fetch, common and serve. Current output is incorrect)

( cd cordova-coho; git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..master)

Update each repo's file with changes

coho update-release-notes -r coho
# Then curate:
vim cordova-coho/

Commit these changes together into one commit

for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; git commit -am "$JIRA Updated version and for release $v" ); done


Ensure license headers are present everywhere. For reference, see this background. Expect some noise in the output, for example some files from test fixtures will show up.

coho audit-license-headers -r coho | less

Ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses

coho check-license -r coho


# Review commits:
for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; git log -p origin/master..master ); done
# Tag
for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; git tag $v ); done

Create release branches if they don't yet exist

If branches don't exist, create new ones

(cd cordova-coho; git branch 1.0.x)

If branches already exist, update them

(cd cordova-coho && git checkout 1.0.x && git merge master && git checkout master)

Re-introduce -dev suffix to versions on master and commit

for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v != *-dev ]]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "$l: Setting version to $v2"; sed -i '' -E 's/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi); done
for l in cordova-coho; do (cd $l; git commit -am "$JIRA Incremented package version to -dev"; git show ); done


for l in cordova-coho; do ( cd $l; git push && git push --tags ); done

If the push fails due to not being fully up-to-date, either:

  1. Pull in new changes via git pull --rebase, and include them in the release notes / re-tag
  2. Pull in new changes via git pull, and do not include them in the release.

If you created new release branches, push them as well e.g: git push origin 1.0.x

Publish to dist/dev & npm

Ensure you have the svn repos checked out:

coho repo-clone -r dist -r dist/dev

Create archives from your tags:

coho create-archive -r coho --dest cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA

Sanity Check:

coho verify-archive cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/*.tgz


(cd cordova-dist-dev && svn add $JIRA && svn commit -m "$JIRA Uploading release candidate for coho release")

Find your release here:

Prepare Blog Post

  • Combine highlights from into a Release Announcement blog post
  • Get blog post proofread via GitHub.

Start VOTE Thread

Send an email to dev ML with:


[Vote] Coho Release


Please review and vote on this Tools Release
by replying to this email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)

Release issue:

Coho has been published to dist/dev:

The package was published from its corresponding git tag:

PASTE OUTPUT OF: coho print-tags -r coho

Upon a successful vote I will upload the archives to dist/, publish them to npm, and post the corresponding blog post.

Voting guidelines:

Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.

I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the coho repo
* Ran coho check-license to ensure all coho source has Apache-compatible licenses
* Ensured continuous build was green when repos were tagged

Email the result of the vote

Respond to the vote thread with:

The vote has now closed. The results are:

Positive Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that +1'ed)

.. names of all +1 PMC members ..

Negative Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that -1'ed)

.. names of all -1 PMC members ..

The vote has passed.

Note: list of PMC members:

If the Vote does not Pass

  • git checkout release branch if exists
  • Address the concerns
  • Bump the version number in package.json
  • Create new tag based on new version number
  • Cherry-pick relevant commits to master if applicable
  • Start a new vote

Otherwise: Publish to dist/

cd cordova-dist
svn up
svn rm tools/cordova-coho-*
cp ../cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/* tools/
svn add tools/*
svn commit -m "$JIRA Published coho release to dist"

cd ../cordova-dist-dev
svn up
svn rm $JIRA
svn commit -m "$JIRA Removing release candidates from dist/dev"
cd ..

Find your release here:

Publish and test from npm

Publish these to npm

npm publish cordova-dist/tools/cordova-coho-*.tgz

Test from npm:

npm -g uninstall cordova-coho
npm -g install cordova-coho@latest
mkdir test
cd test
coho repo-clone -g -r tools

Tell Apache about Release

TODO: Please someone write a coho helper for doing this POST request!

  1. Go to:
  2. Use version “cordova-coho@x.x.x

Post Blog Post


Email a release announcement to the mailing list

Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Coho Release

Cordova-coho@VERSION has been released!

You can view the release blog post at LINK_TO_BLOG

Make permanent release tags

Make a copy of your released tag with a prefix of rel\YOURTAG. These are permanent release tags for Apache. Do this for all of the tools you just released. For example:

(cd cordova-coho; git checkout 1.0.0; git tag rel/1.0.0; git push origin --tags; git checkout master)

Do other announcements

Tweet out blog post and post to #releases in slack

Update dependencies going forward

git checkout master
npm outdated --depth 0

If there are any dependencies or devDependencies that are out of date, open a Jira item for that tool.

Close JIRA Issue

  • Double check that the issue has comments that record the steps you took
  • Mark it as fixed


  • Update these instructions if they were missing anything.