blob: 7be21f047b24407693326c1a1fa5808ba6da73f6 [file] [log] [blame]
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var optimist = require('optimist');
var apputil = require('./apputil');
var executil = require('./executil');
var flagutil = require('./flagutil');
var gitutil = require('./gitutil');
var repoutil = require('./repoutil');
var repoupdate = require('./repo-update');
var print = apputil.print;
module.exports = function*(argv) {
var opt = flagutil.registerRepoFlag(optimist)
var opt = optimist
.options('b', {
alias: 'branch',
desc: 'The name of the branch to reset. Can be specified multiple times to specify multiple branches.',
default: 'master'
opt = flagutil.registerHelpFlag(opt);
var argv = opt
.usage('Resets repository branches to match their upstream state.\n' +
'Performs the following commands on each:\n' +
' git commit (commit any pending changes)\n' +
' git reset --hard origin/$BRANCH_NAME (revert un-pushed commits)\n' +
' if ($BRANCH_NAME exists only locally) then\n' +
' git branch -D $BRANCH_NAME\n' +
'\n' +
'Usage: $0 repo-reset -r auto -b master -b 2.9.x')
if (argv.h) {
if (argv.r == 'auto') {
apputil.fatal('"-r auto" is not allowed for repo-reset. Please enumerate repos explicitly');
var branches = Array.isArray(argv.b) ? argv.b : [argv.b];
var repos = flagutil.computeReposFromFlag(argv.r);
function *cleanRepo(repo) {
for (var i = 0; i < branches.length; ++i) {
var branchName = branches[i];
if (!(yield gitutil.localBranchExists(branchName))) {
// Commit local changes so that they can be restored if this was a mistake.
if (yield gitutil.pendingChangesExist()) {
print('Committing changes just in case resetting was a mistake.');
yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git add --all .'));
yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git commit -m', 'Automatically committed by coho repo-reset'));
if (yield gitutil.remoteBranchExists(repo, branchName)) {
yield gitutil.gitCheckout(branchName);
var changes = yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git log --oneline ' + repo.remoteName + '/' + branchName + '..' + branchName));
if (changes) {
print(repo.repoName + ' on branch ' + branchName + ': Local commits exist. Resetting.');
yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git reset --hard ' + repo.remoteName + '/' + branchName));
} else {
print(repo.repoName + ' on branch ' + branchName + ': No local commits to reset.');
} else {
if ((yield gitutil.retrieveCurrentBranchName()) == branchName) {
yield gitutil.gitCheckout('master');
print(repo.repoName + ' deleting local-only branch ' + branchName + '.');
yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git log --oneline -3 ' + branchName));
yield executil.execHelper(executil.ARGS('git branch -D ' + branchName));
yield repoutil.forEachRepo(repos, function*(repo) {
// Determine remote name.
yield repoupdate.updateRepos([repo], [], true);
var branchName = yield gitutil.retrieveCurrentBranchName();
if (branches.indexOf(branchName) == -1) {
yield gitutil.stashAndPop(repo, function*() {
yield cleanRepo(repo);
} else {
yield cleanRepo(repo);