Release Process for ‘‘Core Plugins’’

Before cutting any releases, read the Apache's Releases Policy

If you have not done so already, create a GPG key (see:

Core Plugins are released at most weekly (see:

A plugins release is performed by a single person each week. We call this person the “Release Manager”. How to select the Release Manager is still TDB.

TODO: We may want to be using signed tags, or at least annotated tags.

TODO: Add step about ensuring plugman owner

TODO: Add step about releasing cordova-plugins

TODO: Should not mention testing other than checking medic

Get Buy-in

  1. Email the dev mailing-list and see if anyone has reason to postpone the release.
  • Subject should be "[DISCUSS] Plugins release
  • If so, agree upon a branching date / time.

Create JIRA issues

  • Create a JIRA issue to track the status of the release.

  • Comments should be added to this bug after each top-level step below is taken

  • Set an environment variable in your terminal for use later on:

    JIRA=“CB-????” # Set this to the release bug.

Make sure you're up-to-date

# Update your repos
coho repo-status -r plugins -b master
coho repo-update -r plugins
coho repo-clone -r plugins
coho foreach -r plugins "git checkout master"

Identify which plugins have changes

ACTIVE=$(for l in cordova-plugin-*; do ( cd $l; last_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD); git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $last_release..master | grep -v "Incremented plugin version" > /dev/null && echo $l); done | xargs echo)
echo $ACTIVE

If you don't want to release all plugins, but you have specific plugins you want to release, you need to set ACTIVE equal to them.

ACTIVE="cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-contacts cordova-plugin-device-motion"
echo $ACTIVE

Ensure license headers are present everywhere:

coho audit-license-headers -r plugins | less
# Tip: Skim by searching for "Unknown Licenses"

For reference, see this background

Ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses

coho check-license -r plugins

Update & Version

Remove the ‘‘-dev’’ suffix on the version in plugin.xml.

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v2="${v%-dev}"; if [ "$v" != "$v2" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in plugin.xml to $v2"; sed -i '' -E s:"version=\"$v\":version=\"$v2\":" plugin.xml; fi) ; done

Remove the ‘‘-dev’’ suffix on the version in package.json.

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v = *-dev ]]; then v2="${v%-dev}"; echo "$l: Setting version in package.json to $v2"; sed -i '' -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi) ; done

If the changes merit it, manually bump the major / minor version instead of the micro. Manual process, but list the changes via:

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; echo $l; last_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD); git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $last_release..master | grep -v "Incremented plugin version" ); done

For each of the plugins that have a test project inside it, update the version number there (cordova-plugin-*/tests/plugin.xml) to match the version of the plugin itself (cordova-plugin-*/plugin.xml).

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; vt="$(grep version= tests/plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version to $v"; sed -i '' -E s:"version=\"$vt\":version=\"$v\":" tests/plugin.xml; fi); done

Update its file with changes. Assumes coho exists at cordova-coho/coho

for l in $ACTIVE; do (./cordova-coho/coho update-release-notes -r $l); done
# Then curate:
vim ${ACTIVE// // }/

Add a comment to the JIRA issue with the output from (we'll use this later for the blog post): CURRENTLY NOT WORKING

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; id="$(grep id= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | grep -v engine | grep -v param | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; echo $id@$v; awk "{ if (p) print } /$DATE/ { p = 1 } " <; echo); done

Commit these changes together (plugin.xml,, tests/plugin.xml)

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; git commit -am "$JIRA Updated version and for release $v"); done

Reply to the DISCUSS thread with a link to the updated release notes.


for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; echo "Tagging $l to $v"; git tag "$v" ); done


  • Create mobilespec and sanity check all plugins on at least one platform (preferably, a released version of the platform and not master)
  • Run through mobilespec, ensuring to do manual tests that relate to changes in the

Create Release Branch

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; b=`expr $v : '^\(....\)'`; x="x"; b=$b$x; git branch $b; echo "Creating branch $b for $l"); done

If a branch already exists, you will have to manually checkout the branch, merge master and then checkout master.

