Release Process for ‘‘Cordova-App-Hello-World’’

Before cutting any releases, read the Apache's Releases Policy

This page describes the technical steps for releasing the Hello-world-app (see:

Get Buy-in

Email the dev mailing-list at and see if anyone has reason to postpone the release.


Subject: [DISCUSS] Cordova App Hello World Release

Does anyone have any reason to delay a cordova-app-hello-world release?
Any outstanding patches to land?

If not, I will start the release tomorrow.

Creating JIRA issues

Update Release Notes & Version

Increment the version within package.json using SemVer, and remove the -dev suffix.

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v = *-dev ]]; then v2="${v%-dev}"; echo "cordova-app-hello-world: Setting version to $v2"; sed -i '' -E 's/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi)

If the changes merit it, manually bump the major / minor version instead of the micro. List the changes via:

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..master)

Update Release notes (Grab changes from the previous release until now):

coho update-release-notes -r app-hello-world

# Then curate:
vim cordova-app-hello-world/ 

Commit these changes

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; git commit -am "$JIRA Updated version and for release $v")
(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git push origin master)

Reply to the DISCUSS thread with a link to the updated release notes.


Link repos:

(cd cordova-app-hello-world && npm link)
(cd cordova-lib/cordova-lib/node_modules && npm link cordova-app-hello-world)
(cd cordova-lib/cordova-lib && npm link)

Ensure License headers are present everywhere.

coho audit-license-headers -r app-hello-world | less

Ensure building a cordova app from scratch uses the new template. Manually check files in generated www.

cordova create helloWorld

Add a comment to the JIRA issue stating what you tested, and what the results were.


# Review commits:
(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git log -p origin/master..master)
# Tag
(cd cordova-app-hello-world; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; git tag $v )

Create Release Branches

Note: if you are only bumping the patch version (3rd number), use existing branch.

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git branch 3.8.x)

Re-introduce -dev suffix to versions on master

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; v="$(grep '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v != *-dev ]]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "cordova-app-hello-world: Setting version to $v2"; sed -i '' -E 's/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi)
(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git commit -am "$JIRA Incremented package version to -dev"; git show)


(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git push && git push --tags)

If the push fails due to not being fully up-to-date, either:

  1. Pull in new changes via git pull --rebase, and include them in the release notes / re-tag
  2. Pull in new changes via git pull, and do not include them in the release.

If you created new release branches, push them as well

(cd cordova-app-hello-world; git push origin 3.8.x)

Publish to dist/dev

Ensure you have the svn repos checked out:

coho repo-clone -r dist -r dist/dev

Create archives from your tags:

coho create-archive -r app-hello-world --dest cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA

Sanity Check:

coho verify-archive cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/*.tgz


(cd cordova-dist-dev && svn add $JIRA && svn commit -m "$JIRA Uploading release candidate for cordova-app-hello-world")

Find your release here:

Start VOTE Thread

Send an email to dev mailing list with:


[Vote] 3.8.0 Cordova App Hello World Release


Please review and vote on this 3.8.0 Cordova App Hello World Release
by replying to this email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)

Release issue:

Repos ready to be released have been published to dist/dev:

The package was published from its corresponding git tag:
PASTE OUTPUT OF: coho print-tags -r app-hello-world

Upon a successful vote I will upload the archive to dist/ and publish it to NPM.

Voting guidelines:

Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.

I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
* Ran coho check-license to ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses
* Built a hello world app using the CLI

Email the result of the vote

Respond to the vote thread with:

The vote has now closed. The results are:

Positive Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that +1'ed)

.. names of all +1 PMC members ..

Negative Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that -1'ed)

.. names of all -1 PMC members ..

The vote has passed.

If there were any votes from non-pmc, include them in an additional Non-Binding section.

Positive Non-Binding Votes: (# that +1'ed)

.. names of all +1 non-PMC members ..

Negative Non-Binding Votes: (# that -1'ed)

.. names of all -1 non-PMC members ..

Note: list of PMC members:

If the Vote does not Pass

  • Revert adding of -dev
  • Address the concerns
  • Re-tag release using git tag -f
  • Add back -dev
  • Start a new vote

Otherwise: Publish to dist/ & npm

cd cordova-dist
svn up
svn rm templates/cordova-app-hello-world*
cp ../cordova-dist-dev/$JIRA/cordova-app-hello-world* templates/
svn add templates/cordova-app-hello-world*
svn commit -m "$JIRA Published cordova-app-hello-world release to dist"
npm publish templates/cordova-app-hello-world.3.8.0.tgz

cd ../cordova-dist-dev
svn up
svn rm $JIRA
svn commit -m "$JIRA Removing release candidates from dist/dev"
cd ..

Find your release here:

Important follow up steps

Tell Apache about Release

  1. Go to:
  2. Use version “cordova-app-hello-world@x.x.x

Update cordova-app-hello-world version that cordova-lib depends on

v="$(grep '"version"' cordova-app-hello-world/package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"
sed -i '' -E 's/"cordova-app-hello-world":.*/"cordova-app-hello-world": "'$v'",/' cordova-lib/cordova-lib/package.json

Update hello world template each platform ships with. This is so users can create projects without the CLI.

(cp -fr cordova-app-hello-world/www/* cordova-android/bin/templates/project/assets/www/)
(cd cordova-android && git commit -am "$JIRA updated hello-world template")

(cp -fr cordova-app-hello-world/www/* cordova-ios/bin/templates/project/www/)
(cd cordova-ios && git commit -am "$JIRA updated hello-world template")

(cp -fr cordova-app-hello-world/www/* cordova-android/template/www/)
(cd cordova-android && git commit -am "$JIRA updated hello-world template")

TODO: Need to add other platforms path to templates here

Email a release announcement to the mailing list

Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cordova App Hello World Release

Cordova-app-hello-world@VERSION has been released!

Do other announcements

Do the same things regarding announcements as described in cadence-release-process, where they make sense.

Close JIRA Issue

  • Double check that the issue includes comments that record the steps you took
  • Mark it as fixed


  • Update these instructions if they were missing anything.