blob: 28365fc1cb95e82e5742fb686d0d6ed1a4b244b5 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var stream = require('stream');
var optimist = require('optimist');
var executil = require('./executil');
var flagutil = require('./flagutil');
var gitutil = require('./gitutil');
var repoutil = require('./repoutil');
var linkify = require('jira-linkify');
var co_stream = require('co-stream');
var relNotesFile = '';
module.exports = function * () {
var opt = flagutil.registerRepoFlag(optimist);
opt = flagutil.registerHelpFlag(opt)
.usage('Updates release notes with commits since the most recent tag.\n' +
'\n' +
'Usage: $0 update-release-notes [--repo=ios]'
.options('from-tag', { desc: 'Update since a specific tag instead of the "most recent" tag' })
.options('to-tag', { desc: 'Update to a specific tag instead of "master"' })
.options('override-date', { desc: 'Update to a specific date instead of today.' })
.options('last-two-tags', { desc: 'Update with the latest and previous tagged commits' });
let argv = opt.argv;
if (argv.h) {
var repos = flagutil.computeReposFromFlag(argv.r, { includeModules: true });
yield repoutil.forEachRepo(repos, function * (repo) {
// TODO: we should use gitutil.summaryOfChanges here.
var cmd = executil.ARGS('git log --topo-order --no-merges');
cmd.push(['--pretty=format:* %s']);
var fromTag, toTag, hasOneTag;
hasOneTag = false;
if (argv['last-two-tags']) {
var last_two = (yield gitutil.findMostRecentTag(repo.versionPrefix));
if (last_two) {
toTag = last_two[0];
if (last_two.length > 1) {
fromTag = last_two[1];
} else {
hasOneTag = true;
fromTag = toTag;
} else {
if (argv['from-tag']) {
fromTag = argv['from-tag'];
} else {
try {
fromTag = (yield gitutil.findMostRecentTag(repo.versionPrefix))[0];
} catch (e) {
console.log(`no tags exist in ${repo.packageName}`);
throw 'update-release-notes will not work';
if (argv['to-tag']) {
toTag = argv['to-tag'];
} else {
toTag = 'master';
if (!hasOneTag) {
cmd.push(fromTag + '..' + toTag);
var repoDesc = repo.repoName;
if (repo.path) {
repoDesc += '/' + repo.path;
console.log('Finding commits in ' + repoDesc + ' from tag ' + fromTag + ' to tag ' + toTag);
var output = yield executil.execHelper(cmd.concat(repoutil.getRepoIncludePath(repo)), true);
if (output) {
var newVersion;
if (toTag === 'master') {
delete require.cache[path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json')];
newVersion = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json')).version;
} else {
newVersion = toTag;
var final_notes = yield createNotes(repo, newVersion, output, argv['override-date']);
fs.writeFileSync(relNotesFile, final_notes, { encoding: 'utf8' });
return linkify.file(relNotesFile);
function backtick (text, token) {
return text.replace(new RegExp(' ' + token, 'gi'), ' `' + token + '`');
function bold (text, token) {
return text.replace(new RegExp(' ' + token, 'gi'), ' **' + token + '**');
var GITHUB_CLOSE_COMMIT_MSG = /^\*\s+Closes?\s+\#\d+$/gi; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var VIA_COHO_COMMIT_MSG = /\(via coho\)/gi;
function * createNotes (repo, newVersion, changes, overrideDate) {
// pump changes through JIRA linkifier first through a stream pipe
var transformer ='CB');
var read = new stream.Readable();
read._read = function () {};// noop
var write = new stream.Writable();
var data = '';
write._write = function (chunk, encoding, done) {
data += chunk.toString();
yield co_stream.wait(write); // wait for the writable stream to finish/end
// remove any commit logs in the form "Close #xxx", used for closing github pull requests.
var lines = data.split('\n');
data = lines.filter(function (line) {
return !(
// some more release note linting: enclose in backticks certain tokens
['plugin.xml', 'package.json', 'config.xml', 'README', 'InAppBrowser'].forEach(function (token) {
data = backtick(data, token);
flagutil.computeReposFromFlag('platforms').map(function (r) { return r.repoName; }).forEach(function (platform_name) {
data = backtick(data, platform_name);
// bold platform labels (with optional version numbers, too)
var version_labels = [];
repoutil.repoGroups.platforms.filter(function (p) {
// first only pull out the platform repos that we have explicitly labeled with nice version strings
return p.versions && p.versions.length;
}).forEach(function (p) {
// next, generate the labels for later tokenization
p.versions.forEach(function (v) {
version_labels.push(p.title + ' ' + v);
version_labels.forEach(function (label) {
data = bold(data, label);
}); (r) { return r.title; }).forEach(function (platform) {
data = bold(data, platform);
// then interpolate linkified changes into existing release notes and compose the final release notes string
var relNotesData;
// if being run in cordova directy, cd into repo
if (path.basename(process.cwd()) === 'cordova') {
relNotesData = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), repo, relNotesFile), { encoding: 'utf8' });
} else {
// being run in repo directory (Eg cordova/cordova-plugin-device)
relNotesData = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), relNotesFile), { encoding: 'utf8' });
var headerPos = relNotesData.indexOf('### ');
var date;
if (overrideDate) {
date = new Date(overrideDate).toDateString().split(' ');
} else {
date = new Date().toDateString().split(' ');
return relNotesData.substr(0, headerPos) + '### ' + newVersion + ' (' + date[1] + ' ' + date[2] + ', ' + date[3] + ')\n' + data + '\n\n' + relNotesData.substr(headerPos);
module.exports.createNotes = createNotes;
module.exports.FILE = relNotesFile;