blob: e04410e86a23e65b527113a23a210b714be4df6f [file] [log] [blame]
* transport.js: Base Transport object for all Winston transports.
* (C) 2010 Charlie Robbins
var events = require('events'),
util = require('util');
// ### function Transport (options)
// #### @options {Object} Options for this instance.
// Constructor function for the Tranport object responsible
// base functionality for all winston transports.
var Transport = exports.Transport = function (options) {;
options = options || {};
this.level = options.level || 'info';
this.silent = options.silent || false;
this.raw = options.raw || false;
this.handleExceptions = options.handleExceptions || false;
// Inherit from `events.EventEmitter`.
util.inherits(Transport, events.EventEmitter);
// ### function formatQuery (query)
// #### @query {string|Object} Query to format
// Formats the specified `query` Object (or string) to conform
// with the underlying implementation of this transport.
Transport.prototype.formatQuery = function (query) {
return query;
// ### function normalizeQuery (query)
// #### @options {string|Object} Query to normalize
// Normalize options for query
Transport.prototype.normalizeQuery = function (options) {
// Use options similar to loggly.
// [See Loggly Search API](
options = options || {};
// limit
options.rows = options.rows || options.limit || 10;
// starting row offset
options.start = options.start || 0;
// now - 24
options.from = options.from || new Date - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
if (typeof options.from !== 'object') {
options.from = new Date(options.from);
// now
options.until = options.until || new Date;
if (typeof options.until !== 'object') {
options.until = new Date(options.until);
// 'asc' or 'desc'
options.order = options.order || 'desc';
// which fields to select
options.fields = options.fields;
return options;
// ### function formatResults (results, options)
// #### @results {Object|Array} Results returned from `.query`.
// #### @options {Object} **Optional** Formatting options
// Formats the specified `results` with the given `options` accordinging
// to the implementation of this transport.
Transport.prototype.formatResults = function (results, options) {
return results;
// ### function logException (msg, meta, callback)
// #### @msg {string} Message to log
// #### @meta {Object} **Optional** Additional metadata to attach
// #### @callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete.
// Logs the specified `msg`, `meta` and responds to the callback once the log
// operation is complete to ensure that the event loop will not exit before
// all logging has completed.
Transport.prototype.logException = function (msg, meta, callback) {
var self = this;
function onLogged () {
self.removeListener('error', onError);
function onError () {
self.removeListener('logged', onLogged);
this.once('logged', onLogged);
this.once('error', onError);
this.log('error', msg, meta, function () { });