Update version to add back -dev suffix

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v_no_dev="${v%-dev}"; if [ "$v" = "$v_no_dev" ]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "$l: Setting version in plugin.xml to $v2"; sed -i '' -E s:"version=\"$v\":version=\"$v2\":" plugin.xml; fi) ; done
# update package.json
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v != *-dev ]]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "$l: Setting version in package.json to $v2"; sed -i '' -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi); done
# update the nested test
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; vt="$(grep version= tests/plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version to $v"; sed -i '' -E s:"version=\"$vt\":version=\"$v\":" tests/plugin.xml; fi); done
for l in $ACTIVE; do (cd $l; git commit -am "$JIRA Incremented plugin version." ); done

Push tags, branches and changes

# Sanity check:
coho repo-status -r plugins
coho foreach -r plugins "git status -s"
# Push: (assumes "origin" is apache remote)
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0); echo $l; set -x; git push origin master && git push origin refs/tags/$tag); done
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; b=`expr $v : '^\(....\)'`; x="x"; b=$b$x; git push origin $b;); done
# Check that it was all successful:
coho repo-update -r plugins
coho repo-status -r plugins

Publish to dist/dev

Ensure you have the svn repos checked out:

coho repo-clone -r dist -r dist/dev

Create archives from your tags:

coho create-archive -r ${ACTIVE// / -r } --dest cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA

Sanity Check:

# Manually double check version numbers are correct on the file names
# Then run:
coho verify-archive cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/*.tgz


(cd cordova-dist-dev && svn up && svn add $JIRA && svn commit -m "$JIRA Uploading release candidates for plugins release")

Prepare Blog Post

  • Combine highlights from into a Release Announcement blog post
  • Get blog post proof-read.

To extract changes from

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; id="$(grep id= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | grep -v engine | grep -v param | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v="$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"; echo $id@${v:1}; awk "{ if (p) print } /$DATE/ { p = 1 } " <; echo); done

Start VOTE Thread

Send an email to dev ML with:


[VOTE] Plugins Release


Please review and vote on the release of this plugins release
by replying to this email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)

Release issue:

The plugins have been published to dist/dev:

The packages were published from their corresponding git tags:
PASTE OUTPUT OF: coho print-tags -r ${ACTIVE// / -r }

Upon a successful vote I will upload the archives to dist/, upload them to npm, and post the corresponding blog post.

Voting guidelines:

Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.

I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
* Ran coho check-license to ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses
* Ensured continuous build was green when repos were tagged

Email the result of the vote

Respond to the vote thread with:


[RESULT][VOTE] Plugins Release


The vote has now closed. The results are:

Positive Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that +1'ed)

.. names of all +1 PMC members ..

Negative Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that -1'ed)

.. names of all -1 PMC members ..

Other Votes:

.. list any non-binding votes, from non-PMC members ..

The vote has passed.

Note: list of PMC members:

If the Vote does not Pass

  • Revert adding of -dev on master branch
  • Address the concerns (on master branch)
  • Re-tag release using git tag -f
  • Add back -dev
  • Start a new vote

Publish to dist/

If you've lost your list of ACTIVE:

ACTIVE=$(cd cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA; ls *.tgz | sed -E 's:-[^-]*$::')


cd cordova-dist
svn up
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( svn rm plugins/$l* ); done
cp ../cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/* plugins/
svn add plugins/*
svn commit -m "$JIRA Published plugins release to dist"

cd ../cordova-dist-dev
svn up
svn rm $JIRA
svn commit -m "$JIRA Removing release candidates from dist/dev"
cd ..

Find your release here:

Tell Apache about Release

TODO: Please someone write a coho helper for doing this POST request!

  1. Go to:
  2. Use version “cordova-plugin-$FOO@x.x.x

Publish to npm

cd cordova-dist/plugins
for l in $ACTIVE; do (
    npm publish $l-*.tgz
) done;

Add new apache release tags

Make a copy of your released tag with a prefix of rel\YOURTAG. These are permanent release tags for Apache.

for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0); git checkout $tag; git tag 'rel/'$tag; git push origin refs/tags/'rel/'$tag; git checkout master); done

Post blog Post

Add blog post markdown file like www/_posts/

Send PR to

See full instructions in the cordova-docs README

Run a production build with no docs

node_modules/.bin/gulp build --prod --nodocs

Output is located in build-prod

cd cordova-website
svn update

Files and directories to update in cordova-website svn

cp -r ../cordova-docs/build-prod/announcements/2016/* public/announcements/2016/
cp ../cordova-docs/build-prod/blog/index.html public/blog/index.html
cp ../cordova-docs/build-prod/feed.xml public/feed.xml
cp -r ../cordova-docs/build-prod/news/2016/* public/news/2016/

Add link for new post to public/sitemap.xml /news/2016/03/12/plugin-release.html

Add a new date to public/static/js/index.js like dates.push('Sat, 12 Mar 2016 00:00:00 +0300');

svn status
svn update
# commit the new and modified files
svn commit -m "Add blog post for plugin release $JIRA"

Do other announcements

Do the same things regarding announcements as described in cadence-release-process, where they make sense.

Send email to dev list with a subject [ANNOUNCE] Plugin Release and include blog post and tweet links


[ANNOUNCE] Plugin Release



Close JIRA Issue

  • Double check that the issue has comments that record the steps you took
  • Mark it as fixed


  • Update these instructions if they were missing anything.