Cordova Plugin Upgrade Guide

This document is for developers who need to upgrade their Cordova plugins to a newer Cordova version. Starting with Cordova 1.5.0, some classes have been renamed, which will require the plugin to be upgraded. Make sure your project itself has been upgraded using the Cordova iOS Upgrading Guide document.

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.6.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.6.0
  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.5.0” section, if necessary
  3. The registerPlugin method of the commandDelegate property of plugin, which was deprecated, has been removed. Use the registerPlugin method directly from the viewController property of the plugin.

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.5.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.5.0

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.4.0” section, if necessary

  3. All plugins are able to be loaded at startup now, through the “onload” attribute of the <plugin> element, for example:

     <plugin name="MyPlugin" value="MyPluginClass" onload="true" />

    All plugins should be able to be run at startup successfully even if they are not designed to (since config.xml allows it), and a plugin's startup should not take too much time to load in its initWithWebView and pluginInitialize functions since the loading of plugins at startup is a synchronous process. Loading of numerous plugins at startup (especially if they cumulatively take too long) might affect your startup time detrimentally.

  4. Note the changes in the CDVPlugin class in the section below

Changes in the CDVPlugin class


- (CDVPlugin*)initWithWebView:(UIWebView*)theWebView settings:(NSDictionary*)classSettings;


- (void)pluginInitialize;

Thus, a plugin will be initialized in a two-step process:

- (CDVPlugin*)initWithWebView:(UIWebView*)theWebView;
- (void)pluginInitialize;


A plugin can listen for the “CDVPageDidLoadNotification” NSNotification, which is sent whenever a new web-page has finished loading in the CordovaWebView. The “CDVPageDidLoadNotification”" NSNotification is passed the CordovaWebView, which is set as the object property of the NSNotification.


The “CDVPluginResetNotification”" NSNotification is now passed the CordovaWebView, which is set as the object property of the NSNotification. A plugin can receive this notification when it overrides the CDVPlugin onReset selector:

- (void) onReset:(NSNotification*)notification;


The plugin‘s commandDelegate property has a new settings property that represents the application’s settings (preferences from the config.xml file). e.g.

NSString* mySetting = self.commandDelegate.settings[@"MySetting"];

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.4.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.4.0
  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.3.0” section, if necessary

JSONKit usage has been removed, and replaced by AppKit‘s NSJSONSerialization. If you are using CordovaLib’s JSONKit, either use your own JSONKit or use NSJSONSerialization instead.

Because of NSJSONSerialization use in Cordova 2.4.0, all the objects in a CDVInvokedUrlCommand.arguments NSArray are immutable. Here is a mutable example: e.g.

 // command is a CDVInvokedUrlCommand object. Here we create a mutable copy of the object
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [[command.arguments objectAtIndex:0] mutableCopy];

// do things with the dict object, then at the end release it if non-ARC
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
    // do nothing for ARC
	 // release it if non-ARC
	 [dict release];

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.3.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.3.0

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.2.0” section, if necessary

  3. Network connections by plugins are no longer checked by the whitelist. To use the whitelist for your plugin network connections, you have to set the “User-Agent” header of your connection to the user-agent of the viewController.

     CDVViewController* vc = ((CDVViewController*)self.viewController);
     NSString* userAgent = vc.userAgent;
     // then set the User-Agent header of your network connection...
  4. After that, you can query the whitelist to see if your URL will pass it:

     CDVViewController* vc = ((CDVViewController*)self.viewController);
     BOOL passesWhitelist = [vc URLisAllowed:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.2.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.2.0

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.1.0” section, if necessary

  3. You don't need to create and write the javascript anymore. At the end of your plugin method, just send the CDVPluginResult and callbackId to your commandDelegate:

     [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.1.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.1.0

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.0.0” section, if necessary

  3. Change in the method signature of the CordovaLib's JSONKit method categories, they are prefixed with “cdvjk_” now:


     [myDict cdvjk_JSONString];

    instead of:

     [myDict JSONString];
  4. Support a new plugin method signature (old signature is deprecated):

    The new signature is:

     - (void) myMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

    The old (deprecated) signature is:

     - (void) myMethod:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options;

    Basically, the options dictionary has been removed for the new signature, and the callbackId is not the 0th index item for the arguments array, but it is now in a separate property. View CDVInvokedUrlCommand.h

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 2.0.0

  1. Install Cordova 2.0.0

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.9.0” section, if necessary

  3. No changes in plugin structure from 1.9.x

  4. Change in import header use: in 2.0.0, Cordova projects use the CordovaLib project as a subproject, it now uses the CORDOVA_FRAMEWORK styled import like this:

     #import <Cordova/CDV.h>

    instead of like this:

     #import "CDV.h"

    So now in 2.0.0, Cordova import headers are unified.

