blob: 0548054171da6032f3423a2da578d48710221093 [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = {
/* The local file header */
LOCHDR : 30, // LOC header size
LOCSIG : 0x04034b50, // "PK\003\004"
LOCVER : 4, // version needed to extract
LOCFLG : 6, // general purpose bit flag
LOCHOW : 8, // compression method
LOCTIM : 10, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date)
LOCCRC : 14, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
LOCSIZ : 18, // compressed size
LOCLEN : 22, // uncompressed size
LOCNAM : 26, // filename length
LOCEXT : 28, // extra field length
/* The Data descriptor */
EXTSIG : 0x08074b50, // "PK\007\008"
EXTHDR : 16, // EXT header size
EXTCRC : 4, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
EXTSIZ : 8, // compressed size
EXTLEN : 12, // uncompressed size
/* The central directory file header */
CENHDR : 46, // CEN header size
CENSIG : 0x02014b50, // "PK\001\002"
CENVEM : 4, // version made by
CENVER : 6, // version needed to extract
CENFLG : 8, // encrypt, decrypt flags
CENHOW : 10, // compression method
CENTIM : 12, // modification time (2 bytes time, 2 bytes date)
CENCRC : 16, // uncompressed file crc-32 value
CENSIZ : 20, // compressed size
CENLEN : 24, // uncompressed size
CENNAM : 28, // filename length
CENEXT : 30, // extra field length
CENCOM : 32, // file comment length
CENDSK : 34, // volume number start
CENATT : 36, // internal file attributes
CENATX : 38, // external file attributes (host system dependent)
CENOFF : 42, // LOC header offset
/* The entries in the end of central directory */
ENDHDR : 22, // END header size
ENDSIG : 0x06054b50, // "PK\005\006"
ENDSUB : 8, // number of entries on this disk
ENDTOT : 10, // total number of entries
ENDSIZ : 12, // central directory size in bytes
ENDOFF : 16, // offset of first CEN header
ENDCOM : 20, // zip file comment length
/* Compression methods */
STORED : 0, // no compression
SHRUNK : 1, // shrunk
REDUCED1 : 2, // reduced with compression factor 1
REDUCED2 : 3, // reduced with compression factor 2
REDUCED3 : 4, // reduced with compression factor 3
REDUCED4 : 5, // reduced with compression factor 4
IMPLODED : 6, // imploded
// 7 reserved
DEFLATED : 8, // deflated
ENHANCED_DEFLATED: 9, // enhanced deflated
PKWARE : 10,// PKWare DCL imploded
// 11 reserved
BZIP2 : 12, // compressed using BZIP2
// 13 reserved
LZMA : 14, // LZMA
// 15-17 reserved
IBM_TERSE : 18, // compressed using IBM TERSE
IBM_LZ77 : 19, //IBM LZ77 z
/* General purpose bit flag */
FLG_ENC : 0, // encripted file
FLG_COMP1 : 1, // compression option
FLG_COMP2 : 2, // compression option
FLG_DESC : 4, // data descriptor
FLG_ENH : 8, // enhanced deflation
FLG_STR : 16, // strong encryption
FLG_LNG : 1024, // language encoding
FLG_MSK : 4096, // mask header values
/* Load type */
FILE : 0,
NONE : 2