NOTE: The deprecated for 2.0.0 CDVPlugin methods verifyArguments and appViewController have been removed.

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.9.0

  1. Install Cordova 1.9.0
  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.8.0” section, if necessary
  3. No changes in plugin structure from 1.8.x

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.8.0

  1. Install Cordova 1.8.0
  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.7.0” section, if necessary
  3. No changes in plugin structure from 1.7.x

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.7.0

  1. Install Cordova 1.7.0
  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.6.0” section, if necessary
  3. No changes in plugin structure from 1.6.x

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.6.x

  1. Install Cordova 1.6.x

  2. Follow the “Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.5.0” section, if necessary

  3. See the 1.6.0 Plugin Notes section for new functionality available to plugins

  4. The global “Cordova” (upper-case C) was renamed to “cordova” (lower-case c) to match the cordova-js Android implementation in 1.5.0 that is now common to Android, BlackBerry and iOS. Please rename your calls to reflect the new lower-case c, or you can add a shim (which will support older versions) like so:

    a. Wrap your plugin JavaScript in a temporary scope (self-executing function) - see “Temporary Scope” or this

    b. Inside your temporary scope, set a local var to the global PhoneGap/Cordova/cordova object, for the exec function

         var cordovaRef = window.PhoneGap || window.Cordova || window.cordova; // old to new fallbacks

    c. Replace any PhoneGap or Cordova or cordova in your plugin JavaScript (within the temporary scope), with cordovaRef above

Upgrading older Cordova plugins to 1.5.0

  1. Install Cordova 1.5.0
  2. Replace macro occurrences of “PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK” with “CORDOVA_FRAMEWORK”
  3. Replace import occurrences of “<PhoneGap/” with “<Cordova/”
  4. Replace class prefixes of PG with CDV (for example PGPlugin becomes CDVPlugin)
  5. Replace occurrences of [self appViewController] with self.viewController.
  6. See the 1.5.0 Plugin Notes section for new functionality available to plugins

1.6.0 Plugin Notes

  1. There is a new CDVCommandDelegate protocol method available:

     - (void) registerPlugin:(CDVPlugin*)plugin withClassName:(NSString*)className;

    You use this in your plugin to initialize another plugin that your plugin needs to be available and running (dependency), and all plugins can access the registered plugin from the getCommandInstance method of the CDVCommandDelegate. This is a substitute for listing a plugin your plugin depends on, in Cordova.plist/Plugins.

  2. There is a new IsAtLeastiOSVersion macro available in CDVAvailability.h:

     // Returns YES if it is at least version specified as NSString(X)
     if (IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"5.1")) {
         // do something for iOS 5.1 or greater
  3. There are Compatibility headers available for versions 0.9.6 and 1.5.0, in ~/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/compatibility (where ~ signifies your Home folder). See the “README.txt” in that folder for instructions.

    Note that including these headers are all or nothing - you can't have a mix and match of plugin versions, if you include the 0.9.6 compatibility header - all your plugins must be of the same “version”. It is highly recommended that you upgrade your plugins to the current version instead of using these stop-gap headers.

    The 1.5.0 header shouldn't be used - this is included for the LocalStorage patch and is for using core plugins as general plugins that easily support multiple versions, and may be removed in the future.

1.5.0 Plugin Notes

  1. The UIViewController returned from the viewController property will be a CDVViewController subclass.
  2. The appDelegate method basically returns an (id) now, and is the same as calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]. In the past it returned a PhoneGapDelegate class.
  3. There is a new commandDelegate property now, which gives access to the CDVCommandDelegate protocol used by the app
  4. There is a new header file CDVAvailability.h that defines Cordova versions during compile time - to check for the current version during run-time, call [CDVViewController cordovaVersion]